Topic: Bizarre comments said in the 'bedroom' | |
I meant to say something like- "You look absolutely magical in the moonlight" or some such nonsense. Without my glasses, they all look good. ![]() ![]() ![]() quite translate. Hilarious! 'Foot in mouth disease' My almost first threesome back in the 90s after the bar and one buddy went with the one and my best friends old brother that was about 10 years older than us and myself started to get with the other one. The lights were off and we were each on one breast,then Mike says "this is perfect" as I agreed,then he follows up with:"except there's only one problem here! You've got sagy breasts. ![]() ![]() flicked on the light and put a robe on. I was completely naked in the bright light sitting next to Mike on the bed as she was yelling get out..out. Mike still had his jeans & jacket on. All a could say was "you A-hole! What ya say that for. she told us told us earlier that her husband left her for a younger woman. No wonder his wife just left him. ![]() |
Strange,Bizarre or funny comments said before,jurying or after sex by you or to you. I'll start: Once said to me after I asked if she likes my thingy. Reply: "0f cource if it wasn't any good you wouldn't have brought it. ![]() perhaps she was referring to the strap on I have never had anyone say anything funny or strange during sex, but then I have a wide range of "normal." lol ![]() ![]() |
I meant to say something like- "You look absolutely magical in the moonlight" or some such nonsense. Without my glasses, they all look good. ![]() ![]() ![]() quite translate. Hilarious! 'Foot in mouth disease' My almost first threesome back in the 90s after the bar and one buddy went with the one and my best friends old brother that was about 10 years older than us and myself started to get with the other one. The lights were off and we were each on one breast,then Mike says "this is perfect" as I agreed,then he follows up with:"except there's only one problem here! You've got sagy breasts. ![]() ![]() flicked on the light and put a robe on. I was completely naked in the bright light sitting next to Mike on the bed as she was yelling get out..out. Mike still had his jeans & jacket on. All a could say was "you A-hole! What ya say that for. she told us told us earlier that her husband left her for a younger woman. No wonder his wife just left him. ![]() [/quote Did I tell you the time (I'll try to make it PG-13), I picked up a girl at a bar, we are messing her place. I am feeling up her ta-tas and accidently say WTF, the doctor must have stuck hard rubber balls in these. Then I move South and her "lips" are really big and I suddenly get paranoid- I am trying to double check her Adam's apple. When she's done, she wants the whole she-bang, but by now I am sweaty, thinking what am I doing. She is playing with my thingy and I just get dressed and tell her I am too tired. That is when she starts slapping the crap out me. When I get to the car, the rearview mirror shows me I am bleeding from several facial scratches |
I meant to say something like- "You look absolutely magical in the moonlight" or some such nonsense. Without my glasses, they all look good. ![]() ![]() ![]() quite translate. Hilarious! 'Foot in mouth disease' My almost first threesome back in the 90s after the bar and one buddy went with the one and my best friends old brother that was about 10 years older than us and myself started to get with the other one. The lights were off and we were each on one breast,then Mike says "this is perfect" as I agreed,then he follows up with:"except there's only one problem here! You've got sagy breasts. ![]() ![]() flicked on the light and put a robe on. I was completely naked in the bright light sitting next to Mike on the bed as she was yelling get out..out. Mike still had his jeans & jacket on. All a could say was "you A-hole! What ya say that for. she told us told us earlier that her husband left her for a younger woman. No wonder his wife just left him. ![]() [/quote Did I tell you the time (I'll try to make it PG-13), I picked up a girl at a bar, we are messing her place. I am feeling up her ta-tas and accidently say WTF, the doctor must have stuck hard rubber balls in these. Then I move South and her "lips" are really big and I suddenly get paranoid- I am trying to double check her Adam's apple. When she's done, she wants the whole she-bang, but by now I am sweaty, thinking what am I doing. She is playing with my thingy and I just get dressed and tell her I am too tired. That is when she starts slapping the crap out me. When I get to the car, the rearview mirror shows me I am bleeding from several facial scratches ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() That story. I don't have any Lola stories but I did push one away hard and ran across the room when she made a comment saying "you might be surprised what you are going to find" the first time I attempted to go down her jeans.It stopped me in my tracks and at a quick glance, I thought she had hair on here chest after it took about 5 min to calm me down as she wanted to show me it was ok and for me to put my hand down her front. I'd bin parting a few days with her..what a Fu�ed up thing to say. "Well I'm not dumb but I can't understaaand..why she walked like a woman and talk like a man my Lola.. LA LA LA.. LA LA-Lola I pushed her away got down off my knees...I looked at her and 'she' at me. ..and that's the way that I want it to stay ....its a mixed up world shook up numba ..and that's me lola..ello eh lay Lola..LA LA LA lay lola. ~Kinks~ sort of |
Are you Ladies on the same team?
