Topic: Huh? Are really discussing . . .
mig25's photo
Wed 02/26/14 07:02 PM
Someone . . . anyone . . . please help me. I swear I don’t understand this phenomena going on of late. Athletes coming out the closet; stars announcing their “lifestyle”; gay rights and such . . . I just don’t get it. I don’t. What I want to know is why? What’s the purpose of telling the word you’re “gay” or you’re a “lesbian”? You see I’m old. Yes I can admit it though I’m not necessarily that “old”. I’m 47 so that means I’ve lived a bit and hopefully have many more good years ahead of me so when I hear someone announcing their “lifestyle/choice/or whatever it is” I wonder, quietly to myself, “What the fu*k?” Yes I wonder why someone would do that and because I’m confused as to why someone would announce being a homosexual I’m asking for help. Can someone explain to me the why? Seriously because in the scope of things all you’re doing is telling someone you’re having sex with someone of the same sex. That’s it, you’re having sex. As a heterosexual I’ve never felt the need to tell the world I’m having sex with my girlfriend. I’m assuming most couples are having sex so if you’re with your “partner” uh, isn’t it obvious you’re having sex? And I get there are traumatized kids that look up to these adults and think, “Hey if they can announce their sexuality then I must be ok and yada yada yada”. I get that, I really do but still aren’t we still talking about sex? I mean that’s ultimately what announcing your preference is isn’t it? Sex . . . yeah, sex. And if we are that concerned over who Michael Sam or Jason Collins or Doogie Howser or anyone is having sex with then there really is a problem in America or the world over . . . so help, please because I’m assuming I missed the point somewhere and it would be nice to know why.

And one more thing, I don’t think there’s anything wrong with having sex . . . just saying. I like sex. And if announcing to the world that you have a sexual preference is the “in thing” then here’s my formal announcement . . . I, Mig25 can readily admit that I’m having sex with my girlfriend (no not right now, I’m writing this). And it’s good. Now let’s discuss real issues.

no photo
Wed 02/26/14 07:44 PM

Someone . . . anyone . . . please help me. I swear I don’t understand this phenomena going on of late. Athletes coming out the closet; stars announcing their “lifestyle”; gay rights and such . . . I just don’t get it. I don’t. What I want to know is why? What’s the purpose of telling the word you’re “gay” or you’re a “lesbian”? You see I’m old. Yes I can admit it though I’m not necessarily that “old”. I’m 47 so that means I’ve lived a bit and hopefully have many more good years ahead of me so when I hear someone announcing their “lifestyle/choice/or whatever it is” I wonder, quietly to myself, “What the fu*k?” Yes I wonder why someone would do that and because I’m confused as to why someone would announce being a homosexual I’m asking for help. Can someone explain to me the why? Seriously because in the scope of things all you’re doing is telling someone you’re having sex with someone of the same sex. That’s it, you’re having sex. As a heterosexual I’ve never felt the need to tell the world I’m having sex with my girlfriend. I’m assuming most couples are having sex so if you’re with your “partner” uh, isn’t it obvious you’re having sex? And I get there are traumatized kids that look up to these adults and think, “Hey if they can announce their sexuality then I must be ok and yada yada yada”. I get that, I really do but still aren’t we still talking about sex? I mean that’s ultimately what announcing your preference is isn’t it? Sex . . . yeah, sex. And if we are that concerned over who Michael Sam or Jason Collins or Doogie Howser or anyone is having sex with then there really is a problem in America or the world over . . . so help, please because I’m assuming I missed the point somewhere and it would be nice to know why.

And one more thing, I don’t think there’s anything wrong with having sex . . . just saying. I like sex. And if announcing to the world that you have a sexual preference is the “in thing” then here’s my formal announcement . . . I, Mig25 can readily admit that I’m having sex with my girlfriend (no not right now, I’m writing this). And it’s good. Now let’s discuss real issues.

Odumbo and the indoctrination system run by the federal and state education mechanisms.

