Topic: Another Fort Hood Shooting | |
Edited by
Mon 04/07/14 07:16 AM
0bama's latest staged event has already been exposed as a drill which the JMSM has falsely reported as being a shooting. It seems there is a man named Michael Boyd whose headquarters is in the US Southern Command in Lauderdale Florida; and who has been recruiting crisis actors for drills on military bases all across America. His latest venture was at Fort Hood. the original link was... Boyd has been shutting down his links after he was outed. Here's a screenshot of his ad. ![]() Sure didn't take long for THAT OFFICIAL NARRATIVE to fall apart. Looked him up by his phone number; here is the result. I called his phone looking for work. He has another "exercise" coming up in Alabama. GET READY people ! The phone # for this Boyd guy is a Broward County, FL area code. Which just happens to be the US Southern Command Post in Lauderdale... I think that I have a handle on how they do this now... Get role players and one of them is the shooter. He is told that he is shooting blanks except that they have put real bullets in his weapon. He starts shooting and before he can say 'hey this was a drill' they shoot his *** and the problem goes away and TPTB can blame it all on him going rogue. Every time. Every time there is a drill going on when these incidents happen. From 7-7-7 to 9/11 to Sandy Hoax to Boston to this and countless more, there is always a drill going down. Obvious false flag is obvious. Quote from Lpdon: This is how conspiracy theories get started..... Cognitive Dissonance - the mental conflict that occurs when beliefs or assumptions are contradicted by new information. The unease or tension that the conflict arouses in a person is relieved by one of several defensive maneuvers: the person rejects, explains away, or avoids the new information, persuades himself that no conflict really exists, reconciles the differences, or resorts to any other defensive means of preserving stability or order in his conception of the world and of himself. The concept, first introduced in the 1950s, has become a major point of discussion and research. |
0bama's latest staged event has already been exposed as a drill which the JMSM has falsely reported as being a shooting. It seems there is a man named Michael Boyd whose headquarters is in the US Southern Command in Lauderdale Florida; and who has been recruiting crisis actors for drills on military bases all across America. His latest venture was at Fort Hood. the original link was... Boyd has been shutting down his links after he was outed. Here's a screenshot of his ad. ![]() Sure didn't take long for THAT OFFICIAL NARRATIVE to fall apart. Looked him up by his phone number; here is the result. I called his phone looking for work. He has another "exercise" coming up in Alabama. GET READY people ! The phone # for this Boyd guy is a Broward County, FL area code. Which just happens to be the US Southern Command Post in Lauderdale... I think that I have a handle on how they do this now... Get role players and one of them is the shooter. He is told that he is shooting blanks except that they have put real bullets in his weapon. He starts shooting and before he can say 'hey this was a drill' they shoot his *** and the problem goes away and TPTB can blame it all on him going rogue. Every time. Every time there is a drill going on when these incidents happen. From 7-7-7 to 9/11 to Sandy Hoax to Boston to this and countless more, there is always a drill going down. Obvious false flag is obvious. This is how conspiracy theories get started..... No, it isn't. It's how "Official Narratives" get outed as having been cover ups and/or psy-ops. I do not deal in conspiracy "theories" and have little to no tolerance for those who do. I deal in Conspiracy FACTS. Do you understand the difference? Do you know what a "psy-ops" is? Maybe these guys now have undercover careers in the CIA? How better to wipe one's identity? ![]() Then why use the same Sites,and same "Facts" used by the CTs? |
.. every time I see this topic at the top... I think not another shooting..
