Topic: Christie Admin Corruption exposed in emails
Sojourning_Soul's photo
Wed 01/08/14 01:33 PM
Edited by Sojourning_Soul on Wed 01/08/14 01:35 PM

Emails tie Christie administration to bridge controversy

Explosive emails released Wednesday are casting a potential cloud over New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie's presidential prospects for 2016.

The revealing conversations between state officials suggest for the first time that politics -- from the highest levels of Christie's administration -- may have played a role in last fall's controversial closure of local access lanes to the congested George Washington Bridge in Fort Lee, N.J. in the midst of Christie'��s re-election campaign.

Democrats have charged the closures were an attempt at political retribution for Ft. Lee Mayor Mark Sokolich, a Democrat who declined to endorse Christie's re-election effort last year and whose city sits in the shadow of the bridge.

But the emails threaten to undercut the governor's strong denial that politics played any role in the closure.

Dodo_David's photo
Wed 01/08/14 01:45 PM
An idiot within Christie's administration (who has since then resigned) may have done such stuff without Christie's knowledge.

Sojourning_Soul's photo
Wed 01/08/14 01:47 PM
Edited by Sojourning_Soul on Wed 01/08/14 01:48 PM

An idiot within Christie's administration (who has since then resigned) may have done such stuff without Christie's knowledge.

Think about it..... do you honestly believe Christie doesn't control with an iron fist to make sure nobody is cutting in on his action?

He has actually bragged about how tight his ship is.... under his control

oldhippie1952's photo
Wed 01/08/14 01:50 PM
Good to see you lambast both democraps and republicants, them scalawags.

Sojourning_Soul's photo
Wed 01/08/14 01:52 PM
Edited by Sojourning_Soul on Wed 01/08/14 01:52 PM

Good to see you lambast both democraps and republicants, them scalawags.

The 2 party system is the biggest threat to freedom ever allowed to exist!

It is the root of all evil

Sojourning_Soul's photo
Sat 01/11/14 07:19 AM

You Know Who Shut Down Roads, Parks and Memorials for Political Reasons?

no photo
Sat 01/11/14 07:22 AM

An idiot within Christie's administration (who has since then resigned) may have done such stuff without Christie's knowledge.

Think about it..... do you honestly believe Christie doesn't control with an iron fist to make sure nobody is cutting in on his action?

He has actually bragged about how tight his ship is.... under his control

nixon didn't know about watergateflowerforyou

no photo
Sat 01/11/14 07:45 AM
lying or not...he fired those idiots...unlike Obama who lies and then coddles his idiots that mess up...

no photo
Wed 01/15/14 06:31 PM
Edited by VictoriousOne on Wed 01/15/14 06:36 PM
Errrrrmmmmm...lying or not? Sigh. I guess shades of duplicity is the best we can hope for from our elected officials. Pathetic.

Lpdon's photo
Wed 01/15/14 09:39 PM

An idiot within Christie's administration (who has since then resigned) may have done such stuff without Christie's knowledge.

Think about it..... do you honestly believe Christie doesn't control with an iron fist to make sure nobody is cutting in on his action?

He has actually bragged about how tight his ship is.... under his control

Christie had to know about it and if he didn't he cant control his staff which is just as bad.

Lpdon's photo
Wed 01/15/14 09:41 PM

Good to see you lambast both democraps and republicants, them scalawags.

I will call out anyone Republican or Democrat who does shady, illegal, corrupt or stupid stuff. Usually it is the Dems and their Messiah Obama but Republicans have their faults also.

Christie IMO should be impeached or resign and if found a crime was committed he should be thrown in jail.

Lpdon's photo
Wed 01/15/14 09:44 PM

An idiot within Christie's administration (who has since then resigned) may have done such stuff without Christie's knowledge.

Think about it..... do you honestly believe Christie doesn't control with an iron fist to make sure nobody is cutting in on his action?

He has actually bragged about how tight his ship is.... under his control

nixon didn't know about watergateflowerforyou

Nixon was a good President in many ways but be royally F'ed up and he should have gone to jail for it. He also is lucky he resigned before he got impeached. I will say that the horrible things and crimes Nixon committed and did are nothing compared to what Obama is doing and has done while in office.

Sojourning_Soul's photo
Thu 01/16/14 05:33 AM
Edited by Sojourning_Soul on Thu 01/16/14 05:43 AM

An idiot within Christie's administration (who has since then resigned) may have done such stuff without Christie's knowledge.

Think about it..... do you honestly believe Christie doesn't control with an iron fist to make sure nobody is cutting in on his action?

He has actually bragged about how tight his ship is.... under his control

nixon didn't know about watergateflowerforyou

Nixon was a good President in many ways but be royally F'ed up and he should have gone to jail for it. He also is lucky he resigned before he got impeached. I will say that the horrible things and crimes Nixon committed and did are nothing compared to what Obama is doing and has done while in office.

