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Topic: !*!*!*!*! <<< The New 4:20 Clubhouse>>> !*!*!*!*!*!* - part 29
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Fri 05/29/15 06:22 PM

SEXY!!! that girls pretty nice looking too. love love shocked surprised

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Mon 06/01/15 02:46 PM

I remember those DIME days! smitten drinker :heart:

and an O Z was FORTY bucks! :thumbsup: winking

damn, oz costs me like 250 but its official medical grade stuff.

40$ a oz, id be swimmin in buds!

Like Carly Simon said, "Those were the GOOD OL' DAYS"! :thumbsup:
winking drinker smokin

I bet that Med. stuff is some
AZZ kickin' schit! shocked shades

mightymoe's photo
Mon 06/01/15 04:22 PM

I remember those DIME days! smitten drinker :heart:

and an O Z was FORTY bucks! :thumbsup: winking

damn, oz costs me like 250 but its official medical grade stuff.

40$ a oz, id be swimmin in buds!

Like Carly Simon said, "Those were the GOOD OL' DAYS"! :thumbsup:
winking drinker smokin

I bet that Med. stuff is some
AZZ kickin' schit! shocked shades

you can still get an OZ for 40-50 bucks, but it's the Mexican dirt weed...

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Tue 06/02/15 07:08 PM

I remember those DIME days! smitten drinker :heart:

and an O Z was FORTY bucks! :thumbsup: winking

damn, oz costs me like 250 but its official medical grade stuff.

40$ a oz, id be swimmin in buds!

Like Carly Simon said, "Those were the GOOD OL' DAYS"! :thumbsup:
winking drinker smokin

I bet that Med. stuff is some
AZZ kickin' schit! shocked shades

you can still get an OZ for 40-50 bucks, but it's the Mexican dirt weed...

haha yea that $h1t sux tho, last like 5 mins and puts ya right to sleep.
i get medical grade 1 hit and your off to the moon. wish they would just legalize it already, i would love to grow some. esp. some white widow happy :thumbsup:

SuzQ66's photo
Tue 06/02/15 07:12 PM
ww is one of the few things that can touch my pain sometimes...

no photo
Wed 06/03/15 01:57 PM
I :heart: White Widowsmokin waving

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Wed 06/03/15 02:39 PM

I remember those DIME days! smitten drinker :heart:

and an O Z was FORTY bucks! :thumbsup: winking

damn, oz costs me like 250 but its official medical grade stuff.

40$ a oz, id be swimmin in buds!

Like Carly Simon said, "Those were the GOOD OL' DAYS"! :thumbsup:
winking drinker smokin

I bet that Med. stuff is some
AZZ kickin' schit! shocked shades

you can still get an OZ for 40-50 bucks, but it's the Mexican dirt weed...

Yeah...they can KEEP that schit down there!whoa sick

no photo
Wed 06/03/15 02:46 PM

I :heart: White Widowsmokin waving

waving Scooby!
I don't think I've ever tried any of that-ohwell

Glad it helps with PAIN SuzQ66! :thumbsup:
It DOES have lots of good uses... Hope it's LEGAL
Nationwide someday smokin

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Wed 06/03/15 02:52 PM
Dee, it's some bomb diggity dank! Like stupifried after about 3 tokes. Bubonic Chronic:thumbsup:

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Wed 06/03/15 02:58 PM

Perhaps someday I'll get a chance to
find out for myself:wink:

no photo
Wed 06/03/15 03:07 PM
Here's to hoping so.....devil it's some special Devil's lettuce.

no photo
Wed 06/03/15 05:29 PM

ww is one of the few things that can touch my pain sometimes...

glad to hear that. WW is a pretty potent strain, definitely one of my top 3.

no photo
Wed 06/03/15 05:33 PM

I :heart: White Widowsmokin waving

hell yea its the diggity dankness

just so damn pretty to look at. i hope soon i can grow my own and see this beauty firsthand.

no photo
Thu 06/04/15 07:07 AM
^^^^^that just looks yummy! Thanks for posting Tomato86:thumbsup:

mightymoe's photo
Thu 06/04/15 03:00 PM
someone pass the joint, i'm out right now...:cry:

no photo
Fri 06/05/15 05:45 AM

^^^^^that just looks yummy! Thanks for posting Tomato86:thumbsup:

anytime scoob, nothing like some bud porn haha

no photo
Fri 06/05/15 05:46 AM

someone pass the joint, i'm out right now...:cry:

i hear ya moe. going to be going to a job interview in a couple days, so i been cleaning out my system, havent smoked in like a month! its phukkin killing me haha

no photo
Fri 06/05/15 06:07 AM
Puff, pufffff, passes..smokin ...all I got right now is some MD-X. Came from a Michigan dispensary. It's a hybrid, gives a nice head and body buzz. bigsmile

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Fri 06/05/15 07:50 AM

Puff, pufffff, passes..smokin ...all I got right now is some MD-X. Came from a Michigan dispensary. It's a hybrid, gives a nice head and body buzz. bigsmile

nice i cant wait to get this job interview over already, not sure if they plan on doing a drug test but i havent smoked in almost a month to be safe. next time i smoke again im going to be high as phukkkkkkkkkk.

cant wait. fire up the extreme q 4.0 take some whip hits and get spaceddddd

no photo
Fri 06/05/15 07:50 AM

Puff, pufffff, passes..smokin ...all I got right now is some MD-X. Came from a Michigan dispensary. It's a hybrid, gives a nice head and body buzz. bigsmile

nice i cant wait to get this job interview over already, not sure if they plan on doing a drug test but i havent smoked in almost a month to be safe. next time i smoke again im going to be high as phukkkkkkkkkk.

cant wait. fire up the extreme q 4.0 take some whip hits and get spaceddddd

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