.. what's up with the hood...jk.. |
Edited by
Mon 04/07/14 07:30 AM
Quote by Conrad:
Then why use the same Sites,and same "Facts" used by the CTs? ================================== Define CT'ers, please. Then tell us the difference between CT and anti-CT. Then tell us whether or not you understand what "Kol Nidre" and the "Law of Moser" is? Last question? Why do Anti-CTer's want to marginalize people who present new information that contradicts the official narrative? Looks to me like you may be suffering from... Cognitive Dissonance - the mental conflict that occurs when beliefs or assumptions are contradicted by new information. The unease or tension that the conflict arouses in a person is relieved by one of several defensive maneuvers: the person rejects, explains away, or avoids the new information, persuades himself that no conflict really exists, reconciles the differences, or resorts to any other defensive means of preserving stability or order in his conception of the world and of himself. The concept, first introduced in the 1950s, has become a major point of discussion and research. As you are apparently resorting to a defensive means of preserving stability or order in your conception of the world and of yourself. Your question to me has no bearing as you have no evidence that I have been using the same "Sites" and/or the same "Facts" and can be regarded as a "deflection". |
.. every time I see this topic at the top... I think not another shooting.. .. what's up with the hood...jk.. wonder myself. seems some people are milking it for all it is worth! |
Quote by conrad73:
Maybe I am just not sharing that CT-Paranoia that seems prevalent in those political threads lately! ============================================= MYTH #37: BELIEVING IN CONSPIRACY THEORIES MAKES PEOPLE BECOME PARANOID This myth fails to address the validity of the theory itself. The use of the keyword 'paranoia' suggests strongly that the accused are inventing enemies because of mental disorders, rather than legitimately fearing existing dangerous entities. Essentially, the accusation suggests no proof or reasonable doubt supports the theorists' behaviour. This accusation may be made by people who, for political reasons, are ignoring, and will continue to ignore inconvenient truths. If an entity can be legitimately feared, then it is reasonable to distrust anything else associated with it, as the entities' questionable behaviour is usually part of an ongoing pattern. This pattern suggests that what is known of that entities' actions is only a fraction of the true extent of their previous (and potential) actions. This may seem like paranoia to the inexperienced observer. |
![]() That is one way to ignore what is going on all around us. Usually practiced by.... ![]() I am guessing your a member of the Church of Scientology right? Is this supposed to make any sense at all or just the kool-ade talking? |
I always listen to the communist wing of the US Gov radio stations like NPR...PROGRESSIVE.....which by the way...all funded by you and your tax dollars whether you like it or not..(if only Constitutional Conservatives had a way to us gov tax dollars to fund their campaigns...))..and I heard them whinning that people were blaming psycho drugs....for the if it was bad to do so..WHY DO THESE LIBERAL COMMIES DEFEND PHARMIKIA ? On a more sane and more honest station ran by conservatives..I heard one of the men at the scene..a guard...the commander? dont remember..but he CONFIRMED that the man WAS ON PSYCHO DRUGS... Hello..Im new here..Im sure I will be pissing afew of you off here..and the rest will love me... Many here are already pissed off and I doubt any will actually love you but a very few will respect the truth. |
0bama's latest staged event has already been exposed as a drill which the JMSM has falsely reported as being a shooting. It seems there is a man named Michael Boyd whose headquarters is in the US Southern Command in Lauderdale Florida; and who has been recruiting crisis actors for drills on military bases all across America. His latest venture was at Fort Hood. A link to a site exposing this would help. In the meantime tell the families it was a 'drill'. Fort Hood Reveals Identities of 3 Soldiers Killed Would if I could...the original link was... Boyd has been shutting down his links after he was outed. Here's a screenshot of his ad. ![]() Sure didn't take long for THAT OFFICIAL NARRATIVE to fall apart. Looked him up by his phone number; here is the result. I called his phone looking for work. He has another "exercise" coming up in Alabama. GET READY people ! The phone # for this Boyd guy is a Broward County, FL area code. Which just happens to be the US Southern Command Post in Lauderdale... I think that I have a handle on how they do this now... Get role players and one of them is the shooter. He is told that he is shooting blanks except that they have put