Topic: change the world
Queene123's photo
Sat 02/15/14 10:44 PM
i changed
my life around
for others to see
as i changed
the world
to have peace
with no harm
with morals
that seem
to be so right
as i have
my path
to a spiritual
to bring
my youth
so be sound
and strong.
for the rules
have yet
to be followed
but yet keep
in stlyle and calm
and embrace
what comes
to mind
look in the reflection
of the universe
and you will
see the whole
new you
but your smile
will remain
the same
with a brightness
of hope and trust
open your mind
to this bright
new world
and walk
hand n hand
with a new story
that yet comes
to mind

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Mon 02/17/14 05:42 PM