Topic: Kids and Common Core. Wrong is right?.... | |
But do not be alarmed, we have but started down the back side of the mountain and have yet a considerable distance to fall.
Well, this second grader will bring a smile to your day. But what happens for his future and reason as his education continues under common core standards and practices? This second grader’s revenge against Common Core math will make your day You can get the wrong answer and still be right as long as you know you are wrong? And this is educating our young? What happens if the power grid goes down? Most kids today couldn't make change if the cash register didn't tell them how much to give back to a customer! I hate carrying change in my pocket. It isn't worth the holes it creates in your pockets anymore. If I have change, I will always try to use it for that reason. Even with a register to tell them how much to give me back, it seems to confuse them when you hand it to them, and many times I have to tell them how much change I have coming back. "No, I want a quarter back..... that's why I gave you the pennies." This article has links to others showing parental concerns to common core teachings. With the failing and destruction of our healthcare system under "Obozocare", many have now labeled common core math "Obama Math". (linked to in the article) Obama math: under new Common Core, 3 x 4 = 11 Over the summer, The Daily Caller exposed a video showing a curriculum coordinator in suburban Chicago perkily explaining that Common Core allows students to be totally right if they say 3 x 4 = 11 as long as they spout something about the necessarily faulty reasoning they used to get to that wrong answer. This POTUS will go down in history for many reasons. The main header will always be "the first black president", something our nation and its people can be proud of in its maturity from racism and slavery. However, the legacy of this president, does no justice to the wonderful accomplishment or sense of pride such an action should merit as his agenda unfolds to history under that prestigious header. Just as he has bloodied and shamed the "Nobel Peace Prize" award by spilling the blood of a 17 year old American and his friends with a drone attack on a BBQ, and his father with another, denying them their Constitutional rights to "trial and due process". The scandals, lies, corruption, destruction of our economy and the American dream, his legacy will be far from one of pride and accomplishment for him, or the office he holds, in our history. He may not be responsible for all the problems now facing America, or have started our fall from grace in the world, and he is also not solely responsible in the actions causing that destruction, but he has most definitely done nothing as the leader of our nation to repair or better the situation, but rather worsen it at a faster, more alarming rate. So yes libs....... It is Obozos fault! It's called failed leadership and lack of experience and knowledge. You don't go to a IRS for surgery! OK....maybe you do....... now....... Common Core is another tactic the Nazi's used. It wasn't called that back then but it's the same thing. |
You must be amazingly pissed off! Mutherscratchers!! I know I would be. I'm banned from the school after our last "meeting".... tell you how pi$$ed I am? I've made every effort I can and was nicely told to go phuck myself with a police escort. Wait till the next public meeting! Maybe I'll become a youtube sensation! ![]() Make sure you have someone with you who has a video camera. They will say they issued you a trespass warning (which they probably didn't) and have you arrested and or cited for Tresspassing. Be cool, calm and collect while on camera and make sure the camera knows your a honorable veteran who's deathly ill due to his service to this nation and that this is how they treat vets as well as not listen to them after all the sacrifices you made. You will be a F'ing hero! |
Well, this second grader will bring a smile to your day. But what happens for his future and reason as his education continues under common core standards and practices? This second grader’s revenge against Common Core math will make your day You can get the wrong answer and still be right as long as you know you are wrong? And this is educating our young? What happens if the power grid goes down? Most kids today couldn't make change if the cash register didn't tell them how much to give back to a customer! I hate carrying change in my pocket. It isn't worth the holes it creates in your pockets anymore. If I have change, I will always try to use it for that reason. Even with a register to tell them how much to give me back, it seems to confuse them when you hand it to them, and many times I have to tell them how much change I have coming back. "No, I want a quarter back..... that's why I gave you the pennies." This article has links to others showing parental concerns to common core teachings. With the failing and destruction of our healthcare system under "Obozocare", many have now labeled common core math "Obama Math". (linked to in the article) Obama math: under new Common Core, 