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Topic: Yellowstone... should we be worried?
mightymoe's photo
Mon 02/24/14 06:35 PM

If this thing blows, and it's over due, we can kiss it good bye. Which might not be a bad thing considering we will die a slow death from Fukushima radiation. Which is worse?frown

Hey I always liked the big bang. Throw a big party, get all lubed up, kiss the ole kister goodbye and bang the big fireworks show and away we go.

you can always do like woody harelson did in 2012... he went out with a bang...

no photo
Mon 02/24/14 06:36 PM

The Yellowstone Caldera has been acting up for several years. One geologist screamed about an immanent eruption a few years ago and evacuated the park. Nothing happened but the lake area tilted about a foot as I recall.

It may never erupt full scale but indications are that something is going to happen.

but something is always happening and very seldom is it good. I mean just look at the last election.

no photo
Mon 02/24/14 06:37 PM

The Yellowstone Caldera has been acting up for several years. One geologist screamed about an immanent eruption a few years ago and evacuated the park. Nothing happened but the lake area tilted about a foot as I recall.

It may never erupt full scale but indications are that something is going to happen.

i'm pretty sure it will erupt again, just a matter of when... maybe in the next 10,000 years?

But that could be 40,000 short of the maximum, not good odds.

no photo
Mon 02/24/14 06:46 PM

If this thing blows, and it's over due, we can kiss it good bye. Which might not be a bad thing considering we will die a slow death from Fukushima radiation. Which is worse?frown

Hey I always liked the big bang. Throw a big party, get all lubed up, kiss the ole kister goodbye and bang the big fireworks show and away we go.

you can always do like woody harelson did in 2012... he went out with a bang...

Naw, not stupid, the only stupid I would want would be so out of my mind partying I could care less about the surroundings. But being the first to go would just be stupid.

mightymoe's photo
Mon 02/24/14 06:47 PM

If this thing blows, and it's over due, we can kiss it good bye. Which might not be a bad thing considering we will die a slow death from Fukushima radiation. Which is worse?frown

Hey I always liked the big bang. Throw a big party, get all lubed up, kiss the ole kister goodbye and bang the big fireworks show and away we go.

you can always do like woody harelson did in 2012... he went out with a bang...

Naw, not stupid, the only stupid I would want would be so out of my mind partying I could care less about the surroundings. But being the first to go would just be stupid.

beer and weed, i could be down with it...

Dodo_David's photo
Mon 02/24/14 06:50 PM

should yellowstone blow and cover the map area with ash, it would certainly destroy all the crops in the wheat belt of the country, thus paralizing our whole economy for years to come and all those poor liberal farm workers would be out of jobs feeding the mouths of all those right wing nut cases and 1% ers.

huh Poor liberal farm workers?

The wheat belt votes Republican.

By the way, if you earn at least $33,000/year (US), then you are in the economic top 1% of all people on planet Earth.

no photo
Mon 02/24/14 06:51 PM
Edited by alnewman on Mon 02/24/14 06:53 PM

If this thing blows, and it's over due, we can kiss it good bye. Which might not be a bad thing considering we will die a slow death from Fukushima radiation. Which is worse?frown

Hey I always liked the big bang. Throw a big party, get all lubed up, kiss the ole kister goodbye and bang the big fireworks show and away we go.

you can always do like woody harelson did in 2012... he went out with a bang...

Naw, not stupid, the only stupid I would want would be so out of my mind partying I could care less about the surroundings. But being the first to go would just be stupid.

beer and weed, i could be down with it...

Hey don't forget the tequila, limes and salt. And heck it's the end so don't forget the speed so you don't pass out before it's over. I mean nothing like passing out and coming too just in time to say, oh crap.

mightymoe's photo
Mon 02/24/14 06:55 PM

If this thing blows, and it's over due, we can kiss it good bye. Which might not be a bad thing considering we will die a slow death from Fukushima radiation. Which is worse?frown

Hey I always liked the big bang. Throw a big party, get all lubed up, kiss the ole kister goodbye and bang the big fireworks show and away we go.

you can always do like woody harelson did in 2012... he went out with a bang...

Naw, not stupid, the only stupid I would want would be so out of my mind partying I could care less about the surroundings. But being the first to go would just be stupid.

beer and weed, i could be down with it...

Hey don't forget the tequila, limes and salt. And heck it's the end so don't forget the speed so you don't pass out before it's over. I mean nothing like passing out and coming too just in time to say, oh crap.

just the beer and weed for me, thanks...

no photo
Mon 02/24/14 07:00 PM

By the way, if you earn at least $33,000/year (US), then you are in the economic top 1% of all people on planet Earth.

But that would be an unfair appraisal of value.

no photo
Mon 02/24/14 07:02 PM

beer and weed, i could be down with it...

Hey don't forget the tequila, limes and salt. And heck it's the end so don't forget the speed so you don't pass out before it's over. I mean nothing like passing out and coming too just in time to say, oh crap.

just the beer and weed for me, thanks...

Hey are you really from Texas? No tequila shooters.

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