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Topic: Leave an ANONYMOUS or NOT SO ANONYMOUS MSG - part 22
no photo
Sun 02/16/14 10:00 PM

I heard the best pickup line ever so i have to share. here goes:
I saw your picture and i fell to the floor so i need your name and number for insurance purposes.

isnt that a hoot? i had to share. have a good day
slaphead slaphead slaphead slaphead slaphead slaphead
dont use it guys. bad bad bad. lol

Oh Michele, did it hurt when you fell from heaven:wink:

You're so beautiful, you made me forget my pick up line.flowerforyou

hellsboy's photo
Sun 02/16/14 10:09 PM
Welcome to hell

no photo
Sun 02/16/14 10:17 PM
Welcome to HEAVEN!

Shy_Emo_chick's photo
Sun 02/16/14 10:23 PM
I understand. I, too, get fed up of seeing the same kind of topics too often. Or when a lot of people say the same things. Sometimes you just wanna see something a bit different.

hellsboy's photo
Sun 02/16/14 11:20 PM
And someone whom u like to see lives in kentucky!!!

no photo
Mon 02/17/14 06:58 AM
Edited by 2KidsMom on Mon 02/17/14 07:01 AM

I'm me

Prash.flowers waving Been a long time.

Mujhey aapkee bahut yaad aaee..

Jesusprincessmt's photo
Mon 02/17/14 07:09 AM
If I see a "woe is me" attitude, I scratch you off as a potential date. I want a guy emotionally healthy. I will pray for you and care about you, but I want a guy to enjoy life with. I definitely do not need an "energy vampire" in my life.

topherj37's photo
Mon 02/17/14 07:31 AM

no photo
Mon 02/17/14 08:48 AM

Mmmmm...are you sharing?

dcastelmissy's photo
Mon 02/17/14 12:41 PM
Tell me when and where in the ** to meet.

no photo
Mon 02/17/14 04:15 PM

no photo
Mon 02/17/14 04:20 PM

Ha ha ha...Cool..likey.

hmlover's photo
Mon 02/17/14 06:33 PM

no photo
Mon 02/17/14 07:04 PM

That's cool looking

hellsboy's photo
Mon 02/17/14 07:06 PM
2kidsmom how u know hindi??

no photo
Mon 02/17/14 07:16 PM
Edited by 2KidsMom on Mon 02/17/14 07:17 PM
Shubh sundhyaa.

Bus thodaasaa


hellsboy's photo
Mon 02/17/14 07:17 PM
Its sandhya(evening)

.. u know a lot my jaan... if u wanna learn more I kn always teach ya...

no photo
Mon 02/17/14 07:21 PM

Mujhey Hindi bhaashaa acchee lagtee hai


Kaleijoscope's photo
Mon 02/17/14 08:47 PM
I understand.
A baby.
A good man.
I totally understand.
Just keep in touch.
Can i be the godmother?

larsson71's photo
Mon 02/17/14 11:04 PM
R.I.P Uncle Wattie 1931- 2014!

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