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Topic: What kind of person
Peccy's photo
Wed 11/27/13 08:17 PM
does alcohol bring out in you? A fun, or mean one? Personally I'm a happy drunk who tends to talk a bit too much.

no photo
Wed 11/27/13 08:18 PM
Under the right circumstances it brings out my inner whore...(but only if I would have liked them anyway):laughing:

yellowrose10's photo
Wed 11/27/13 08:20 PM
If it's tequila...I'm mean

Peccy's photo
Wed 11/27/13 08:22 PM
LOL! Inner whore..........that's a funny one.... but I was thinking horniness was pretty much a cultural universal among everyone! drinker rofl

Peccy's photo
Wed 11/27/13 08:23 PM
that's my drink rose, though I don't get mean....hardly ever

no photo
Wed 11/27/13 08:32 PM

Under the right circumstances it brings out my inner whore...(but only if I would have liked them anyway):laughing:

bartender! bring us a round every seven minutes until the right circumstances kick in. then bring a round every five pitchfork

no photo
Wed 11/27/13 08:33 PM
rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl

yellowrose10's photo
Wed 11/27/13 08:34 PM

that's my drink rose, though I don't get mean....hardly ever

I talk a lot when drinking. I'm a tell all lol

Unless Kristi(Txsgal) is around. Then I jyst drink and she talks lol

dcastelmissy's photo
Wed 11/27/13 08:42 PM
I tend to reveal my best personality, unhindered by inner insecurites or fears which may be present otherwise. Just saying...drinker drinker :thumbsup:

no photo
Wed 11/27/13 08:42 PM
happy silly drag u out to breakfast in the middle of the nite all niter pants on fire

no photo
Wed 11/27/13 08:44 PM
Edited by Unknow on Wed 11/27/13 08:47 PM
I either get really quiet or giggle a lot ,but I'm not much of a drinker usually 2 drinks is my limit because I don't like getting sick (which to much alcohol makes me dizzy and dizzy makes me naueous (oops spelling Nazis take notice)

PacificStar48's photo
Wed 11/27/13 08:49 PM
Edited by PacificStar48 on Wed 11/27/13 09:15 PM

Depends what kind of Alcohol.

Generally you don't know I am drinking because I can hold my alcohol real well. Being a bar tender and manager young I learn when to and how to stretch a drink out and when to say when.

Vodka you don't want to see me drink because I have no fear. Even a little and there is nooooooobody big enough or bad enough.

Gin I would only drink with a lover because it is kind of makes my clothes fall off. hehehehhe

But my family is behind Jack Daniel's so we were "teethed" on sipping whiskey,

Eggnog anybody? Happy Holidays. drinker

no photo
Wed 11/27/13 08:49 PM

Under the right circumstances it brings out my inner whore...(but only if I would have liked them anyway):laughing:

bartender! bring us a round every seven minutes until the right circumstances kick in. then bring a round every five pitchfork


no photo
Wed 11/27/13 08:51 PM


Depends what kind of Alcohol.

Generally you don't know I am drinking because I can hold my alcohol real well. Being a bar tender and manager young I learn when to and how to stretch a drink out and when to say when.

Vodka you don't want to see me drink because I have no fear. Even a little and there is nooooooobody big enough or bad enough.

Gin I would only drink with a lover because it is kind of makes my clothes fall off. hehehehhe

But my family is behind Jack Daniel's so we were "teethed" on sipping whiskey,

Eggnog anybody? Happy Holidays.

warm eggnog with a plug of jack and some baileys sounds yummy

PacificStar48's photo
Wed 11/27/13 09:12 PM
Edited by PacificStar48 on Wed 11/27/13 09:15 PM
Now the Bailey's I would put in coffee but I have to have my eggnog & Jack so cold it has ice crystals around the edge.

P.S. Hey Peccy nice to see you. Where you been hiding?

no photo
Wed 11/27/13 09:19 PM

Now the Bailey's I would put in coffee but I have to have my eggnog & Jack so cold it has ice crystals around the edge.

P.S. Hey Peccy nice to see you. Where you been hiding?

have nevr had that cold...baileys is good w/ coffee too :)

no photo
Wed 11/27/13 11:18 PM
A happy drunk. That's why I don't get it when health professional's talk about it being a depressant. The only horrible effect I get is feeling nauseus. Other than that I' m normally fine.

izzyphoto1977's photo
Wed 11/27/13 11:42 PM
Bill Cosby did a joke about drinking and someone he knew who said they drank because it enhanced their personality. His response was "Well yeah, but what if you're azzhole? Then you're just going to be a bigger azzhole."

It's thinking of that which keeps me from drinking. I have a morbid sense of humor at times and knowing enough about myself and being honest with myself. I don't want to know what I would be like if I was drunk or high either.

It's interesting though listening to podcasts how some people talk about how drinking different drinks affects them. Like beer might make them feed happy and then whiskey makes them sad and vodka angry. That's not the emotions they cause, I'm just using random pairs as examples. It's interesting that some of you say the same thing.

teebee79's photo
Thu 11/28/13 04:32 AM
Everyone's my best friend EVER!! I'm already upbeat non drunk... So add some vodka and stir...I'm Ultra upbeat and I cry when people have to leave.... Cause, you know, they're my best friends EVER!

Sexymilflivewire's photo
Thu 11/28/13 06:20 AM
I am the same sober and drunk

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