Topic: Stop
mig25's photo
Wed 12/04/13 09:23 PM

Just tell me why?
Was I not good enough?

Why . . . why would you
do this to me?

Did you know
I felt my soul
and closer to you?
Did you know . . . I can’t . . . stop
don’t touch me
I can’t do this . . . I love you
I loved you
with all my heart . . . stop . . . please
don’t touch me
leave me alone
it’s not as if you’ve never left me along before

No, don’t tell me
I don’t want to know
because there isn’t a reason
good enough
to hurt someone you supposed to love
go . . .because I still love you
and I don’t know how to stop this pain

pkh's photo
Thu 12/05/13 01:07 AM
Oh gosh haven't seen you in awhile hope this isn't true. Wishing you the best

mig25's photo
Thu 12/05/13 09:35 AM

Oh gosh haven't seen you in awhile hope this isn't true. Wishing you the best

Oh thanks so much pk . . . and relax, it's not me. I just took some time off from writing poetry to focus on my third book. But I'll be back to writing my poetry in a little while. How have you been?

oldhippie1952's photo
Thu 12/05/13 10:04 AM
:thumbsup: :thumbsup:

pkh's photo
Mon 12/09/13 10:24 AM

Oh gosh haven't seen you in awhile hope this isn't true. Wishing you the best

Oh thanks so tmuch pk . . . and relax, it's not me. I just took some time off from writing poetry to focus on my third book. But I'll be back to writing my poetry in a little while. How have you been?
oh good to hear and good luck with the book. In doing ok thanks