real bullets in his weapon. He starts shooting and before he can say 'hey this was a drill' they shoot his *** and the problem goes away and TPTB can blame it all on him going rogue. Every time. Every time there is a drill going on when these incidents happen. From 7-7-7 to 9/11 to Sandy Hoax to Boston to this and countless more, there is always a drill going down. Obvious false flag is obvious. and,of course he is stupid enough not to know Live Rounds from Blanks,let alone to check his Weapon? and Government of course is even more stupid of concocting such threadbare Coverstories that any Outsider can unravel with ease? I can't say I would totally dismiss "false flag" activity but I would agree with your overall analogy. From the event in Washington, we know they have been experimenting with pharma and the psychotic drugs and their effects. Can we really say that this isn't just another experiment to see what would happen? And just what will happen in the future? |
Did I say he was "stupid enough not to know Live Rounds from Blanks" ? No, I didn't. And yes, most OFFICIAL NARRATIVES do indeed fall apart within a matter of days (usually 1-3 days), just as the Fort Hood "Official Story" did. Surely you have noticed that? Example: 0bama puts his LFBC online...8 hours later it is shown to be a forgery. Example: The 0bama administration releases photo's of a "dead" Bin Laden. 6 hours later they are proven to be photo shopped. And then the govt shills start ridiculing trying to do "damage control". Surely you have seen this before? Maybe even doing damage control yourself? While I would agree that you are on the right path I still have not seen enough post to be able to determine your true motivation so I will ask, is it only Odumbo that you have an issue? As for Conrad_73 doing damage control, I find that amusing. Now while he would never admit that Putin has never done a good deed, I must say he is aware of other truths but will on occasions turn over the tea cart to see the results and he is a source of some very good information. |
And why would I do that? What do you want to imply? Out with it! Maybe I am just not sharing that CT-Paranoia that seems prevalent in those political threads lately! And which CT-Paranoia would that be, the ones proven or the ones doubted and to be proven? |
You nailed it, Music. All of these 0bama Administration staged events from Giffords to Fort Hood have all been for the purpose of gun control. And for ammunition control too. Look at what the DHS has been doing...ordering billions of hollow point ammunition in every caliber there is. And after the govt's orders were filled they had the EPA close the last lead smelter in America. They got they want to deprive us of ours. Oh sir, it is much bigger than that. Gun control is but a minor consideration and besides, they already know where to get the guns. They have been practicing in California and now Connecticut and New York. If you want to know how this plays out, keep your eye on Connecticut, they are the absolute trial. |
This is how conspiracy theories get started..... And this would be how they are so effective..... |
No, it isn't. It's how "Official Narratives" get outed as having been cover ups and/or psy-ops. I do not deal in conspiracy "theories" and have little to no tolerance for those who do. I deal in Conspiracy FACTS. Do you understand the difference? Do you know what a "psy-ops" is? Maybe these guys now have undercover careers in the CIA? How better to wipe one's identity? ![]() But a "Conspiracy theory" is but a conspiracy yet to be proven. And it seems proven most have been starting with the Spanish American war. The only differences now are the stakes and just how many they are willing to sacrifice to get what they are after. And the thing still foremost on their plate is Syria. And just what stakes are they willing to to put up to meet their ends? Nuclear? Are you aware that the "Neo-Cons" have a theory that even a scorched earth nuclear exchange could be won? |
Edited by
Mon 04/07/14 02:51 PM
Quote from Lpdon: This is how conspiracy theories get started..... Cognitive Dissonance - the mental conflict that occurs when beliefs or assumptions are contradicted by new information. The unease or tension that the conflict arouses in a person is relieved by one of several defensive maneuvers: the person rejects, explains away, or avoids the new information, persuades himself that no conflict really exists, reconciles the differences, or resorts to any other defensive means of preserving stability or order in his conception of the world and of himself. The concept, first introduced in the 1950s, has become a major point of discussion and research. That would be a pretty accurate description of things as related to the statement. But it does go a little deeper, if a repugantcon were in charge, all would be right with the world. |
