Topic: Reid: American people are liars and idiots! | |
Edited by
Thu 03/27/14 03:17 PM
Remember, he called everyone complaining about Obozocare liars..... now he says people not signing up are idiots as well....and they extend yet another date contrary to the mandated federal law due to the poor numbers for enrollment. The idiot Dems are pushing this motorless vehicle all the way to their graves this election..... No matter how many sign up, the majority can't pay due to continuing website failures and the "payment collection" aspect of it still not working on the back end. So it was passed to insure 40M uninsured Americans..... now we have over 45M uninsured, and a large majority of those WERE insured before! Reid: Obamacare Delayed Because "People Are Not Educated About How to Use the Internet" |
More appropriately, Odumbocare delayed because Reid and other socialist liberals not sure how to use brain.
Dem Drones and GOP Slaves don't seem to notice that they mirror each other (so in all honesty they're equally stupid). When a politician speaks they both replace the actuality of the situation with rhetoric to think with. Their arguments amount to being "no I'm better than you are" when all they're doing is just voting to keep the system as it is. They both follow social drama without being able to follow the actions the elected officials take in regard to their voting. They both ignore their own parties (who are both purchased and lobbyist friendly and are both required to keep the system running at the expense of the people) and blame it on "the other guy". They've both voted away our rights by voting for the parties who will do it in bipartisanship and we've only seem to enabled the dems and gop to pass pro corporate legislation (which voters don't seem to understand the effects of) in the system.
When it comes to healthcare, they're both lobbyist friendly and also only give pro provider systems. We can easily also put up real universal healthcare if we didn't have both parties protecting a military budget (which gets the bulk of our money but isn't really going towards the human side of the military at all.) In as much as the problems we have are enabled, protected and expanded by the elected officials, why they are still there in office is the fault of the voters. If the voting majority can't see that (especially after there being a consistent downward chain for the people in the US since Reagan took office.) then it doesn't really add up to the majority of the US being intelligent. It also doesn't add up to the majority of voters being able to see patterns, remember things, or follow things outside of what's presented. (Quite honestly Obama tried to pull a W. style "They've got WMD's" on Syria, it failed and they had a government shut down to cover for it. What's the most sickening part of it all? Aside form the fact that you had both sides of the isle calling for WW3 over oil and natural gas, you also had a government shut down seem to wipe people's minds clear of it 2 weeks later. The convenient part is that was also when the lab reports were supposed to come back, right around that shut down, showing that it was Pro US interest Saudi Saran gas the Rebels had been given to work with. So we even set them up for it too.) Remember, the American Dark ages started on Jan 21, 1981 and is still going on. The only parties your elected officials are of is "Nixon and Reagan" (So they're pro corporate, purchased/pro lobbyists and also very much "for the money over the people" at any cost.) Also to keep in mind, the dark ages wasn't called "the dark ages" because they lacked modern appliances and technology. It was called that due to the massive level of ignorance the people worked and lived under. |
More appropriately, Odumbocare delayed because Reid and other socialist liberals not sure how to use brain. i can't believe after all of this time people actually think these are socialist. haha, too funny! |
More appropriately, Odumbocare delayed because Reid and other socialist liberals not sure how to use brain. i can't believe after all of this time people actually think these are socialist. haha, too funny! And just what would you call them there Mr Comic? |
More appropriately, Odumbocare delayed because Reid and other socialist liberals not sure how to use brain. i can't believe after all of this time people actually think these are socialist. haha, too funny! And just what would you call them there Mr Comic? people without a plan, but certainly not socialist. didn't take over the banks, bailed them out just like the repubs wanted. bailed out the ins. world instead of taking them over. bailed out the auto industry too. dow was at 7949, now it's around 16,000. big business is doing better than ever. hasn't taken away guns didn't take over health care hasn't nationalized anything that can recall... i could go on here, but it just isn't necessary. a socialist would have done all of these things by now. |
More appropriately, Odumbocare delayed because Reid and other socialist liberals not sure how to use brain. i can't believe after all of this time people actually think these are socialist. haha, too funny! And just what would you call them there Mr Comic? people without a plan, but certainly not socialist. didn't take over the banks, bailed them out just like the repubs wanted. bailed out the ins. world instead of taking them over. bailed out the auto industry too. dow was at 7949, now it's around 16,000. big business is doing better than ever. hasn't taken away guns didn't take over health care hasn't nationalized anything that can recall... i could go on here, but it just isn't necessary. a socialist would have done all of these things by now. So you are clueless then, is that what you are saying? |
