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Topic: Terrorist?
Fanta46's photo
Wed 09/05/07 01:25 PM
No, Just a couple incompetent dumb-asses!!!

WASHINGTON - A B-52 bomber was mistakenly armed with six nuclear warheads and flown for more than three hours across several states last week, prompting an Air Force investigation and the firing of one commander, Pentagon officials said Wednesday.

Rep. Ike Skelton, chairman of the House Armed Services Committee, called the mishandling of the weapons “deeply disturbing” and said the committee would press the military for details. Rep. Edward J. Markey, a senior member of the Homeland Security committee, said it was “absolutely inexcusable.”

“Nothing like this has ever been reported before and we have been assured for decades that it was impossible,” said Markey, D-Mass., co-chair of the House task force on nonproliferation

oldsage's photo
Wed 09/05/07 01:32 PM
& you can get killed driving across a bridge.

Big Deal

Robbyboy's photo
Wed 09/05/07 01:33 PM
wow! What does one say to that

nu2topcat's photo
Wed 09/05/07 02:24 PM
sage already did, BIG DEAL, grow up worse sh*t happens every day!!

no photo
Wed 09/05/07 02:28 PM
if nuclear warheads can be MISTAKENLY loaded is a serious cause for worrynoway

Fanta46's photo
Wed 09/05/07 02:52 PM
PALOMARES, Spain -- Almost 40 years have passed since the U.S. Air Force accidentally dropped four hydrogen bombs on Spain. But the fallout continues with a newly published scientific study that traced the spread of radiation from the accident site -- and continuing rumors about a mysterious fifth bomb that supposedly is still leaking on the Mediterranean Sea floor.

Check out the cost and listen to what the spainiards think about so what and growing up!

Nuclear bomb 'lost near Greenland'

An American nuclear bomb - lost in an air crash - may still lie in the sea off Greenland, according to a report published in a Danish newspaper.

The newspaper, Jyllands-Posten, says the bomb was on board an American B-52 bomber which crashed in 1968 close to the American airbase at Thule - in the north-west of the Danish arctic island.

But the paper says that only three out of four nuclear weapons carried by the plane were actually recovered.

Or ask these people!

The workers collected and packaged the wreckage after an American B-52 bomber carrying four nuclear weapons smashed into the ice near Thule in northwest Greenland.

Since then, workers said they had suffered cancers and other lingering illnesses, and their children had been born retarded and deformed. With the help of a campaigning Scottish lawyer, Ian Anderson, they took their case to the European Parliament's petitions committee in 2003.

Then tell them to grow up!

Fanta46's photo
Wed 09/05/07 02:54 PM

Those are not isolated instances either! 13 between 1958-1968!!

no photo
Wed 09/05/07 02:58 PM
You forget this is in America, and the Americans are invincible.
What could possibly happen to them when one of these planes goes accidentally down? And possibly falls on a big city?

Fanta46's photo
Wed 09/05/07 03:01 PM
Inadvertent Explosion:
"Nuclear weapons are designed with great care to explode only when deliberately armed and fired. Nevertheless, there is always a possibility that, as a result of accidental circumstances, an explosion will take place inadvertently. Although all conceivable precautions are taken to prevent them, such accidents might occur in areas where weapons are assembled and stored, during the course of loading and transportation on the ground, or when actually in the delivery vehicle, e.g., an airplane or a missile."

-Atomic Energy Commission/Department of Defense, The Effects of Nuclear Weapons, 1962

We worry a terrorist will explode one!
But its childish to imagine our own government might!!!

davinci1952's photo
Wed 09/05/07 04:05 PM

oldsage's photo
Wed 09/05/07 04:09 PM
Read "Blind Man's Bluff" by Sontag
Lots of russian boats on the bottom leaking radiation.
What are we doing to this planet?
It is a concern.

Fanta46's photo
Sun 09/09/07 08:08 AM
Barks dale Air Force Base in Louisiana is the jumping off pt. for ME operations! It is also a SAC command base from the cold-war era. A base that was assigned the job of keeping bombers constantly flying armed with Nukes! This is where these Nukes were moved to.

The B-52 that was carrying them had 12 such cruise missile mounted on the wing, 6 without warheads and 6 with. The military says they were loaded by mistake.

My question upon hearing this, is are the Air Force personnel assigned to load these in North Dakota completely incompetent? Seems like they could tell 6 of them look a little different!

Now, was this a mistake, or was the press finding out about it a mistake? Are they waiting until the report on Iraq before they use these on Iran, and is the Israeli flights over Syria the other day practice for of a combined nuclear attack on them in the coming days!

I hope not!!!

Fanta46's photo
Sun 09/09/07 09:23 AM
When I first saw this article about the nukes being flown across the US I thought it was stupidity, or incompetence by the Air Force.

However, This morning I had an e-mail which brought my attention to this possibility! The e-mail directed me to an article written by this man named Larry Johnson! This is his bio:

Larry C. Johnson is the Managing Partner and founder of BERG Associates, LLC, an international business-consulting firm based in Washington, D.C. BERG that specializes in counter terrorism and money laundering investigations. Prior to forming BERG, Mr. Johnson worked with the Central Intelligence Agency (1985-1989) and the Department of State's Office of the Coordinator for Counter Terrorism (1989-1993).
Since 1994 Mr. Johnson has helped script terrorism exercises for the U.S. military forces that have the counter terrorism mission.

His bio is interesting enough and appears to have the experience and expertise to know a little bit about it even though he is reporting second hand information. He calls it "compelling" and does not guarantee that this is why the nukes were flown to Barks dale AFB!

Now when you go read his article pay attention to the source of his information, and remember the fanatics that run this country!

I dont usually post this type of sources, but as you can see his bio does give legitimacy to the article!

Fanta46's photo
Tue 09/18/07 08:59 PM
what nukes????grumble grumble

davinci1952's photo
Tue 09/18/07 09:28 PM
sounds like a conspiracy theory to me....laugh laugh

TheCommunist's photo
Tue 09/18/07 09:36 PM
terrorist my ass

Fanta46's photo
Wed 09/19/07 09:26 AM
laugh laugh laugh
Yavule comrade!!!!

Serchin4MyRedWine's photo
Wed 09/19/07 05:53 PM forgot to mention the H-Bomb lying somewhere off the coast of Georgia that was dropped after a mid-air collision and the pilots jetisoned the bomb before making an emergency landing.....Also wasn't that B-52 missing the 4 bombs you mentioned piloted by Bush while in national Guard? laugh drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker

gardenforge's photo
Wed 09/19/07 05:55 PM
Fanta see the thread Staging Nukes for Iran same info was posted there. I question why we would "stage" nukes here in the U.S. to target Iran when we have ships and subs already armed with nukes that could be lofted at Iran at the touch of a button.

Serchin4MyRedWine's photo
Wed 09/19/07 05:59 PM
speaking of WMD..did you hear Jane's Magazine ( a reputable defence publication) reported that a joint Syrian/Iranian chemical scud missile blew up while they tried to mount a chemical weapon on a scud , killing at least 15 officers and members of the joint team. It supposedly contained a Serin Gas type warhead.

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