3 x 4 = 11 Over the summer, The Daily Caller exposed a video showing a curriculum coordinator in suburban Chicago perkily explaining that Common Core allows students to be totally right if they say 3 x 4 = 11 as long as they spout something about the necessarily faulty reasoning they used to get to that wrong answer. This POTUS will go down in history for many reasons. The main header will always be "the first black president", something our nation and its people can be proud of in its maturity from racism and slavery. However, the legacy of this president, does no justice to the wonderful accomplishment or sense of pride such an action should merit as his agenda unfolds to history under that prestigious header. Just as he has bloodied and shamed the "Nobel Peace Prize" award by spilling the blood of a 17 year old American and his friends with a drone attack on a BBQ, and his father with another, denying them their Constitutional rights to "trial and due process". The scandals, lies, corruption, destruction of our economy and the American dream, his legacy will be far from one of pride and accomplishment for him, or the office he holds, in our history. He may not be responsible for all the problems now facing America, or have started our fall from grace in the world, and he is also not solely responsible in the actions causing that destruction, but he has most definitely done nothing as the leader of our nation to repair or better the situation, but rather worsen it at a faster, more alarming rate. So yes libs....... It is Obozos fault! It's called failed leadership and lack of experience and knowledge. You don't go to a IRS for surgery! OK....maybe you do....... now....... Common Core is another tactic the Nazi's used. It wasn't called that back then but it's the same thing. Really another personal experience or are there references? Please enlighten us as I thought this whole common core crap was just some idiot out of New york that wasn't even an educator but has been voted the ninth scarcest person in education. Could be related to Hitler from that standpoint, but please let us know all about the Nazi implementation of Common Core. Is this something they sold to the Bushs? |
"A bomber aircraft on take-off carries 12 dozen bombs, each weighing 10 kilos. The aircraft takes off for Warsaw the international centre for Jewry. It bombs the town. On take-off with all bombs on board and a fuel tank containing 100 kilos of fuel, the aircraft weighed about 8 tons. When it returns from the crusade, there are still 230 kilos left. What is the weight of the aircraft when empty ?"
Pre WW 2 german math problem. |
"A bomber aircraft on take-off carries 12 dozen bombs, each weighing 10 kilos. The aircraft takes off for Warsaw the international centre for Jewry. It bombs the town. On take-off with all bombs on board and a fuel tank containing 100 kilos of fuel, the aircraft weighed about 8 tons. When it returns from the crusade, there are still 230 kilos left. What is the weight of the aircraft when empty ?" Pre WW 2 german math problem. And how would this be related to the common core where 2 + 2 = 5 would be acceptable if the some strange process is followed? |
now I am seeing a commercial proclaiming just how wonderful
the common core standards really are> the sad part is that they really believe that these standards are higher than what they are currently teaching. Are these morons really serious that 12 grade math should end with Algebra 1 ?????????? sounds like some of these teachers need help balancing their checkbooks!!!!! ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Well, this second grader will bring a smile to your day. But what happens for his future and reason as his education continues under common core standards and practices? This second grader’s revenge against Common Core math will make your day You can get the wrong answer and still be right as long as you know you are wrong? And this is educating our young? What happens if the power grid goes down? Most kids today couldn't make change if the cash register didn't tell them how much to give back to a customer! I hate carrying change in my pocket. It isn't worth the holes it creates in your pockets anymore. If I have change, I will always try to use it for that reason. Even with a register to tell them how much to give me back, it seems to confuse them when you hand it to them, and many times I have to tell them how much change I have coming back. "No, I want a quarter back..... that's why I gave you the pennies." This article has links to others showing parental concerns to common core teachings. With the failing and destruction of our healthcare system under "Obozocare", many have now labeled common core math "Obama Math". (linked to in the article) Obama math: under new Common Core, 3 x 4 = 11 Over the summer, The Daily Caller exposed a video showing a curriculum coordinator in suburban Chicago perkily explaining that Common Core allows students to be totally right if they say 3 x 4 = 11 as long as they spout something about the necessarily faulty reasoning they used to get to that wrong answer. This POTUS will go down in