And now a bi-partisan panel of congress puts Benghazi right in this WH admins lap!

Pinetta, Rice, Clinton, Obozo, all complicit in the deaths of 4 Americans and lying to the American people (yet again) to advance a political agenda for the presidents re-election!

Four Americans die while air Force One is gassed for a trip to Vegas and a re-election fund raiser for Obozo.

Clinton refuses calls on Benghazi while making plans to visit Tunisia, even after a scathing reprimand of the POTUS saying she would have been available 24/7 if she were the president.... yeah right! Available to whom, her banker handlers? slaphead

It would appear it is not the American people or it's representatives she is "available" for!

Pinetta not only ignored frantic requests for more security to an area known to have escalated it's Al Qaeda participation and presence, but actually reduced it in the months before the attack to down play Al Qaeda strengths after Obozo declared they had been all but destroyed (before the election).

Clinton however, had a carrier group stationed off the coast of Africa during her visit...... in case she needed to be rescued.

The first American Ambassador to die in an embassy attack in 60 years. It was under Clintons watch. So what does she do? She sends a sub-ordinate (Rice) to make 5 TV appearances blaming a youtube video as the cause of an "unplanned" attack, with "NO Al Qaeda involvement evident"!

Clinton (of course) suffers a fall and concussion before having to answer a supeona before congress on Benghazi, refused or stonewalled requests for documents by the panel from the AG office, and declared "At this point, What does it matter?!" in the one testimony she was present for.

The liberal media however, will chastise the Repulsicon dough boy (who is no doubt guilty.....IMO) over a bridge closure for political reason, but hardly a word on the actions of this admin over the deaths of 4 Americans, one a US Ambassador..... for political reasons!

So yes, I would have to agree with you LP.....

InvictusV's photo
Thu 01/16/14 07:48 AM
The media have been pushing the "Christie is gonna be the republican nominee" for some time..

Even though he has no chance of winning..

I also find the timing of this to be interesting.. Not to mention the federal probe of the sandy ads occurring almost simultaneously.

Sojourning_Soul's photo
Thu 01/16/14 07:59 AM
Edited by Sojourning_Soul on Thu 01/16/14 08:03 AM

The media have been pushing the "Christie is gonna be the republican nominee" for some time..

Even though he has no chance of winning..

I also find the timing of this to be interesting.. Not to mention the federal probe of the sandy ads occurring almost simultaneously.

They'll bury any challenger to the Ice Queen in BS and scandal to try to cover up her Benghazi scandal in an attempt to get Americans to forget..... or simply try to keep her out of the press at all if it exposes her dark side...... which is basically everything about her

The Clinton Chronicles

Sojourning_Soul's photo
Thu 01/16/14 09:55 AM
Edited by Sojourning_Soul on Thu 01/16/14 10:32 AM

Clinton Chronicles full movie

Covers much of the same content with other contributors and evidence as well.

You can always browse past the parts seen in the other one listed above.

Jeb Bush or Hillary Clinton.

These WILL bethe "choices" we are given as 'our" choice by the financial monarchy of the world for our leadership in 2016.....just watch!

Believe what you will, but look around. How is "our choices" of the past working for us so far?

It makes no difference who we vote for, either way, it is "their" representative, not ours, and why nothing ever changes in our favor.

An old video, but see if it doesn't bear truth to the events of today.

I may not believe, or disbelieve the assumptions of others, but I do see the results of our leadership and their agendas, so I view all info, all views, to form my own opinions, and like a puzzle, piece it together until it fits.

Conrad_73's photo
Thu 01/16/14 02:07 PM
Edited by Conrad_73 on Thu 01/16/14 02:10 PM
The Chris Christie Scandal: Fat And Furious

New Jersey Governor Chris Christie has gotten himself in a pickle. All scandals deserve high-profile names. Let's call this one Fat and Furious.

Integrity is everything in life. I have been a leading critic of President Barack Obama here at Personal Liberty. I think he's a criminal. I think any politician no matter what party he belongs to who uses government to hurt, damage, bully, intimidate or destroy a political opponent should be fired and forced to resign or go to prison. These are crimes we cannot tolerate in a free society.

So Chris Christie is the biggest loser.

But Obama's Fast and Furious is far worse than Christie's Fat and Furious. Obama sold arms to Mexican drug lords that wound up killing a U.S. border agent. That is far worse than causing a traffic jam. It is criminal.

Obama's using the Internal Revenue Service to destroy political opponents (like me) and to change the outcome of a Presidential election is far worse than causing a traffic jam. It is the worst criminal conspiracy in U.S. political history.

Obama's using the National Security Agency to spy on every American and members of the media and perhaps to use that information to blackmail political opponents is far worse than causing a traffic jam. It is criminal.

Obama's covering up an arms deal with radical Muslim rebels that backfired and killed four Americans in Benghazi, Libya, is far worse than causing a traffic jam. It is criminal......................................