Strange,Bizarre or funny comments said before,jurying or after sex by you or to you. I'll start: Once said to me after I asked if she likes my thingy. Reply: "0f cource if it wasn't any good you wouldn't have brought it. ![]() perhaps she was referring to the strap on I have never had anyone say anything funny or strange during sex, but then I have a wide range of "normal." lol ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Are you Ladies on the same team? Lol, I'm interested! like are they on the "same team" or like 9,or 11 of them? You know enough to field a ball park or a soccer field. Please Disambiguate. I know that's a big word for a wood bug like me ![]() |
Edited by
Sat 04/19/14 10:03 PM
"NEXT".... ![]() ![]() lame joke. Was in a new relationship and when I finish before her fresh in the relationship she said "That just makes me feel like going out and getting Ouch Talk about; I want what I want when I want it!Little Baby couldn't wait 20 Min. I just told her that's a good idea F��k off..she didn't. Thank god that's not the norm behavior. ~n that's what she said~ ![]() |
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Sat 04/19/14 10:49 PM
She was yelling out "Oh Dave" "Oh Dave",the problem is my name happens to be Chuck.Later she told me no big deal its just that you look like a Dave.
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Sat 04/19/14 11:24 PM
She was yelling out "Oh Dave" "Oh Dave",the problem is my name happens to be Chuck.Later she told me no big deal its just that you look like a Dave. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() and isn't that the main thing she was at least yelling something besides "get the f��� off me"lol,Ear music is good music regardless of the name callin' man. ![]() ![]() I have being in that alkward situation of not remembering her name and after the act there was no way we want to ask but I have had a few woman ask and I just start laughing,at least they don't feel stupid half the next day wondering like some of us dummies. |
Had one once apologising for showing up late by saying, "I'm just trying to keep everybody happy".
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Sun 04/20/14 02:13 AM
Had one once apologising for showing up late by saying, "I'm just trying to keep everybody happy". ![]() ![]() ![]() The sultan of Swank 'God' bless her and if 'he' won't we will! got a love something about a woman that can make 5 happy opposed to just one miserable. Its probably a lot easier.It starts with sex and ends with sex and everybody's happy.true ![]() |
Hilarious posts y'all...
;) A comical release is always good when ur hot & serious in the moment. A creak on the floor board made a noise as if someone farted. You could only imagine the convo during & after the squeaking noise. "No u didn't... " "What did u have for dinner?" "Ok, that was me!" "U need to get new flooring!" ... |
She was yelling out "Oh Dave" "Oh Dave",the problem is my name happens to be Chuck.Later she told me no big deal its just that you look like a Dave. ![]() Lol!!! That was hilarious,. Dave!... Errr... I mean, Chuck... (Sheeessh) |
The two that stand out to me are 1. After aking my ex-wife to try talking dirty in the bedroom when SHE was on she said "ride me like a wild pony" I started laughing so hard that we didn't finish....
the second one was a one-night stand with this black girl, she was saying calling herself a "dirty n-word" and she wanted me to do the same there was no way I could do that ...that endede up being a good half-night stand I left saying "i don't think im what you're looking for" or something along those lines |
"you sure that's not a tick?"
