Topic: Illusions | |
Awake sleepy in between dreaming ;ur body is here ur soul is flying away over and over but next day u can't remember where u been !.
u feel the joy u feel the sadness u feel the mix and the dream still away ..can't touch ,and day by day all u want is to sleep again and again for ur dreams. under the shower.. u fly again !each drop of water remind u a story; u breath in deep to think .. "If u good in Lego u become good architect and if u good in words play in words u r a poet ".ur friend ur talkative friend who is master of words game creates page after page rearrange the words and fool them fool ur friends of fantastic illusions and images drawn by words only. Extract ur joy find a source and go afterward it . don't break u .u can't be broken ;u r taugh enough to laugh at the end .and the mess will end and u who only can do. Last end night of fight u r in me ,we pleassed to go in deep for love for heaven on the earth that their big lie for u if u still believe in them u will regret. follow me I am ur master follow me girl my sweet lovely girl ,I can tell u a **** and tell u go to hell but the mercy of me I am ur master can't be faded cuz am here for ur days ,for u to come over me and for u to come back to . now my whisper telling u come back to me my little girl I am ur master I am ur god ; believe on me believe on u .safe u will be. |