More appropriately, Odumbocare delayed because Reid and other socialist liberals not sure how to use brain. i can't believe after all of this time people actually think these are socialist. haha, too funny! And just what would you call them there Mr Comic? people without a plan, but certainly not socialist. didn't take over the banks, bailed them out just like the repubs wanted. bailed out the ins. world instead of taking them over. bailed out the auto industry too. dow was at 7949, now it's around 16,000. big business is doing better than ever. hasn't taken away guns didn't take over health care hasn't nationalized anything that can recall... i could go on here, but it just isn't necessary. a socialist would have done all of these things by now. So you are clueless then, is that what you are saying? oh do enlighten me, but please use facts, not spin. |
From Wiki:
Democratic Socialists of America Democratic Socialists of America (DSA) is the largest socialist organization in the US. It is one of two official U.S. affiliates of the Socialist International. It was formed in 1982 from a merger of the Michael Harrington led Democratic Socialist Organizing Committee and the smaller New American Movement. DSA works inside the Democratic Party and has cross membership with the Communist Party USA, Committees of Correspondence for Democracy and Socialism, Socialist Party USA and the Green Party USA. DSA has close ties to the radical Institute for Policy Studies, ACORN, Jobs with Justice, Congressional Progressive Caucus and publications including Dissent, The Nation and The American Prospect. Marxism While not overtly so, Democratic Socialists of America is essentially a Marxist organization. In an article in DSA's Democratic Left, Spring 2007, DSA National political Committee member David Green of Detroit wrote in support of the Employee Free Choice Act (EFCA)-or "card check".[1] What distinguishes socialists from other progressives is the theory of surplus value. According to Marx, the secret of surplus value is that workers are a source of more value than they receive in wages. The capitalist is able to capture surplus value through his ownership of the means of production, his right to purchase labor as a commodity, his control over the production process, and his ownership of the final product. Surplus value is the measure of capital’s exploitation of labor Green went on to write; Our goal as socialists is to abolish private ownership of the means of production. Our immediate task is to limit the capitalist class’s prerogatives in the workplace... |
American People: Reid is a liar and an idiot.
More appropriately, Odumbocare delayed because Reid and other socialist liberals not sure how to use brain. i can't believe after all of this time people actually think these are socialist. haha, too funny! And just what would you call them there Mr Comic? people without a plan, but certainly not socialist. didn't take over the banks, bailed them out just like the repubs wanted. bailed out the ins. world instead of taking them over. bailed out the auto industry too. dow was at 7949, now it's around 16,000. big business is doing better than ever. hasn't taken away guns didn't take over health care hasn't nationalized anything that can recall... i could go on here, but it just isn't necessary. a socialist would have done all of these things by now. So you are clueless then, is that what you are saying? oh do enlighten me, but please use facts, not spin. One, I don't think a fact would be recognized if it hit you up side the head. But this country started socialistic tendencies from it's very existence, especially from Hamilton. And Jackson and Van Buren added to the mix as did Lincoln. Wilson started the modern era of Socialistic tendencies but none more fervent than FDR and the "New Deal". But I believe the main issue with your statements is not the facts but a lack of knowledge of just what would be socialistic actions. This is make painfully obvious because the facts are all around us, therefore only the lack of knowledge of the subject would allow one to ignore the facts. |
American People: Reid is a liar and an idiot. Oh, he's much worse than that. |
Reid Denies Making Videotaped Claim that Obamacare Horror Stories Are 'Lies'
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) said Wednesday that, "I have never come to the floor, to my recollection, I've never said a word about examples that Republicans have given regarding ObamaCare and how it's not very good." "Mr. President, the junior senator from Wyoming has come to the floor several times recently talking about the fact that examples that he and others Republicans have given dealing with ObamaCare, examples that are bad, I've called lies. Mr. President, that is simply untrue," Reid said. The video included shows that Reid himself is a liar and that he is suffering from some sort of mental illness above and beyond that of the typical progressive. |
Remember, he called everyone complaining about Obozocare liars..... now he says people not signing up are idiots as well....and they extend yet another date contrary to the mandated federal law due to the poor numbers for enrollment. The idiot Dems are pushing this motorless vehicle all the way to their graves this election..... No matter how many sign up, the majority can't pay due to continuing website failures and the "payment collection" aspect of it still not working on the back end. So it was passed to insure 40M uninsured Americans..... now we have over 45M uninsured, and a large majority of those WERE insured before! Reid: Obamacare Delayed Because "People Are Not Educated About How to Use the Internet" |
