Topic: a time and place,,,
msharmony's photo
Tue 11/26/13 12:33 PM
for everything,,,

do you believe there is a time and place for everything, some appropriate and others not?

do you go full ahead in every situation regardless of context and surroundings or do you make an attempt to adapt yourself and consider where and with whom you are?

I know there are threads here that I avoid because it just seems out of place for me to contribute what I Think,, ,or because it seems pointless

like, if there is a thread about the accomplishments of an entertainer that I Happen to think sucks, I probably would just skip the thread and leave those who are having a positive convo continue to do so

or, in contrast

if there is a thread about how terrible such and such a thing is and its OVERWHELMINGLY and obviously people cosigning in agreement with one another, I often TRY to avoid wasting my energy disagreeing

,,,is there something to observing before acting, or is it best to just move straight through however you feel or think regardless of circumstances,,,?

no photo
Tue 11/26/13 12:54 PM
Yes, to all of that. I avoid a lot of topics (and a lot of people) to avoid drama, conflict and general b.s. Sometimes it happens anyway, but not for my lack of trying to get out of it's way....laugh

JohnDavidDavid's photo
Tue 11/26/13 01:20 PM
If a topic interests me I usually speak my piece -- even if doing so irritates some people and/or is greeted with a lot of flak.