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Topic: CBS' Face The Nation edits Ted Cruz interview
Sojourning_Soul's photo
Sat 02/01/14 06:49 AM

the interview was not about the state of the union address

the interviewer would have been being manipulated had he allowed a question about division in the tea party to turn into a discussion about the upcoming state of the union address,,,

Have you totally lost your mind? What planet are you on at the moment?

I can tell you, it ain't this one!

Who even mentioned the SOTU?

The post is about blatantly editing comment with bias to support an agenda or party

Of course in this case it's of little matter. Nobody cares what that old corpse Schieffer has to say anyway. If he couldn't read his teleprompter he would be too drunk to have an opinion to broadcast

the type in the article is poorly edited as well, it starts off about schumer and then ends up about cruz, my eror

but even still, the question asked took four seconds

will you run for president?
it was a yes or no question, not a prompt to try out his political campaign ad on the public,,,lol

he went on to what he doesn't like about the administration, the question was not about the administration, it was about HIS PLANS and what HE would do

he answered the question 'what concerns you about this administration?
which wasn't asked,,lol

1) the video has nothing to do with Schmuck shoemer, it was soely about Cruz.

2) The question was whether or not he (Cruz) would run for president which he answered in a round about way by saying "what concerns me right now is..."

the video is apparently cruz, the article quotes SCHUMER and also mentions questions from Cruz, its poorly edited ,,lol

and the answer was not a 'round about' answer, it was a totally different topic..

its like if I asked a husband,,

'honey, are you going to do the laundry?' and he says

'well, im gonna focus on fixing supper. What concerns me about a vegetarian diet is,,,

lol, its a YES, NO question, the interviwer made it clear it was meant as a yes or no question,

most likely one of the last at the end of the time they allotted for the interview (which we cant know since the op themselves EDITED to show only a select 1:54 to support their 'agenda')

if you notice, not only was that part of the answer edited ,but the interviewer CLARIFYING the type of question was edited out too

they were looking for a short answer to 'are you running'

it really is SIMPLY yes , no, or I haven't made up my mind,, question,,,

he gave an answer and information about what HIS focus was, that was the end of answering if he was running

what was wrong with someone else, was not the topic ,, HE WAS

You actually try to think with that ball of confusion between your shoulders?

msharmony's photo
Sat 02/01/14 09:15 AM
I Try to think with balance and logic

that's why attacks on others is not the norm for me, because I disagree with what they say

anyhow, thinking with BALANCE and LOGIC, I found the transcript for the FULL interview which Im guessing most jumping at this tidbit of edited commentary about editing,,,(lol, the irony) haven't done


and , as balance and logic dictated TO ME,, this was the FINAL question of an interview in which CRUZ had ALREADY spent a majority able to criticize the administration,,,,

Sojourning_Soul's photo
Sun 02/02/14 07:38 AM

I Try to think with balance and logic

that's why attacks on others is not the norm for me, because I disagree with what they say

anyhow, thinking with BALANCE and LOGIC, I found the transcript for the FULL interview which Im guessing most jumping at this tidbit of edited commentary about editing,,,(lol, the irony) haven't done


and , as balance and logic dictated TO ME,, this was the FINAL question of an interview in which CRUZ had ALREADY spent a majority able to criticize the administration,,,,

Yep, who would expect a politico to campaign when a mic is in front of them anyway?

And even with all the criticism of this admin, over the scandals, the controversy and lies, nothing much is done about it while this king is on the throne, the corrupt holder controls the courts, and the libs control congress

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