Topic: teacher disciplined for 'Santa Claus is white' comment to bl | |
a school song about historical figure: According to school district officials, the video was shot in February 2009 and was part of a program to recognize famous and accomplished African-Americans during Black History Month. like it or not,, he WILL BE and IS NOW a history making president because he is a first,,,, quite different from singling out students over their race,,, Yep. What a legacy. The biggest liar and fraud ever imposed on America, and the 1st to order the killing of American citizens without due process....starting with a 17 year old boy. yeah,, whatever... cause all of our other icons and presidents have been such saints,,, ![]() |
Edited by
Wed 12/18/13 10:24 AM
a school song about historical figure: According to school district officials, the video was shot in February 2009 and was part of a program to recognize famous and accomplished African-Americans during Black History Month. like it or not,, he WILL BE and IS NOW a history making president because he is a first,,,, quite different from singling out students over their race,,, Yep. What a legacy. The biggest liar and fraud ever imposed on America, and the 1st to order the killing of American citizens without due process....starting with a 17 year old boy. yeah,, whatever... cause all of our other icons and presidents have been such saints,,, ![]() None of our other presidents, dispite their corruption, flaws or disregard of what was good for the people, thought killing American citizens without due process and in violation of our Constitution was an acceptable or commonplace act! ![]() |
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Wed 12/18/13 10:27 AM
thought police now?
ok how many children died when we invaded the 'axis of evil' exactly? oh yeah,, so long as it was 'constitutional' it wasn't as horrifying or unforgivably unique,,, |
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Wed 12/18/13 10:59 AM
thought police now? ok how many children died when we invaded the 'axis of evil' exactly? oh yeah,, so long as it was 'constitutional' it wasn't as horrifying or unforgivably unique,,, You mean the war we were conned into by the banker media? Just like Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Somalia, Yemen, and soon Syria and Iran..... Other nations problems are not our wars to fight. That's not to say we shouldn't be caring or concerned, but like everything gov't gets involved in, it turns to shite quickly with bank/corporate profits as the goal, not peace or stability. Our founding fathers warned us, Eisenhower warned us, Kennedy warned us, and while the American public was home, the lights simply weren't on. We killed or caused the deaths of a million plus Iraqis on a falsehood to profit Haliburton, Raytheon, and Gulf Oil, and today it is exactly what we declared a forever war to fight against.... a home for Al Qaeda. Now, this president you worship wants to fund and arm Al Qaeda and the Muslim Brotherhood to destroy Syria and Egypt. So we can look forward to facing our own weapons again in another location as our leaders "lead" from behind, profit from stocks and campaign contributions, and keep their children safe at home while sending ours to die.... for profits, NOT peace! Smedley Butler on Interventionism -- Excerpt from a speech delivered in 1933, by Major General Smedley Butler, USMC. War is just a racket. A racket is best described, I believe, as something that is not what it seems to the majority of people. Only a small inside group knows what it is about. It is conducted for the benefit of the very few at the expense of the masses. I believe in adequate defense at the coastline and nothing else. If a nation comes over here to fight, then we'll fight. The trouble with America is that when the dollar only earns 6 percent over here, then it gets restless and goes overseas to get 100 percent. Then the flag follows the dollar and the soldiers follow the flag. I wouldn't go to war again as I have done to protect some lousy investment of the bankers. There are only two things we should fight for. One is the defense of our homes and the other is the Bill of Rights. War for any other reason is simply a racket. There isn't a trick in the racketeering bag that the military gang is blind to. It has its "finger men" to point out enemies, its "muscle men" to destroy enemies, its "brain men" to plan war preparations, and a "Big Boss" Super-Nationalistic-Capitalism. It may seem odd for me, a military man to adopt such a comparison. Truthfulness compels me to. I spent thirty- three years and four months in active military service as a member of this country's