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dcastelmissy's photo
Wed 02/19/14 09:03 AM
Who are some of the people who have positively affected your life in one form or another? It may be a family member, friend, co-worker, a Mingle2 member, a writer, human rights worker...or a neighbor next door or half way around the world. Somewhere, somehow these people have made an impression on your life. Be kind enough to share how these people have left their footprint in your life, and how this has changed you for the good. Thanks for your participation!

msharmony's photo
Wed 02/19/14 09:58 AM
all of my family

they have accomplished many things and overcome many obstacles

my brothers have all become amazing fathers to their kids
inspiring me to be a great parent

my mother has overcome every obstacle in her way and kept her wit and love of life, inspiring me to persevere through whatever

my father also overcame many obstacles, living both in the south and the north during very segregated times, always provided and was never scared of anyone when it came to speaking up for what was right

no photo
Wed 02/19/14 08:45 PM
who has inspired me? my sons...they have achieved so much and they are still young. a woman who I babysat for and my best friend (in high school's) mom. They provided care and guidance at times I needed it most. They trusted me at times when others felt I could not be trusted. I learned that I am a worthy person from them.

Ɔʎɹɐx's photo
Wed 02/19/14 10:47 PM
Edited by Ɔʎɹɐx on Wed 02/19/14 10:48 PM
Awzit Von Lanheim

larsson71's photo
Wed 02/19/14 10:51 PM
Muhammed Ali, inspires me most!

Ɔʎɹɐx's photo
Wed 02/19/14 10:54 PM

Muhammed Ali, inspires me most!

and Henrik Larsson ?

larsson71's photo
Wed 02/19/14 10:59 PM

Muhammed Ali, inspires me most!

and Henrik Larsson ?
Henrik Larsson, was just my favourite player, for Celtic. I used to watch Muhammed Ali's fights on video when I was younger. The rumble in the Jungle and the thriller in Manila, etc, as I had just started at the Boxing myself back then!

Ɔʎɹɐx's photo
Wed 02/19/14 11:21 PM

Muhammed Ali, inspires me most!

and Henrik Larsson ?
Henrik Larsson, was just my favourite player, for Celtic. I used to watch Muhammed Ali's fights on video when I was younger. The rumble in the Jungle and the thriller in Manila, etc, as I had just started at the Boxing myself back then!

what was his last match ? Drama in the Bahama ?
that was an epic fail

no photo
Thu 02/20/14 01:43 AM
Paul in the bible....
I can do all things through christ dat strengthens me

larsson71's photo
Thu 02/20/14 01:45 AM

Muhammed Ali, inspires me most!

and Henrik Larsson ?
Henrik Larsson, was just my favourite player, for Celtic. I used to watch Muhammed Ali's fights on video when I was younger. The rumble in the Jungle and the thriller in Manila, etc, as I had just started at the Boxing myself back then!

what was his last match ? Drama in the Bahama ?
that was an epic fail
The Fox in the Box! ha ha

Ɔʎɹɐx's photo
Thu 02/20/14 02:10 AM

Muhammed Ali, inspires me most!

and Henrik Larsson ?
Henrik Larsson, was just my favourite player, for Celtic. I used to watch Muhammed Ali's fights on video when I was younger. The rumble in the Jungle and the thriller in Manila, etc, as I had just started at the Boxing myself back then!

what was his last match ? Drama in the Bahama ?
that was an epic fail
The Fox in the Box! ha ha


jacktrades's photo
Thu 02/20/14 02:15 AM
My step dad, a vietnam veteran who taught me self worth and self defense.My neighbor Mr Hardy ,who taught me the love of the great outdoors and how to never judge a man by the color of his skin.My mother, who taught me to respect women and a undying work ethic. Jesus who taught me to be a better and kinder person.My friend Joe who taught that a undying sense of humor can pull you through the tough times in life.

no photo
Thu 02/20/14 02:35 AM
Nelson Mandella, Barack Obama, Marvin Gaye, Mother Theresa, Michelle Obama, Jesus, The Queen of England, but most of all My mum!

henry65123456's photo
Thu 02/20/14 02:40 AM
That is absolutely cute

no photo
Thu 02/20/14 06:25 AM
My three moms...
Mother Theresa
She had nothing but gave so much to others. You see her you see God.
Ma (Missy)
A real classy lady. She always thinks of others and knows how to love and be a friend.
My Mom
She sacrificed everything for her children. She is strong. She overcame a childhood of hell and doesn't let it rule her. She has a strong faith in God. Shes not afraid to stand up for what's right. Her hugs are the Best!

FearandLoathing's photo
Thu 02/20/14 08:09 PM
Leonardo da Vinci.

PacificStar48's photo
Thu 02/20/14 08:20 PM
Wow so many it is hard to pick just one or a few.

The people in the community that I grew up and became the village that raised me despite the cruelty of the ones who did not.

msharmony's photo
Thu 02/20/14 08:27 PM
definitely an inspiring thread,,flowerforyou

stephen84usa's photo
Thu 02/20/14 10:52 PM
Michael Larson from the press your luck game show back in 1984 that won ov er 100 thousand dollars that put an entire tv network in disarray from the loss of their own dollars

dcastelmissy's photo
Sat 02/22/14 05:22 AM
I have known so many inspirational people it would be impossible to list them all, so I will mention the ones who had the most impact for me. That consists of three people: my parents and my grandmother on my mother's side. My parents were married for over 50 years and displayed for me what true love and devotion was truly like. Their faith in times of adversity has strengthened me, their love for each other and others has deeply impressed me, and their courage to succeed despite any obstacle has given me a courageous spirit. My other inspiration was my grandmother, who was a tiny woman who had thirteen children and outlived six of them. At one point she had three children sick at the same time, losing two of them to the Spanish influenza. She was respected, loved and admired by so many and always helped others in need despite the fact that she was poor herself. She was the glue which held our family together. My inspirations were not rich or famous, nor did they do great things that the world should take note, but they were, to me, the greatest ones for whom I will be eternally grateful. I was blessed to have them in my life.

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