Topic: God vs. Santa
Milesoftheusa's photo
Tue 02/04/14 09:04 PM

Know one knows it all.. Don't we here open your mind to new Possibilities. Wow Look in the Bible its endless with possibilities on the lifestyle you choose.

Many are Non Religious BECAUSE they have read the bible and competing religious texts and concluded that tales about talking donkeys and snakes, dead bodies coming back to life days after death, gods flying through the air unaided, etc are FOLK TALES, legends, fables.

Thousands of years ago people did not distinguish between fantasy and reality – and many in modern times believe tales from that era are literal truth.

Yes, there is SOME wisdom in the bible just as there is SOME wisdom in millions of other books – even those written by people we consider evil monsters. So what? There is some truth in the lies of politicians. So what?

Shall we accept entire works as truthful and accurate if we can find an occasional truth?

but its not occasional. it is never ending made for all time. The Bible is spiritual. Learning the Physical in the Bible what to do brings you to understanding the spiritual meaning. Just like a job if you care to learn it well. its much more than the book said. the doing the work is what brings out what the job really is. If not what good is experience? The on hands approach.

we are told all over the place no matter what instance in time how to live among the masses peacefully.

The example of judging of the woman in adultery. They came to Yahshua because they wanted to trick him so adament they were going to find wrong in him they brought an adulterous woman before him and surely he would have to condemn her to death the law says so.

What did he do and why?

John 8:2-11

2 Now early in the morning He came again into the temple, and all the people came to Him; and He sat down and taught them. 3 Then the scribes and Pharisees brought to Him a woman caught in adultery. And when they had set her in the midst, 4 they said to Him, "Teacher, this woman was caught in adultery, in the very act. 5 Now Moses, in the law, commanded us that such should be stoned. But what do You say?" 6 This they said, testing Him, that they might have something of which to accuse Him. But Jesus stooped down and wrote on the ground with His finger, as though He did not hear.

7 So when they continued asking Him, He raised Himself up and said to them, "He who is without sin among you, let him throw a stone at her first." 8 And again He stooped down and wrote on the ground. 9 Then those who heard it, being convicted by their conscience, went out one by one, beginning with the oldest even to the last. And Jesus was left alone, and the woman standing in the midst. 10 When Jesus had raised Himself up and saw no one but the woman, He said to her, "Woman, where are those accusers of yours? Has no one condemned you?"

11 She said, "No one, Lord."

And Jesus said to her, "Neither do I condemn you; go and sin no more."

Why didn't he condemn her? This is good for us today because all he was doing was showing how they were showing partiality in the law.

The law they were referring to says both the man and the woman was to be stoned. Where was the man? Think maybe he wrote on the ground "WHERE'S THE MAN" so in their partiality this is a sin. They wanted the woman judged but not the man. we see the same today and can learn from this but the bible is Bad, its evil, unjust, a fairy tale.

Yet it's laws are spiritual and can be applied to every generation their ever has been. wonders who's elses laws we can say that about?

This is good knowledge to have to live by because the word is a LIFESTLE and it should be in the school being taught as a alternative Lifestyle also. But its not so their is an un fair law.

Everything that has come down through generations is being put to the test. I love it. It means Yahweh will send his son before long.

se prophesy is way more than most has ever heard. Yahshua's every word was Prophesy because it is true. Why because it is simple wisdom how to live a long and peaceful life.

We have all these rights but the bible is shut down. speak out against sin which is everywhere. so we take the Bible out of our schools. How many school shootings did we have before Roe vs wade? can we think of any?

Why is that something Yahweh says is evil and if u do evil then evil will come to you. We see it all the time now because morals are of no use.

That's the message of the scriptures simple morals to teach our children but they here this their and something else over their and see people getting even so they go shoot'em up and nobody knows why. The bible tells us why but u know who wants to listen and who is teaching their children things society does is called Evil by the bible by Yahweh. want peace bring the bible back into the schools and in a generation we will be a great nation again. If not the scriptures calls us the Great Whore that came out of the see the horn that rose up and Became America.

Prophesy says this whore you will know her because 1 because of her sins.

2 that she is a great trader. when she falls the world will wail because of the delicasies she has given them. Huh have we made the world rich?

