Topic: you are more than who you think you are | |
You are unique, and the world is watching You!
You are much more than who you think you are! You are much more than what your cerebrum, thalamus, hypothalamus, mid-brain, cerebellum, pons-varolii and medulla oblongata tell you. There are processes that will never be complete without you. Go achieve what is unachievable in your world, and take the reins of distinctive excellence in your strides. Let your camaraderie and happiness be shared; let your conviviality inspire someone to aspire, not to expire! You must not just exist in this life; you must stay awake, alive and really live to be distinguished and celebrated. Build integrity and trust. Extricate those in darkness and be a real friend to those in the darkest nights. Go be a kindly friend; pour love and sunshine on their cares, and their broken lives you may mend. Lend a helping hand. Be a pillar of support. Speak the language of kindness. Let the blind see you and let the deaf hear you! Transform lives and make good impact. Make life worth-living and make the world a better place for you and me. Set at large the champion within you, because society and commonalty need your inspiration to make their mark, and climb the ladder of success and glory. We are watching you! Stay Smart, Wealthy and Wise! |
Just a friendly suggestion.
Maybe let the ink dry on your thread before starting another. |
thanks alot sir God bless you
That was nice :)
Very positive, and God bless you as well.
Thanks alot sir and God bless you too