history for many reasons. The main header will always be "the first black president", something our nation and its people can be proud of in its maturity from racism and slavery. However, the legacy of this president, does no justice to the wonderful accomplishment or sense of pride such an action should merit as his agenda unfolds to history under that prestigious header. Just as he has bloodied and shamed the "Nobel Peace Prize" award by spilling the blood of a 17 year old American and his friends with a drone attack on a BBQ, and his father with another, denying them their Constitutional rights to "trial and due process". The scandals, lies, corruption, destruction of our economy and the American dream, his legacy will be far from one of pride and accomplishment for him, or the office he holds, in our history. He may not be responsible for all the problems now facing America, or have started our fall from grace in the world, and he is also not solely responsible in the actions causing that destruction, but he has most definitely done nothing as the leader of our nation to repair or better the situation, but rather worsen it at a faster, more alarming rate. So yes libs....... It is Obozos fault! It's called failed leadership and lack of experience and knowledge. You don't go to a IRS for surgery! OK....maybe you do....... now....... Common Core is another tactic the Nazi's used. It wasn't called that back then but it's the same thing. Really another personal experience or are there references? Please enlighten us as I thought this whole common core crap was just some idiot out of New york that wasn't even an educator but has been voted the ninth scarcest person in education. Could be related to Hitler from that standpoint, but please let us know all about the Nazi implementation of Common Core. Is this something they sold to the Bushs? what do you think those Guys had in mind? "As long as the government is perceived as working for the benefit of the children, the people will happily endure almost any curtailment of liberty and almost any deprivation. ~ Adolf Hitler A general State education is a mere contrivance for moulding people to be exactly like one another; and as the mould in which it casts them is that which pleases the dominant power in the government, whether this be a monarch, an aristocracy, or a majority of the existing generation; in proportion as it is efficient and successful, it establishes a despotism over the mind, leading by a natural tendency to one over the body." - John Stuart Mill, "On Liberty" "Education is a weapon whose effects depend on who holds it in his hands and at whom it is aimed." - Joseph Stalin "It is the absolute right of the State to supervise the formation of public opinion." - Joseph Goebbels |
now I am seeing a commercial proclaiming just how wonderful the common core standards really are> the sad part is that they really believe that these standards are higher than what they are currently teaching. Are these morons really serious that 12 grade math should end with Algebra 1 ?????????? sounds like some of these teachers need help balancing their checkbooks!!!!! ![]() ![]() ![]() But they are higher than any before it. However what you fail to quantify is higher how? The whole purpose of Common Core with it's common core built around Bill Gates is to produce perfect little citizens. They are to be taught that it is the effort and process is the target, not the effort to be correct. But most important is the process, the one that teaches being part of the norm. The norm that gets a student to report his parents for not recycling, even knowing they will be punished because the government said so. The process where the smart student is ridiculed for his ability that is beyond little Dick and Jane that can't poor piss from a booth with the instructions on the bottom, because those aren't government instructions. The whole purpose is the final step in the dumbing down of this beyond what has already been done. Just look around you, the signs of this progressive march to idiocy are all about you. |
now I am seeing a commercial proclaiming just how wonderful the common core standards really are> the sad part is that they really believe that these standards are higher than what they are currently teaching. Are these morons really serious that 12 grade math should end with Algebra 1 ?????????? sounds like some of these teachers need help balancing their checkbooks!!!!! ![]() ![]() ![]() But they are higher than any before it. However what you fail to quantify is higher how? The whole purpose of Common Core with it's common core built around Bill Gates is to produce perfect little citizens. They are to be taught that it is the effort and process is the target, not the effort to be correct. But most important is the process, the one that teaches being part of the norm. The norm that gets a student to report his parents for not recycling, even knowing they will be punished because the government said so. The process where the smart student is ridiculed for his ability that is beyond little Dick and Jane that can't poor piss from a booth with the instructions on the bottom, because those aren't government instructions. The whole purpose is the final step in the dumbing down of this beyond what has already been done. Just look around you, the signs of this progressive march to idiocy are all about you. That's part of it. The worst part is federal government intrusion and the "right" to deliver propaganda to the children nationwide. Government intrusions do not reverse once started. Common core is not just math. It is ideology and history. "There is not even a smidgin of corruption" to the IRS scandal! Is this the truth? ... A lie? ... Propaganda? ... or history? Common Core will decide. |