3 it also tells us another sign of this little horn from this great whore the daughter of England the Whore.

they will say throughout the world.
Rev 13:4
4 So they worshiped the dragon who gave authority to the beast; and they worshiped the beast, saying,"Who is like the beast? Who is able to make war with him?"

a dragon and a Beast. and also great trading partners. china and the USA. The whore is the beast but who gives us life?

17 trillion in debt what if china said we want our money? no they will not do that for several reasons. Trade and military might we have, tell me who could make war with us?

we live in a Sodom and Gomorrah. not only a gay lifestyle but even worse we do not care about nothing but the rich. a wealth dispersion like none ever seen. bailing out banks and then the banks give millions of dollars to their exe's and well its ok .

See they were destroyed for their un hospitality also they were in chaos. Does the great nation seem like its in chaos?

Yes and it will get way worse. love will leave people and we have just begun to see an America that class warfare will get much deeper and the ones who caused it we are told are the only ones who can fix it. How continue to give to the rich and allow them to take advantage of the poor.

Great line they use work for min. wage or u r lazy? maybe but when billionaires who need no more just invest and their pay check each week is more than all their employees something is wrong. This is not the American Dream this is little Kingdoms power for men. all over just look around. we accept this like we have accepted the other things the haters of the scriptures have put over on us and we do not see. its gradual. when we started killing babies and look up a chart about the American income and what it can buy through the years when did it start to fall?

Just like was forcast. a Good weather forcast

Milesoftheusa's photo
Thu 02/06/14 09:35 AM

I have always loved this short verse. Yahshua writes on the ground as if he does not hear them. I believe he could care less what they wanted because the Man was not thier so no judgement could be made.. Where's The Man"

"Teacher, this woman was caught in adultery, in the very act. 5 Now Moses, in the law, commanded us that such should be stoned. But what do You say?" 6 This they said, testing Him, that they might have something of which to accuse Him. But Jesus stooped down and wrote on the ground with His finger, as though He did not hear

JohnDavidDavid's photo
Fri 02/07/14 12:25 PM
The Bible is spiritual.


The bible is also myth, legend, folktale, testimonial, parable, fiction, fantasy.

Some individual items MAY have basis in fact, but the literally true can seldom be separated from the fictional / imaginary.

The same can be said of other religious texts and traditions. There is nothing unique or sacred about the bible. It is the work of fallible humans serving their own agenda and that of Roman emperors.

Gwendolyn2008's photo
Fri 02/07/14 05:55 PM
If god, the Easter bunny, Santa Claus, and the perfect man (or woman) all arrived at the same time at a four way intersection, who would have the right-of-way?

Milesoftheusa's photo
Sat 02/08/14 03:11 PM

The Bible is spiritual.


The bible is also myth, legend, folktale, testimonial, parable, fiction, fantasy.

Some individual items MAY have basis in fact, but the literally true can seldom be separated from the fictional / imaginary.

The same can be said of other religious texts and traditions. There is nothing unique or sacred about the bible. It is the work of fallible humans serving their own agenda and that of Roman emperors.

Why can't you ever come up with a different answer. It's like a song put on repeat.

I give you different knowledge from different places and i already know what your reply will be. over and over and over

JohnDavidDavid's photo
Sat 02/08/14 03:41 PM
I give you different knowledge from different places

Quotations from different pages in the same book do not constitute "knowledge from different places" or even knowledge. Biblical writings cited are unverifiable OPINION written by people whose identity is not known to scholars and theologians -- and who wrote decades or generations after the events that they cannot be shown to have witnessed.

Can you refute, with verifiable information, anything I have said?

Note the term "verifiable" -- meaning "To confirm the accuracy or truth of something." That a book makes a claim in different places is NOT verification.

and i already know what your reply will be.

If someone claims to KNOW in advance what I will reply, they must be supernatural (or think they are).

no photo
Mon 02/10/14 04:29 PM

Santa is not said to send people to "hell" if they do not worship him

God doesn't send anyone to hell.

People do not hate and condemn each other over differences in Santa beliefs

Maybe not, but they do over which sports teams they support, where they were born, where they live, how much money they have, their skin color, their sexual preferences, etc. It seems to the rational mind that people don't need a lot to make them want to hate and condemn each other.

Wars are not caused by differences in Santa beliefs

Wars have been fought for all sorts of reasons. In the 20th century, more people were killed by Communism than all previous recorded wars combined. I suppose the point is similar to the previous answer, people are very willing to hate each other over insignificant differences.

