Topic: O' Coulins Most Prominent and Free ( You're Scottish Mountai
tommyboy1101's photo
Sun 03/23/14 03:41 AM
Edited by tommyboy1101 on Sun 03/23/14 03:54 AM

O' Coulins Most Prominent and Free ( You're Scottish Mountain's Call Out To Me . . . )

O' " Slopes of The Deer Forest " you're graceful
Mountains peer up to the sky
You call out from your peaks to me

May I?

O' graceful Coulins most abrupt - and free
May I lay my body down
And rest upon thee?

O' Scotland's fair brooks,
Your gentle flowing angler's nooks
Flowing toward me -
Touch me

So, place before us now a word to the Angels here
Glistening as if listening from a loftier ear

Fallen from the breaches of a higher place
Falling down upon us with true Spiritual grace

O' water, soft flowing, cascading below me
O' brooks so clear and your mountains near -
Take me now to the sea and beyond

O'er your Coulins so preciously spawned

Refresh me o' beautiful Coulins
Care for me in your mountainous wealth
Meant to be expressed as if in a dream . . .

Carpe Diem!

tommy boy moran / Sinn F�in Ireland


tommyboy1101's photo
Sun 03/23/14 04:36 AM

no photo
Sun 03/23/14 05:36 AM
i am there in your words

tommyboy1101's photo
Sun 03/23/14 05:47 AM

:heart: = teasing.