Well, this second grader will bring a smile to your day. But what happens for his future and reason as his education continues under common core standards and practices? This second grader’s revenge against Common Core math will make your day You can get the wrong answer and still be right as long as you know you are wrong? And this is educating our young? What happens if the power grid goes down? Most kids today couldn't make change if the cash register didn't tell them how much to give back to a customer! I hate carrying change in my pocket. It isn't worth the holes it creates in your pockets anymore. If I have change, I will always try to use it for that reason. Even with a register to tell them how much to give me back, it seems to confuse them when you hand it to them, and many times I have to tell them how much change I have coming back. "No, I want a quarter back..... that's why I gave you the pennies." This article has links to others showing parental concerns to common core teachings. With the failing and destruction of our healthcare system under "Obozocare", many have now labeled common core math "Obama Math". (linked to in the article) Obama math: under new Common Core, 3 x 4 = 11 Over the summer, The Daily Caller exposed a video showing a curriculum coordinator in suburban Chicago perkily explaining that Common Core allows students to be totally right if they say 3 x 4 = 11 as long as they spout something about the necessarily faulty reasoning they used to get to that wrong answer. This POTUS will go down in history for many reasons. The main header will always be "the first black president", something our nation and its people can be proud of in its maturity from racism and slavery. However, the legacy of this president, does no justice to the wonderful accomplishment or sense of pride such an action should merit as his agenda unfolds to history under that prestigious header. Just as he has bloodied and shamed the "Nobel Peace Prize" award by spilling the blood of a 17 year old American and his friends with a drone attack on a BBQ, and his father with another, denying them their Constitutional rights to "trial and due process". The scandals, lies, corruption, destruction of our economy and the American dream, his legacy will be far from one of pride and accomplishment for him, or the office he holds, in our history. He may not be responsible for all the problems now facing America, or have started our fall from grace in the world, and he is also not solely responsible in the actions causing that destruction, but he has most definitely done nothing as the leader of our nation to repair or better the situation, but rather worsen it at a faster, more alarming rate. So yes libs....... It is Obozos fault! It's called failed leadership and lack of experience and knowledge. You don't go to a IRS for surgery! OK....maybe you do....... now....... Common Core is another tactic the Nazi's used. It wasn't called that back then but it's the same thing. Really another personal experience or are there references? Please enlighten us as I thought this whole common core crap was just some idiot out of New york that wasn't even an educator but has been voted the ninth scarcest person in education. Could be related to Hitler from that standpoint, but please let us know all about the Nazi implementation of Common Core. Is this something they sold to the Bushs? My daughter is in High School and my Nephews are in middle school, so I know. They have implemented it out here in Carson thanks to our Liberal School Board and City Commissioners and it's horrible. They have a supervisor for ever two to three teachers. The supervisors come in at anytime and ask the teacher to leave, this one occasion the teacher refused and almost lost her job. They randomly pointed to kids on the spot in the class room and asked questions like what are your parents feeding you? Are you getting enough? Did your parents for Obama or Romney? Are your parents Republican or Democrat? Does your dad spank you? WTF does this have to do with education and most of those questions have nothing to do with education and the others should be talked about in private with a school counselor IF there are signs of neglect or abuse. It has gotten so out of hand that the Governor is stepping in to hold an open forum on it next week and hopefully he will do the right thing for once and make it go away, but I dunno he has been Obama's Republican lapdog here in Nevada. And yes my nephew was asked one of those questions. It has gotten so out of hand |