California governor signs bill requiring schools to teach gay history

Teaching homosexuality, no parents needed

So what do you expect, the government is in control.

sybariticguy's photo
Wed 02/26/14 07:50 PM
Simply put heterosexuals have social approval for their choice of partners whereas the gay community is ostrasized Announcing their preference! The hope to gain the same social acceptance automatically given to heterosexuals. Being gay in america is not a positive identity and gays seek to legitimize their preference just as heterosexuals do and receive acceptance without criticism.Yolur inability to grasp the emotional pain associated with being a gay person is interfering with empathy they truly deserve just as any outgroup is negated for being different...

mig25's photo
Wed 02/26/14 07:57 PM

Simply put heterosexuals have social approval for their choice of partners whereas the gay community is ostrasized Announcing their preference! The hope to gain the same social acceptance automatically given to heterosexuals. Being gay in america is not a positive identity and gays seek to legitimize their preference just as heterosexuals do and receive acceptance without criticism.Yolur inability to grasp the emotional pain associated with being a gay person is interfering with empathy they truly deserve just as any outgroup is negated for being different...

First of before I respond to this alnewman, you're an idiot. You're the reason why legitimate conversations can't be held anymore. Not the government. Seriously. Stop blaming and start doing.
Now where was I? Ok you were saying gays want to legitimize their relationship or choice or status or whatever still boils down to simply wanting someone to know you're having sex. The first step in legitimizing your lifestyle is simply to live. Pay no attention to those who pay attention to you. But in our society we tend to hold onto the opinions of others for whatever reason. I still think in the end we're talking about who a person is having sex with. And if announcing it is how you legitimize it then again as I said there's a problem somewhere. A serious disconnect. Just saying.

Sojourning_Soul's photo
Wed 02/26/14 09:11 PM
Edited by Sojourning_Soul on Wed 02/26/14 09:15 PM

You may as well argue religion

All the idiots who seek special privilege will keep us in the dark ages and get us nowhere

A nation divide amongst itself can not stand...... welcome to Obozonomics 101, dreams from his father

no photo
Thu 02/27/14 06:23 AM

Simply put heterosexuals have social approval for their choice of partners whereas the gay community is ostrasized Announcing their preference! The hope to gain the same social acceptance automatically given to heterosexuals. Being gay in america is not a positive identity and gays seek to legitimize their preference just as heterosexuals do and receive acceptance without criticism.Yolur inability to grasp the emotional pain associated with being a gay person is interfering with empathy they truly deserve just as any outgroup is negated for being different...

I have nothing against the gays themselves, if that is what floats their boat, more power to them.

However, I have a large problem with children being indoctrinated within the system. That is a function of the family and parents.

Government has no right to interject.

no photo
Thu 02/27/14 06:44 AM

First of before I respond to this alnewman, you're an idiot. You're the reason why legitimate conversations can't be held anymore. Not the government. Seriously. Stop blaming and start doing.
Now where was I? Ok you were saying gays want to legitimize their relationship or choice or status or whatever still boils down to simply wanting someone to know you're having sex. The first step in legitimizing your lifestyle is simply to live. Pay no attention to those who pay attention to you. But in our society we tend to hold onto the opinions of others for whatever reason. I still think in the end we're talking about who a person is having sex with. And if announcing it is how you legitimize it then again as I said there's a problem somewhere. A serious disconnect. Just saying.

First of all, I think you had it right the first time and it has not improved from there.

Someone . . . anyone . . . please help me. I swear I don'��t understand this phenomena going on of late. Athletes coming out the closet; stars announcing their "lifestyle"; gay rights and such . . . I just don'��t get it. I don't.

And you can stick your head in the sand all day but it still does not change the facts. And it's also a fact that humans are by nature sexual beings, so what is the big surprise? It's not a phenomena.

But what you fail to understand is that homosexual activity, autism, and cancer are all on the rise, the question is why, what do they have in common and it has nothing to do with some thinking it a miracle they got some sex. The common denominators are the corporation, a fiction of the government.

California governor signs bill requiring schools to teach gay history

Teaching homosexuality, no parents needed

So rant and rave all you desire, doesn't really change things but I do agree with you about...

...start doing.

Start by getting your head out of the sand and see what is real, not what you are told is real, that is if you are capable and not content to just play the poor little victim.