Topic: DATING 102????????????
iRon's photo
Thu 09/13/07 11:29 AM
When I got divorced at 40 and was ready to start dating I realized I had really never dated in the traditional since before. Even after 2 marriages, numerous live-in relationships and a lot of girlfriends I never dated. There was just always miss next waiting right there in front of me to start having fun with. Typically someone I already knew or a friend knew or I was already acquitted with or already friends with. Well, not the case at 40 and after my 10 year marriage.

I see why I never dated before, Dating sucks or at least it does for me. I have just had a string of really bad dates. REALLY BAD……….. Until last night when I actually went out with a human being of the opposite sex and yes, an ex-friend of mine set me up with a guy for a date. Imagine my surprise that Pat was a Patrick. We will not even discuss that one any further……

Don’t get me wrong I am NOT all puppy eyed, ready to fall in love or start stocking her but I would like to get to know her better and I am almost sure she felt the same.

So here is a question mostly for the ladies. After a first date that went well, when should he call and say I had fun…..

Yes, at 40 you would think I would know this but things that involve women I am clueless about, plus as I explained the whole dating thing and then there is the fact that I am a bit dumb.

Thank you in advance for your inpout………………….

no photo
Thu 09/13/07 11:31 AM
How well did you connect??? If the connection was there why not phone the next day?

no photo
Thu 09/13/07 11:32 AM

If you want to call her, call her. All those "rules" are lame. A woman who is interested in you would not play games like that. She would be more than thrilled to get a phone call right away!

no photo
Thu 09/13/07 11:33 AM
I don't think there is anything wrong with calling the next day and just telling her thank you for the date and that you enjoyed yourself. I've heard that you should wait like 3 days, but I think that is playing games. If you want to call her then call her! And if she had a good time also, you will only create insecurities in her by waiting 3 days or more! JMO

no photo
Thu 09/13/07 11:34 AM
ya.....this isn't high school anymore~~~!!! Call her!!!!

no photo
Thu 09/13/07 11:38 AM
I agree, call her when you feel like it. Those stupid games and stupid "rules", blech! It's never too soon, but it can be too late :smile:

MsTeddyBear2u's photo
Thu 09/13/07 11:39 AM
I never really dated either...
So I guess I join the clueless too...
Guess we have to learn along the way.

As for calling:
If you really-really like her I say the next day.
If you like her a bit- I say in 2 or 3 days.

no photo
Thu 09/13/07 11:40 AM
I playing and "rules" are for high schoolers...CALL HER!! In should be on the phone with her RIGHT NOW..not on this damn go!!!LOL...laugh laugh

no photo
Thu 09/13/07 11:59 AM
do you think he's on the phone????

iRon!!!! Tell us what she says!!!laugh

im2fun's photo
Thu 09/13/07 12:09 PM
I agree with the rest this is not high school, call! :wink:

no photo
Thu 09/13/07 12:15 PM
laugh laugh @Gypsy.....Tell us what she said! Haahahaa

no photo
Thu 09/13/07 12:18 PM
Enquiring minds wanna know!!!laugh laugh laugh laugh

iRon's photo
Thu 09/13/07 12:26 PM
Yes gypsy we did connect, we laughed and lot, had a lot in common and she kept touching me........

And I will let y'all know what says

And thanks all.........

no photo
Thu 09/13/07 12:29 PM
hmmmmmmmmm touching.......that means alot!!!:wink:

MsTeddyBear2u's photo
Thu 09/13/07 12:31 PM
Yeah iron... goodluck and have fun!