Topic: Facebook online games
Ɔʎɹɐx's photo
Sun 01/12/14 12:48 PM
Edited by Ɔʎɹɐx on Sun 01/12/14 01:04 PM
war commander
this is my base layout

i wounder if anyone here has a war commander account

Journeyman236's photo
Sun 01/12/14 12:54 PM
It looks alot like Edgeworld Fox.
Did you ever play that one?

Ɔʎɹɐx's photo
Sun 01/12/14 01:02 PM
Edited by Ɔʎɹɐx on Sun 01/12/14 01:02 PM
nope , and I've never heard about it , is it a Facebook online game ? do you recommend it ?

Journeyman236's photo
Sun 01/12/14 01:46 PM
It can be played on fb or directly on the Kabam site.
I played it for quite a while. Typical RTS MMO.
You build a base, fortify it & build attack units.
It has many sectors & is map based as well. Your
alliance works together to take over territory on the map.
Futuristic setting & has a chat box to talk to folks.
It is a "pay to win" type of game, but can be played for free.
I would recommend it if you like those kinds of games.

Ɔʎɹɐx's photo
Sun 01/12/14 01:56 PM
as if you were talking about war commander , seems interesting , but tell me why you stopped playing it

Journeyman236's photo
Sun 01/12/14 02:13 PM
I was spending way too much time playing it,
The sectors I played in were capped & I didn't feel
like starting over in another one. Once an alliance
has control over a sector they cannot be toppled.
Many players got bored & left. The fight to the top is
fun, but once you get there, there's not much to do..
We would have tournaments once in a while which were fun.
I checked in there about a month ago & everything had changed.
None of the alliances or sector names were the same. I didn't
recognize any player names either. I think they may have
regionalized the game rather than have players from all over
the world.