Elaborate Palaces of Worship are not constructed for Santa


Offerings collected for Santa are typically limited to cookies


No sacrifices (animal or human) are made to Santa

Since you mentioned hell, I must assume you are talking about Christianity. Christianity has only had one sacrifice, when God sacrificed His son for our sake.

Santa believers do not generally consider themselves superior to those who do not believe or worship

People consider themselves superior to others by what they eat, how often they exercise, where they were born, their ancestors, etc. Why should religion be different?

What your objections come down to is this: You don't accept human nature. Human nature is to be divided and seek differences. Human nature is to hate and war and feel superior to each other. Religion is just another excuse some people use to feel this way. A little intellectual honest goes a long way.

JohnDavidDavid's photo
Tue 02/11/14 04:56 AM
God doesn't send anyone to hell.

I do not disagree; however, many believe that their favorite "god" provides a "hell" in an "afterlife" for "souls" of those who refuse to worship "him" and follow rules made by "priests" and "prophets."

Christianity has only had one sacrifice, when God sacrificed His son for our sake.

Interesting conjecture. Is there any way to verify that it is true (more substantial than ancient folklore and texts promoting religion)?

no photo
Tue 02/11/14 06:51 AM

God doesn't send anyone to hell.

I do not disagree; however, many believe that their favorite "god" provides a "hell" in an "afterlife" for "souls" of those who refuse to worship "him" and follow rules made by "priests" and "prophets."

Why in the hell did you feel the need to put so many words in quotes? What kind of damn thing is that to do?

"Hell" is what we call existence without God. If you reject God throughout life, He will not force Himself on you in the afterlife. Hell is life, but without joy, happiness or purpose. A level of misery, which would make a lake of fire seem appealing in comparison.

Christianity has only had one sacrifice, when God sacrificed His son for our sake.

Interesting conjecture. Is there any way to verify that it is true (more substantial than ancient folklore and texts promoting religion)?

Christianity only believes in one sacrifice, Jesus. Everybody knows that. Maybe you mean I should prove Jesus was Crucified? Well, most historians who have studied the subject agree that he was. Is that good enough for you?

Milesoftheusa's photo
Tue 02/11/14 09:30 AM

I give you different knowledge from different places

Quotations from different pages in the same book do not constitute "knowledge from different places" or even knowledge. Biblical writings cited are unverifiable OPINION written by people whose identity is not known to scholars and theologians -- and who wrote decades or generations after the events that they cannot be shown to have witnessed.

Can you refute, with verifiable information, anything I have said?

Note the term "verifiable" -- meaning "To confirm the accuracy or truth of something." That a book makes a claim in different places is NOT verification.

and i already know what your reply will be.

If someone claims to KNOW in advance what I will reply, they must be supernatural (or think they are).

Is life is in the blood and do not eat it Opinion?

Is do not eat the fat Opinion?

Is the world a circle and we are in a tent opinion?

Is sex with only your wife opinion? in todays age it is but u do not have to worry about std's if u only have 1 partner in your life. Geese are better than us on this.

these are facts science has just caught up to. we are not to mix seeds. yet Monsanto is playing the mad scientists with our food supply and science is trying to figure out what to do.

Biblical laws are what our nation is built upon. we have just taken them way to far. you will always see it as opinion and thats fine. I prefer to use the Bible as My guide on how to live my life.

JohnDavidDavid's photo
Tue 02/11/14 10:28 AM
Is life is in the blood and do not eat it Opinion?

Is do not eat the fat Opinion?

Is the world a circle and we are in a tent opinion?

Well, so much for verification.

Is sex with only your wife opinion? in todays age it is but u do not have to worry about std's if u only have 1 partner in your life. Geese are better than us on this.

Correction: If you (generic term) have sexual relations with only your wife (mate), you definitely CAN contract STD.

these are facts science has just caught up to. we are not to mix seeds. yet Monsanto is playing the mad scientists with our food supply and science is trying to figure out what to do.

Humans have been "mixing seeds" for thousands of years in a process known as hybridization. That process has been instrumental in producing plants and animals utilized in agriculture.

Biblical laws are what our nation is built upon.

