Topic: Fragile Hearts
rarerose's photo
Sat 12/14/13 11:40 PM
Fragile hearts
thrown without care
stomped upon
and it's not fair.

Fragile hearts
given and worn on our sleeves
when should be guarded
and held with ease.

Fragile hearts
make love seem bad
when it can't be found
or when once had.

Someday, in some way
I wish mine to stop aching
Hope to find comfort
In the hands of love

But till that day
Till that time
My heart will
Always only be mine.

-Krystle McGee

pkh's photo
Sun 12/15/13 03:38 AM
Very nice

rarerose's photo
Sun 12/15/13 03:40 PM
flowerforyou Thx

no photo
Sun 12/15/13 04:04 PM