most agile military force, the Marine Corps. I served in all commissioned ranks from Second Lieutenant to Major-General. And during that period, I spent most of my time being a high class muscle- man for Big Business, for Wall Street and for the Bankers. In short, I was a racketeer, a gangster for capitalism. I suspected I was just part of a racket at the time. Now I am sure of it. Like all the members of the military profession, I never had a thought of my own until I left the service. My mental faculties remained in suspended animation while I obeyed the orders of higher-ups. This is typical with everyone in the military service. I helped make Mexico, especially Tampico, safe for American oil interests in 1914. I helped make Haiti and Cuba a decent place for the National City Bank boys to collect revenues in. I helped in the raping of half a dozen Central American republics for the benefits of Wall Street. The record of racketeering is long. I helped purify Nicaragua for the international banking house of Brown Brothers in 1909-1912 (where have I heard that name before?). I brought light to the Dominican Republic for American sugar interests in 1916. In China I helped to see to it that Standard Oil went its way unmolested. During those years, I had, as the boys in the back room would say, a swell racket. Looking back on it, I feel that I could have given Al Capone a few hints. The best he could do was to operate his racket in three districts. I operated on three continents. |
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Wed 12/18/13 10:58 AM
thought police now? ok how many children died when we invaded the 'axis of evil' exactly? oh yeah,, so long as it was 'constitutional' it wasn't as horrifying or unforgivably unique,,, You mean the war we were conned into by the banker media? Just like Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Somalia, Yemen, and soon Syria and Iran..... Other nations problems are not our wars to fight. That's not to say we shouldn't be caring or concerned, but like everything gov't gets involved in, it turns to shite quickly with bank/corporate profits as the goal, not peace or stability. Our founding fathers warned us, Eisenhower warned us, Kennedy warned us, and while the American public was home, the lights simply weren't on. We killed or caused the deaths of a million plus Iraqis on a falsehood to profit Haliburton, Raytheon, and Gulf Oil, and today it is exactly what we declared a forever war to fight against.... a home for Al Qaeda. Now, this president you worship wants to fund and arm Al Qaeda and the Muslim Brotherhood to destroy Syria and Egypt. So we can look forward to facing our own weapons again in another location as our leaders "lead" from behind, profit from stocks and campaign contributions, and keep their children safe at home while sending ours to die.... for profits, NOT peace! I worship no men, men are flawed (men, meaning mankind) we do, as a matter of politics, in official wars and non official acts cause the deaths of of many 'innocents' around the world and its nothing new , its nothing that started with this administration I think technology is moving towards reducing the numbers of deaths with the TARGETED non manned strikes as opposed to the broad military invasions,,, not sure yet about it because I see the merits on both sides of the question,, I have no reason to believe the president has pushed to 'arm alqueda' or to destroy Syria or Egypt so there is no need to even respond to the unfounded and extremely hard to prove allegation,,,, |
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Wed 12/18/13 11:07 AM
thought police now? ok how many children died when we invaded the 'axis of evil' exactly? oh yeah,, so long as it was 'constitutional' it wasn't as horrifying or unforgivably unique,,, You mean the war we were conned into by the banker media? Just like Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Somalia, Yemen, and soon Syria and Iran..... Other nations problems are not our wars to fight. That's not to say we shouldn't be caring or concerned, but like everything gov't gets involved in, it turns to shite quickly with bank/corporate profits as the goal, not peace or stability. Our founding fathers warned us, Eisenhower warned us, Kennedy warned us, and while the American public was home, the lights simply weren't on. We killed or caused the deaths of a million plus Iraqis on a falsehood to profit Haliburton, Raytheon, and Gulf Oil, and today it is exactly what we declared a forever war to fight against.... a home for Al Qaeda. Now, this president you worship wants to fund and arm Al Qaeda and the Muslim Brotherhood to destroy Syria and Egypt. So