Topic: What's your motto/saying in life?
1j9b6c5's photo
Sat 06/14/14 04:08 PM

Bad boys are the best boys when they are in love....
Aww shucks.blushing
Oh, you didn't mean me?grumble

petemcl's photo
Sat 06/14/14 05:22 PM
be good, if you can't be good then be lucky

smartwithsparks's photo
Sun 06/15/14 04:32 PM
Its not The Breaths You Take
But The Moments That Take Your Breath Away:heart:

1j9b6c5's photo
Sun 06/15/14 05:17 PM
Hey the post that was deleted was a legitimate "motto". I've heard it in real life. Perhaps not in the spirit it was posted here but...

no photo
Mon 06/16/14 01:46 AM
If you can't beat um, join um! :tongue:

no photo
Mon 06/16/14 01:49 AM
"All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in a rain... Time to die."

no photo
Mon 06/16/14 09:12 AM
Play fair with those who play fair with you.......

Green_fFire1's photo
Mon 06/16/14 11:34 AM
Edited by Green_fFire1 on Mon 06/16/14 11:33 AM
smitten dream as if you'll live forever....
Live as if you'll die today. :heart:

smartwithsparks's photo
Mon 06/16/14 06:24 PM
When Im Done...

Im Done With It...

no photo
Mon 06/16/14 07:13 PM
Keep your head in the clouds and your feet on the ground. Or is that keep your feet in the clouds and your head on the ground?

mikeyspace4691's photo
Mon 06/16/14 07:50 PM

Go through life like a dog. If you can't eat it Or have sex with it, piss on it.

Words to live by..

machug's photo
Mon 06/16/14 08:03 PM

Bad boys are the best boys when they are in love....

((((LEIGH)))) !!!! :heart:

no photo
Mon 06/16/14 09:49 PM
Kindness whenever possible

mikeyspace4691's photo
Tue 06/17/14 01:59 AM
Wimmins need lots of spankins.

irisheyes79's photo
Tue 06/17/14 11:33 AM
you have been weighed measured n have been found wanting

ShadowHawke's photo
Tue 06/17/14 11:38 AM

**** happens!!!!!!!!!!!!! slaphead

Geno185's photo
Tue 06/17/14 05:12 PM
Yeah I agree my motto is 2 wrongs dont make it right but it evenpitchfork

zzzippy56's photo
Tue 06/17/14 05:30 PM
Live life with passion...and don't look back...

petemcl's photo
Tue 06/17/14 11:51 PM
it's easier to raise a good child,
than to repair a broken man;
and neither are easy.

zzzippy56's photo
Tue 06/17/14 11:58 PM
Life begins at 170 miles per hour