Well, this second grader will bring a smile to your day. But what happens for his future and reason as his education continues under common core standards and practices? This second grader’s revenge against Common Core math will make your day You can get the wrong answer and still be right as long as you know you are wrong? And this is educating our young? What happens if the power grid goes down? Most kids today couldn't make change if the cash register didn't tell them how much to give back to a customer! I hate carrying change in my pocket. It isn't worth the holes it creates in your pockets anymore. If I have change, I will always try to use it for that reason. Even with a register to tell them how much to give me back, it seems to confuse them when you hand it to them, and many times I have to tell them how much change I have coming back. "No, I want a quarter back..... that's why I gave you the pennies." This article has links to others showing parental concerns to common core teachings. With the failing and destruction of our healthcare system under "Obozocare", many have now labeled common core math "Obama Math". (linked to in the article) Obama math: under new Common Core, 3 x 4 = 11 Over the summer, The Daily Caller exposed a video showing a curriculum coordinator in suburban Chicago perkily explaining that Common Core allows students to be totally right if they say 3 x 4 = 11 as long as they spout something about the necessarily faulty reasoning they used to get to that wrong answer. This POTUS will go down in history for many reasons. The main header will always be "the first black president", something our nation and its people can be proud of in its maturity from racism and slavery. However, the legacy of this president, does no justice to the wonderful accomplishment or sense of pride such an action should merit as his agenda unfolds to history under that prestigious header. Just as he has bloodied and shamed the "Nobel Peace Prize" award by spilling the blood of a 17 year old American and his friends with a drone attack on a BBQ, and his father with another, denying them their Constitutional rights to "trial and due process". The scandals, lies, corruption, destruction of our economy and the American dream, his legacy will be far from one of pride and accomplishment for him, or the office he holds, in our history. He may not be responsible for all the problems now facing America, or have started our fall from grace in the world, and he is also not solely responsible in the actions causing that destruction, but he has most definitely done nothing as the leader of our nation to repair or better the situation, but rather worsen it at a faster, more alarming rate. So yes libs....... It is Obozos fault! It's called failed leadership and lack of experience and knowledge. You don't go to a IRS for surgery! OK....maybe you do....... now....... Common Core is another tactic the Nazi's used. It wasn't called that back then but it's the same thing. Really another personal experience or are there references? Please enlighten us as I thought this whole common core crap was just some idiot out of New york that wasn't even an educator but has been voted the ninth scarcest person in education. Could be related to Hitler from that standpoint, but please let us know all about the Nazi implementation of Common Core. Is this something they sold to the Bushs? My daughter is in High School and my Nephews are in middle school, so I know. They have implemented it out here in Carson thanks to our Liberal School Board and City Commissioners and it's horrible. They have a supervisor for ever two to three teachers. The supervisors come in at anytime and ask the teacher to leave, this one occasion the teacher refused and almost lost her job. They randomly pointed to kids on the spot in the class room and asked questions like what are your parents feeding you? Are you getting enough? Did your parents for Obama or Romney? Are your parents Republican or Democrat? Does your dad spank you? WTF does this have to do with education and most of those questions have nothing to do with education and the others should be talked about in private with a school counselor IF there are signs of neglect or abuse. It has gotten so out of hand that the Governor is stepping in to hold an open forum on it next week and hopefully he will do the right thing for once and make it go away, but I dunno he has been Obama's Republican lapdog here in Nevada. And yes my nephew was asked one of those questions. It has gotten so out of hand But you still have no clue do you? Just who is the little lap dog, clue it's not the governor? With the Reid's being the face of the state, I would say that the stage of depravity in the state is one of the worse in the nation. And then comes Cliven Bundy and his family and friends and it gives my heart a little spike, maybe there is hope for that state after all. I just hope that they run the rest of the pikers and idiots out of town at the end of a rope. Once he is done with the fed, he needs to look internally starting in Vegas on his way to Reno. |