we can look forward to facing our own weapons again in another location as our leaders "lead" from behind, profit from stocks and campaign contributions, and keep their children safe at home while sending ours to die.... for profits, NOT peace! I worship no men, men are flawed (men, meaning mankind) we do, as a matter of politics, in official wars and non official acts cause the deaths of of many 'innocents' around the world and its nothing new , its nothing that started with this administration I think technology is moving towards reducing the numbers of deaths with the TARGETED non manned strikes as opposed to the broad military invasions,,, not sure yet about it because I see the merits on both sides of the question,, I have no reason to believe the president has pushed to 'arm alqueda' or to destroy Syria or Egypt so there is no need to even respond to the unfounded and extremely hard to prove allegation,,,, People like you are the problem with the America that I love It's like you're saying it's ok for Obozo to destroy America because other leaders have done it to their countries in the past |
thought police now? ok how many children died when we invaded the 'axis of evil' exactly? oh yeah,, so long as it was 'constitutional' it wasn't as horrifying or unforgivably unique,,, You mean the war we were conned into by the banker media? Just like Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Somalia, Yemen, and soon Syria and Iran..... Other nations problems are not our wars to fight. That's not to say we shouldn't be caring or concerned, but like everything gov't gets involved in, it turns to shite quickly with bank/corporate profits as the goal, not peace or stability. Our founding fathers warned us, Eisenhower warned us, Kennedy warned us, and while the American public was home, the lights simply weren't on. We killed or caused the deaths of a million plus Iraqis on a falsehood to profit Haliburton, Raytheon, and Gulf Oil, and today it is exactly what we declared a forever war to fight against.... a home for Al Qaeda. Now, this president you worship wants to fund and arm Al Qaeda and the Muslim Brotherhood to destroy Syria and Egypt. So we can look forward to facing our own weapons again in another location as our leaders "lead" from behind, profit from stocks and campaign contributions, and keep their children safe at home while sending ours to die.... for profits, NOT peace! I worship no men, men are flawed (men, meaning mankind) we do, as a matter of politics, in official wars and non official acts cause the deaths of of many 'innocents' around the world and its nothing new , its nothing that started with this administration I think technology is moving towards reducing the numbers of deaths with the TARGETED non manned strikes as opposed to the broad military invasions,,, not sure yet about it because I see the merits on both sides of the question,, I have no reason to believe the president has pushed to 'arm alqueda' or to destroy Syria or Egypt so there is no need to even respond to the unfounded and extremely hard to prove allegation,,,, People like you are the problem with the America that I love ![]() |
Please get back on topic.
Leave them comments aimed at each other off of the forums Kim |
lol,, thanx
sooooo,,,,,the topic is,,,,, santa claus is white comment yeah,,,he was based on a historical white person,, however, given that there was no other choice given for a costume but an elf or a reindeer it was inappropriate to single out a student for his choice based upon his race, |
lol,, thanx sooooo,,,,,the topic is,,,,, santa claus is white comment yeah,,,he was based on a historical white person,, however, given that there was no other choice given for a costume but an elf or a reindeer it was inappropriate to single out a student for his choice based upon his race, I think it's wrong something as simple as sharing was commercialized by greed |
I think he was out of line because of the CONTEXT in which he spoke not because it was wrong historically , Santa is based upon a white man,, however, if the students all were given Santa as a choice,,and especially if the other two choices were elf and reindeer, it was out of line to chastise the black child for choosing Santa Claus how many young girls dress as native americans or pocohontas? its dress up for kids and there shouldnt be such focus on race That's where people are confused. Historically, Santa is not based on a white man. |
there were norse legends that coincided with the historical Greek person, Saint Nicolas
who appeared to be, at the least, not a pale man ![]() I stand corrected,,, |
If you talk to those on Fox, they'll insist he's white. Haha.