More appropriately, Odumbocare delayed because Reid and other socialist liberals not sure how to use brain. i can't believe after all of this time people actually think these are socialist. haha, too funny! And just what would you call them there Mr Comic? people without a plan, but certainly not socialist. didn't take over the banks, bailed them out just like the repubs wanted. bailed out the ins. world instead of taking them over. bailed out the auto industry too. dow was at 7949, now it's around 16,000. big business is doing better than ever. hasn't taken away guns didn't take over health care hasn't nationalized anything that can recall... i could go on here, but it just isn't necessary. a socialist would have done all of these things by now. So you are clueless then, is that what you are saying? oh do enlighten me, but please use facts, not spin. One, I don't think a fact would be recognized if it hit you up side the head. But this country started socialistic tendencies from it's very existence, especially from Hamilton. And Jackson and Van Buren added to the mix as did Lincoln. Wilson started the modern era of Socialistic tendencies but none more fervent than FDR and the "New Deal". But I believe the main issue with your statements is not the facts but a lack of knowledge of just what would be socialistic actions. This is make painfully obvious because the facts are all around us, therefore only the lack of knowledge of the subject would allow one to ignore the facts. thanks for the condensed history, but it does nothing to support your claim. as for my 'lack of knowledge', well, you know nothing about me so your uneducated opinion is just that, an opinion based on having having zero knowledge of my background. |
thanks for the condensed history, but it does nothing to support your claim. as for my 'lack of knowledge', well, you know nothing about me so your uneducated opinion is just that, an opinion based on having having zero knowledge of my background. I know what you post here and that is more than enough for an educated person to make a determination. Notice I said educated, not indoctrinated as the indoctrinated are not capable of making any worthwhile decision not given them. But as to "lack of knowledge", I could reference a couple of hundred historical sources but little would be understood as one would have to comprehend the material presented and then make a critical decision as to it's value, something that some are incapable of in it's entirety, the comprehension and the decision. And then if one did actually have knowledge, it would have compelled one to actually seek the answers as knowledge is but to understand what is not known and to seek the answer, the education. So I stand on my original observation. |
Edited by
Fri 03/28/14 01:44 PM
thanks for the condensed history, but it does nothing to support your claim. as for my 'lack of knowledge', well, you know nothing about me so your uneducated opinion is just that, an opinion based on having having zero knowledge of my background. I know what you post here and that is more than enough for an educated person to make a determination. Notice I said educated, not indoctrinated as the indoctrinated are not capable of making any worthwhile decision not given them. But as to "lack of knowledge", I could reference a couple of hundred historical sources but little would be understood as one would have to comprehend the material presented and then make a critical decision as to it's value, something that some are incapable of in it's entirety, the comprehension and the decision. And then if one did actually have knowledge, it would have compelled one to actually seek the answers as knowledge is but to understand what is not known and to seek the answer, the education. So I stand on my original observation. presumptuous much? of course you do... |
Edited by
Fri 03/28/14 01:52 PM
It's all Bush's Fault! |
thanks for the condensed history, but it does nothing to support your claim. as for my 'lack of knowledge', well, you know nothing about me so your uneducated opinion is just that, an opinion based on having having zero knowledge of my background. I know what you post here and that is more than enough for an educated person to make a determination. Notice I said educated, not indoctrinated as the indoctrinated are not capable of making any worthwhile decision not given them. But as to "lack of knowledge", I could reference a couple of hundred historical sources but little would be understood as one would have to comprehend the material presented and then make a critical decision as to it's value, something that some are incapable of in it's entirety, the comprehension and the decision. And then if one did actually have knowledge, it would have compelled one to actually seek the answers as knowledge is but to understand what is not known and to seek the answer, the education. So I stand on my original observation. presumptuous much? of course you do... More like presumptive on my part. The presumptions would be.... one that hasn't a clue. so�cial�ism noun 1: any of various economic and political theories advocating collective or governmental ownership and administration of the means of production and distribution of goods 2a : a system of society or group living in which there is no private property b : a system or condition of society in which the means of production are owned and controlled by the state 3: a stage of society in Marxist theory transitional between capitalism and communism and distinguished by unequal distribution of goods and pay according to work done Of course expecting understanding of that concept would be presumptive on my part. |
| It's all Bush's Fault! Well it couldn't be Reid's fault, it doesn't recollect anything. |