Hilarious posts y'all... ;) A comical release is always good when ur hot & serious in the moment. A creak on the floor board made a noise as if someone farted. You could only imagine the convo during & after the squeaking noise. "No u didn't... " "What did u have for dinner?" "Ok, that was me!" "U need to get new flooring!" ... What kinda release you talking about here... ![]() ![]() Laughter? I concentrate and they think I'm distant and ask whats just reminded me of the best one yet its a classic and a long story...comming up...but first a few more. peace ][ out Hilarious posts is right Thanks for all the laughs and to all you virgins and those woman I haven't meet, thanks for nothing Cuz I'm running out of material. I'm sure I have a few more. ![]() |
This ones take place in 2002 north coast BC with my then future WIFE and shortly after my future X wife. When the story unfolds you will see why she becomes my X but you will NEVER see why she becames my wife.
![]() We were staying on site in a fifed wheel up in the bush and we all had the day off and just got back to camp with the groceries. This job I had the 'wife' and the three kids all camping for the duration of the job. So the crew shows up not long after and picked up the two new chainsaws,myself & the one other guy order from my friends saw shop in Vancouver. Mine was all hoped up; ported and piped. I was pretty exited to run it up and tune it to altitude then sharpen it up for the next day but that would have to wait as we were barbecuing and putting things away.right after dinner the guys got this plan to...(stop what your thinking right now,this isn't triple XXX) go pick some wild rasparies for the ice cream and were going to take the kids with. So I'm thinking that's nice for the kids and I can get right on my....saw. Well as Kim was telling me, they're all going and they are taking the kids. With big smiles on our faces she quietly says and we can have sex outside!So I went "yeah" and kept the now fake smile going. ![]() They leave and she runs in and grabs the blanket and I stop and say "I just got to fire up my saw..I want to idle a tank of gas through it to seat the ring. So I fired it up and we walk in the bush about 100ft. We strip down and Kim gets on but I wasn't yet up for the job and was having a little difficulties out the gate. I was just very distracted and so she asked me "So what's wrong Babe" and I say nothings why"? "There's something wrong! your never like this" and she starts putting it on me "I don't turn you on anymore,do I"? Then I would said "yyyyes you turn me will be fine there's nothing wrong just keep going". Then we started to find a rythem and I remember thinking *that was a close one but things will be good now* and all of the sudden my new saw slowly starts to misfire from the long idle as it was starting to choke on its own exhaust. Then 'it' starts to happen again and me not been able to tune out what the saw was doing, then thats when I realized I shouldn't have started it up but it was now too late. she would go right back to the same drill as she stops with frustration in mid motion. "I just don't turn you on anymore" I retort"yes you do!...its nothing, of course you turn me on" she replied "then what is it then? I don't turn you on"?....."You turn me on"..."No!.. I dont"!...then what is it then"? It was hurting me to think she believed she wasn't enough physically for me but I couldn't tell her what it way!but she didn't deserve to feel that way either but she was a head strong woman with a mean German temper. and the word that I always thought described her best was relentless. Well the saw was ready to die and she was looking down over me, just putting it on me as I wilted out of her as she repeated " what then?.... What is it then?... TEll me?... TEll me? Tis,...See i don't turn you on"!The saw sputtered and I turned my head to the side and watched it in desperation for a spell and then looked back at her and said in a hesitant week voice "my saw" she said "WHAT" ....I said "my saw...its gonna die" Well She jumps up to her feet just boiling inside shaking her head and clinking her jaw then slips on her panties, grabs the corner of the quilt and pulls it with all her might as she yelled "Move" as she yanks it a second time and dumps my bare azz in the pine needles and duff. She quickly picks up her bra shirt and shorts and flops them over the comforter, slips on her shoes and says "and the next time your horny don't even think of bothering can go F��k your saw ! She exited towards the trailer and I jumped to my feet pulled up my shorts and went for my saw a comfortable few steps behind her. I had it in my hands, revving it up before she got to the trailer.She turned around and said "and don't even try come in! as she slammed the metal door and lached it.I just remember thinking "finally.. She won't come back ![]() So now I'm back with 'the sweetish twins'; 'Inga and Ingred' They screem for me not at me...they make me $ don't spend it. Infact their is only one way to skin a cat;figuratively {{{{{{Husqavarna}}}}}} Like was she wrong there? I would have never of got upset if the washing machine got stuck on a cycle and she had to hope of for a sec or to flip the pork chops ![]() A classic story of younger Vintage Pony ![]() I'm much more mATUre now |
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Mon 04/21/14 04:24 PM