Much of what this nation was built on was from Native Americans. The idea of democracy was far more evident in their societies than in European nations of that era.

I prefer to use the Bible as My guide on how to live my life.

The bible is an excellent guide for how to treat or beat slaves, how to kill adulterers or disobedient children or people who collect firewood on the sabbath, how and why to kill all humans and other animals on Earth (except a select few), how to cure diseases by casting out demons, etc.

Much of the bible is devoted to the opinion of anonymous people regarding "how to worship" a proposed invisible, undetectable supernatural entity with the objective of gaining "everlasting life" after death.

Perhaps someone can explain why that constitutes an appropriate guide to living in the real world that we currently inhabit?

no photo
Tue 02/11/14 10:30 AM
Edited by Enkoodabaoo on Tue 02/11/14 10:43 AM

Biblical laws are what our nation is built upon.

Much of what this nation was built on was from Native Americans. The idea of democracy was far more evident in their societies than in European nations of that era.

You have absolutely got to be saying that to get a rise. Nobody who has ever studied history or even had a thought in their head could possibly think that.

The more I read this, the more convinced I get. If you really were a teacher, you would have to know that we know where the founding father's got their ideas and it was not the Native Americans.

JohnDavidDavid's photo
Tue 02/11/14 10:51 AM

Biblical laws are what our nation is built upon.

Much of what this nation was built on was from Native Americans. The idea of democracy was far more evident in their societies than in European nations of that era.

You have absolutely got to be saying that to get a rise. Nobody who has ever studied history or even had a thought in their head could possibly think that.

Try "Lies my Teacher Told Me" by James W. Lowen and "The Significance of the Frontier in American History" by Frederick Jackson Turner for viewpoints that differ from the homogenized / Europeanized views presented in standard / politically correct textbooks.

Lowen does an outstanding job of presenting a realistic view of American history (that is nothing like what we were taught -- and is well documented).

Milesoftheusa's photo
Tue 02/11/14 11:01 AM

Biblical laws are what our nation is built upon.

Much of what this nation was built on was from Native Americans. The idea of democracy was far more evident in their societies than in European nations of that era.

You have absolutely got to be saying that to get a rise. Nobody who has ever studied history or even had a thought in their head could possibly think that.

Try "Lies my Teacher Told Me" by James W. Lowen and "The Significance of the Frontier in American History" by Frederick Jackson Turner for viewpoints that differ from the homogenized / Europeanized views presented in standard / politically correct textbooks.

Lowen does an outstanding job of presenting a realistic view of American history (that is nothing like what we were taught -- and is well documented).

I will agree with you about our history books. Thankgiving was a trick. they gave them blankets to go back to thier tribes that had the small pox virus in them. I would like to go someday and Protest with the Indians at Plymouth Rock at thankgiving each year. never see the news cover that story

no photo
Tue 02/11/14 11:12 AM

Try "Lies my Teacher Told Me" by James W. Lowen and "The Significance of the Frontier in American History" by Frederick Jackson Turner for viewpoints that differ from the homogenized / Europeanized views presented in standard / politically correct textbooks.

Lowen does an outstanding job of presenting a realistic view of American history (that is nothing like what we were taught -- and is well documented).

Total garbage. A quick search shows that most historians not just disagree but vehemently disagree with their theories. I'll stick with reading the facts for myself. Like reading the writings of the founding fathers, which describe their thought processes and inspirations.

no photo
Tue 02/11/14 11:13 AM

I will agree with you about our history books. Thankgiving was a trick. they gave them blankets to go back to thier tribes that had the small pox virus in them. I would like to go someday and Protest with the Indians at Plymouth Rock at thankgiving each year. never see the news cover that story

No it wasn't.

JohnDavidDavid's photo
Tue 02/11/14 11:32 AM
Total garbage.

Oh? Have you read the work of Lowen and Turner before rendering judgment?

I'll stick with reading the facts for myself.

Many dislike reading anything that disagrees with what they want to believe

Like reading the writings of the founding fathers, which describe their thought processes and inspirations.

Oh? Have you discovered the LACK of mention of "god" and Christianity in the Constitution and Bill of Rights?

Thankgiving was a trick.

Thanksgiving, as we envision it, is a MYTH.

no photo
Tue 02/11/14 11:51 AM

Oh? Have you read the work of Lowen and Turner before rendering judgment?