lol,, thanx sooooo,,,,,the topic is,,,,, santa claus is white comment yeah,,,he was based on a historical white person,, however, given that there was no other choice given for a costume but an elf or a reindeer it was inappropriate to single out a student for his choice based upon his race, well,Saint Nicholas was a Greek,so most likely he was Caucasian! ![]() |
Edited by
Wed 12/18/13 12:33 PM
there were norse legends that coincided with the historical Greek person, Saint Nicolas who appeared to be, at the least, not a pale man ![]() I stand corrected,,, If being white means you have to be pale then being black means you can't have a complexion that is closer to a brown tone. I'm of Italian heritage. While many Italians have an olive complexion, much like many Greeks, they are still considered to be Caucasian, AKA white. Skin tone isn't THE determining factor, if it was there would be very few people who would be considered to be black or white. SMH If people are going to split straws they should split them all. |
"Don't you know Santa Clause is white? Why are you wearing that?" In actuality.... there is nothing racist or demeaning in that exchange at all. What I see is a teacher making a statement based on opinion, and asking the student for his reasoning on his choice. As I stated originally.... just more BS based on PC.... and the comments bear that out. |
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Wed 12/18/13 01:42 PM
there were norse legends that coincided with the historical Greek person, Saint Nicolas who appeared to be, at the least, not a pale man ![]() I stand corrected,,, If being white means you have to be pale then being black means you can't have a complexion that is closer to a brown tone. I'm of Italian heritage. While many Italians have an olive complexion, much like many Greeks, they are still considered to be Caucasian, AKA white. Skin tone isn't THE determining factor, if it was there would be very few people who would be considered to be black or white. SMH If people are going to split straws they should split them all. I Don't really care personally if he is called white or black,, in context of this story though,, we are talking about dress up so, people can 'look' very much alike even though they are from different races,, this saint Nicolas, greek, white, or whatever, looks very much like one of my own brothers who is nne of he above so to singe the students choice of character out for racial reasons is quite ridiculous,,,even more so, because race isn't just about skin color , did he single out other students in reindeer costumes, because, well reindeers aren't humans? |
"Don't you know Santa Clause is white? Why are you wearing that?" In actuality.... there is nothing racist or demeaning in that exchange at all. What I see is a teacher making a statement based on opinion, and asking the student for his reasoning on his choice. As I stated originally.... just more BS based on PC.... and the comments bear that out. it really wasn't his place to ask about a reason,, the student had been given an option to make that choice it wasn't his place to embarrass the student in such a manner in front of other students and it wasn't his place, to ask the student to remove this costume on such a ridiculous and fallacious logic,,, |
there were norse legends that coincided with the historical Greek person, Saint Nicolas who appeared to be, at the least, not a pale man ![]() I stand corrected,,, If being white means you have to be pale then being black means you can't have a complexion that is closer to a brown tone. I'm of Italian heritage. While many Italians have an olive complexion, much like many Greeks, they are still considered to be Caucasian, AKA white. Skin tone isn't THE determining factor, if it was there would be very few people who would be considered to be black or white. SMH If people are going to split straws they should split them all. I Don't really care personally if he is called white or black,, in context of this story though,, we are talking about dress up so, people can 'look' very much alike even though they are from different races,, this saint Nicolas, greek, white, or whatever, looks very much like one of my own brothers who is nne of he above so to singe the students choice of character out for racial reasons is quite ridiculous,,,even more so, because race isn't just about skin color , You would know the reasoning because you were there? |
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Wed 12/18/13 01:48 PM
there were norse legends that coincided with the historical Greek person, Saint Nicolas who appeared to be, at the least, not a pale man ![]() I stand corrected,,, If being white means you have to be pale then being black means you can't have a complexion that is closer to a brown tone. I'm of Italian heritage. While many Italians have an olive complexion, much like many Greeks, they are still considered to be Caucasian, AKA white. Skin tone isn't THE determining factor, if it was there would be very few people who would be considered to be black or white. SMH If people are going to split straws they should split them all. I Don't really care personally if he is called white or black,, in context of this story though,, we are talking about dress up so, people can 'look' very much alike even though they are from different races,, this saint Nicolas, greek, white, or whatever, looks very much like one of my own brothers who is nne of he above so to singe the students choice of character out for racial reasons is quite ridiculous,,,even more so, because race isn't just about skin color , You would know the reasoning because you were there? no, its evident to me in the question being followed by a qualifier that 'santa was white' are people in these threads 'THERE" when anyone they criticize in these threads makes a choice or states an opinion? does that stop those people from commenting on what that person thought or wanted,,? can you think of a reason for a teacher to single out a student this way? |