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Topic: The Loony Bin
izzyphoto1977's photo
Wed 01/22/14 02:24 PM
Edited by izzyphoto1977 on Wed 01/22/14 02:29 PM
I fall to pieces.

burgundybry's photo
Wed 01/22/14 04:49 PM

OrangeIsYummy's photo
Wed 01/22/14 05:03 PM

LOL, love some blazing saddles! have you seen Dr. Strangelove?

izzyphoto1977's photo
Wed 01/22/14 06:16 PM
Do any of you need a straitjacket?

izzyphoto1977's photo
Wed 01/22/14 07:50 PM
Medic. We need help here stat.

izzyphoto1977's photo
Wed 01/22/14 07:52 PM
She looks hungry. Anyone got something to eat?

izzyphoto1977's photo
Wed 01/22/14 07:56 PM
I think this person has been here to long.

no photo
Wed 01/22/14 10:58 PM

I fall to pieces.

That's awesome.

izzyphoto1977's photo
Wed 01/22/14 10:59 PM
I found a few interesting pictures searching for horror on bing.

no photo
Wed 01/22/14 11:01 PM
You did good. I never use bing, I wonder if I could find some good pentacle pics there...

izzyphoto1977's photo
Wed 01/22/14 11:07 PM
Never know till you try.

no photo
Wed 01/22/14 11:56 PM
She's on my desktop now. She looks good there.

izzyphoto1977's photo
Thu 01/23/14 12:13 AM
Glad she's being put to use.

no photo
Thu 01/23/14 12:53 AM

Do any of you need a straitjacket?

I brought my own.smokin

izzyphoto1977's photo
Thu 01/23/14 02:28 AM
That saves me time. lol

Sequa's photo
Thu 01/23/14 02:54 AM
This could suit me. I'm a certified nutcase, although I have a theory that everyone has both a capacity for sanity and a capacity for madness, if there is even a difference. I really love going manic so medication has been forced on me to prevent this. Mania has some social repercussions but I recommend it as it feels divine. I'm so mad I have my own religion and work it into my books.

izzyphoto1977's photo
Thu 01/23/14 10:00 AM
Welcome to the loony bin then. I personally don't feel mania at all. I feel like a zombie nearly every minute I'm awake. I do not recommend feeling like that. Especially when driving. lol

I agree everyone has the capacity for both. The most sane person has moments of insanity just like I'm sure the most insane person has moments of sanity. It's all apart of life.

izzyphoto1977's photo
Thu 01/23/14 12:43 PM
I'm watching Hatchet 2 and laughing at it's absurdity. Don't know how good a horror it is. But it's a great comedy so far. lol

izzyphoto1977's photo
Thu 01/23/14 05:42 PM
Remember not to put your fingers in the hole in the last door on the left, You may get licked at first. But eventually that one will bite.

izzyphoto1977's photo
Thu 01/23/14 06:47 PM
Just had to post it here.

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