I don't have time to read every book that comes along. When almost all historians recommend another historian's book be used as bird cage liner, I feel justified in skipping that one.

Many dislike reading anything that disagrees with what they want to believe

It seems that you do, but there is hope for you, since you are aware of that particular failing.

Oh? Have you discovered the LACK of mention of "god" and Christianity in the Constitution and Bill of Rights?

The founders based the Constitution on natural law, which is a philosophy based on Christianity. And the Lord is mentioned in the Constitution: "Done in Convention by the Unanimous Consent of the States present the Seventeenth Day of September in the Year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and Eighty seven and of the Independence of the United States of America the twelfth...."

Thanksgiving, as we envision it, is a MYTH.

As you envision it, maybe. I know the truth of it. I know that it was Chief Massasoit's son who attacked the Pilgrims and the Pilgrims defended themselves. We see that in their diaries and in the public writings.

JohnDavidDavid's photo
Tue 02/11/14 02:36 PM
Edited by JohnDavidDavid on Tue 02/11/14 02:38 PM

Oh? Have you read the work of Lowen and Turner before rendering judgment?

I don't have time to read every book that comes along. When almost all historians recommend another historian's book be used as bird cage liner, I feel justified in skipping that one.

Oh, do almost all historians recommend that the work of Lowen and Turner be used as bird cage liner? Citations?

It is fairly common for traditionalists to condemn what they "don't have time" to read.

Many dislike reading anything that disagrees with what they want to believe

It seems that you do, but there is hope for you, since you are aware of that particular failing.

Thank you for recognizing that I have the ability and inclination to read many sides of issues and do not confine my reading to that which supports only the popular and traditional viewpoints.

Oh? Have you discovered the LACK of mention of "god" and Christianity in the Constitution and Bill of Rights?

The founders based the Constitution on natural law, which is a philosophy based on Christianity.

Although Christianity may aspire to take credit for "Natural Law" it cannot rationally do so.

The term is defined as: an ethical belief or system of beliefs supposed to be inherent in human nature and discoverable by reason rather than revelation, OR: law of nature, OR: the philosophical doctrine that the authority of the legal system or of certain laws derives from their justifiability by reason, and indeed that a legal system which cannot be so justified has no authority."

In other words -- natural law is the "law" of NATURE -- not religion or society

In fact, Christianity may be based in some part on natural law -- not the other way around. Christianity cannot be shown to be based on reason or on nature (but on "faith" and supernaturalism).

And the Lord is mentioned in the Constitution: "Done in Convention by the Unanimous Consent of the States present the Seventeenth Day of September in the Year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and Eighty seven and of the Independence of the United States of America the twelfth...."

A reference to the calendar qualifies? Perhaps if deemed appropriate or important it would be mentioned in the body of text.

Thanksgiving, as we envision it, is a MYTH.

As you envision it, maybe. I know the truth of it.

OF COURSE, of course, YOU know "the truth of it" and others do not. Of course --�� because you say so.

I know that it was Chief Massasoit's son who attacked the Pilgrims and the Pilgrims defended themselves. We see that in their diaries and in the public writings.

It might be prudent to read the references cited that indicate several different "thanksgivings" with different meanings -- and that the celebration was not unified / nationalized until Civil War times (two hundred years after the cited events).

no photo
Tue 02/11/14 02:47 PM

It might be prudent to read the references cited that indicate several different "thanksgivings" with different meanings – and that the celebration was not unified / nationalized until Civil War times (two hundred years after the cited events).

Discussing anything with you is like some other equally unpleasant scatological activity...

I know all that. I'm really not sure why you brought Thanksgiving into this...or maybe that was someone else. Whatever. It seems you think I have a Thanksgiving chip on my shoulder. I know that the first Thanksgiving holiday was celebrated by the Pilgrims in 1621. Prior to that, other people had arrived in the Americas and held a Thanksgiving service. But for the Pilgrims in 1621, it was a holiday and was celebrated for three days. They even proclaimed that they should celebrate that day every year.

What any of this has to do with God, I can't really fathom. It's almost as if you think the fact that the Pilgrims weren't the first to give thanks, that God must not exist.

All I know is that the first Thanksgiving wasn't used to give small pox blankets to Indians as that one feller said and whatever you think of it is surely equally as misguided and incorrect.