Everyone has a theory based on their orientation. Personally, I assume that the anti-depressants are a major factor. I see too many clients with medication "spellbinding", however humans are very complex and so is human behaviour
Quote by conrad73: Maybe I am just not sharing that CT-Paranoia that seems prevalent in those political threads lately! ============================================= MYTH #37: BELIEVING IN CONSPIRACY THEORIES MAKES PEOPLE BECOME PARANOID This myth fails to address the validity of the theory itself. The use of the keyword 'paranoia' suggests strongly that the accused are inventing enemies because of mental disorders, rather than legitimately fearing existing dangerous entities. Essentially, the accusation suggests no proof or reasonable doubt supports the theorists' behaviour. This accusation may be made by people who, for political reasons, are ignoring, and will continue to ignore inconvenient truths. If an entity can be legitimately feared, then it is reasonable to distrust anything else associated with it, as the entities' questionable behaviour is usually part of an ongoing pattern. This pattern suggests that what is known of that entities' actions is only a fraction of the true extent of their previous (and potential) actions. This may seem like paranoia to the inexperienced observer. I prefer the ole axiom, "just because your paranoid doesn't mean they aren't after you". |
Everyone has a theory based on their orientation. Personally, I assume that the anti-depressants are a major factor. I see too many clients with medication "spellbinding", however humans are very complex and so is human behaviour But the psychotic drugs have played a large part in all the mass incidents for some time now, even Sandy Hook at first. But then that was quickly corrected as they didn't want to have that as part of the false flag scenario. |
You nailed it, Music. All of these 0bama Administration staged events from Giffords to Fort Hood have all been for the purpose of gun control. And for ammunition control too. Look at what the DHS has been doing...ordering billions of hollow point ammunition in every caliber there is. And after the govt's orders were filled they had the EPA close the last lead smelter in America. They got they want to deprive us of ours. Oh sir, it is much bigger than that. Gun control is but a minor consideration and besides, they already know where to get the guns. They have been practicing in California and now Connecticut and New York. If you want to know how this plays out, keep your eye on Connecticut, they are the absolute trial. I know it's bigger than that. "They" tried their beta test for martial law after Boston last year to see how the public would react to it. Bostonians, more or less rolled over, played dead and said...treat us like dogs, WE LOVE YOU, Barrack !!! Connecticut will be the beta test for seeing if "they" can shoot Americans down like dogs...and get away with it. |
0bama's latest staged event has already been exposed as a drill which the JMSM has falsely reported as being a shooting. It seems there is a man named Michael Boyd whose headquarters is in the US Southern Command in Lauderdale Florida; and who has been recruiting crisis actors for drills on military bases all across America. His latest venture was at Fort Hood. the original link was... Boyd has been shutting down his links after he was outed. Here's a screenshot of his ad. ![]() Sure didn't take long for THAT OFFICIAL NARRATIVE to fall apart. Looked him up by his phone number; here is the result. I called his phone looking for work. He has another "exercise" coming up in Alabama. GET READY people ! The phone # for this Boyd guy is a Broward County, FL area code. Which just happens to be the US Southern Command Post in Lauderdale... I think that I have a handle on how they do this now... Get role players and one of them is the shooter. He is told that he is shooting blanks except that they have put real bullets in his weapon. He starts shooting and before he can say 'hey this was a drill' they shoot his *** and the problem goes away and TPTB can blame it all on him going rogue. Every time. Every time there is a drill going on when these incidents happen. From 7-7-7 to 9/11 to Sandy Hoax to Boston to this and countless more, there is always a drill going down. Obvious false flag is obvious. This is how conspiracy theories get started..... No, it isn't. It's how "Official Narratives" get outed as having been cover ups and/or psy-ops. I do not deal in conspiracy "theories" and have little to no tolerance for those who do. I deal in Conspiracy FACTS. Do you understand the difference? Do you know what a "psy-ops" is? Maybe these guys now have undercover careers in the CIA? How better to wipe one's identity? ![]() Of course I have heard of Psyops, but it wouldn't be this sloppy. Not to mention the CIA is not allowed to operate on American soil, only domestically. |