Topic: The Quiet Sigh
mig25's photo
Thu 01/09/14 03:11 PM
The Quiet Sigh

I ease
into another moment
of another day
of another year
similar to the many left behind
and with a sip of single barrel bourbon
I start to
and smile but just a bit
because I had my share of mistakes and foolishness
with a twist of risks
but still . . .

Another sip
and the smile grows wider
I indulge in the vivid memory
of the first breath I took
after the winds started to die down
and the clouds began to slowly dissipate
it feels as time has sacrificed itself
just to warm my soul with this new moment
pains are gone
struggles have been set free
and the evening’s sun
has painted the sky the color of warmth wrapped within beautiful
I close my eyes
and exhale
the quiet sigh
‘cause for now
life is as it should be

Then I hear it,
her voice
“Damn it Earl how much are you going to drink?”
and so I pour one more double
and think . . . you just gotta love thirty years of marriage

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Thu 01/09/14 05:07 PM
:laughing: thats good .

oldhippie1952's photo
Fri 01/10/14 02:13 AM
Oh no! The ending! laugh

:thumbsup: :thumbsup:

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Sat 01/11/14 05:16 PM

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Sat 01/18/14 01:48 AM