Topic: a tricky bt true dilemma!
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Sun 03/23/14 07:29 AM
what do u opt for ? A. RESPECT B. SUCCESS AT ANY COST

Shy_Emo_chick's photo
Sun 03/23/14 08:51 AM
Definitely A. I could gaurantee that one of my offline friends would pick B, but he has a huge ego, so it isn't surprising really ;)

2469nascar's photo
Sun 03/23/14 08:54 AM
I cant have both?
If not ill take A.

no photo
Sun 03/23/14 09:17 AM

I cant have both?
If not ill take A.

Exactly. Repsect

vanaheim's photo
Sun 03/23/14 01:18 PM
How about self respect is the only true success?

NorCalSwe's photo
Sun 03/23/14 01:42 PM
Grandma meet underside of bus. No that's not for me. R-E-S-P-E-C-T is always the way to go.

Crys876's photo
Sun 03/23/14 04:17 PM

no photo
Sun 03/23/14 08:26 PM
success z nt an achievement any more these days u c, its a greed,its a craze. And to get our craze satiated we often opt 4 da things dat r quite nt advisable. Putting everythng at stake: conscience, morals, truth and RESPECT

no photo
Sun 03/23/14 11:52 PM
Who's buying these days?