Topic: Team Obama's scary message for ObamaCare's critics | |
Telling the truth about ObamaCare is risky.
Are you afraid of the Obama White House? If you challenge the president’s beloved health care plan, maybe you should be. Consider the fate of William White, the Washington, D.C. Insurance Commissioner, who voiced skepticism about President Obama’s hastily assembled “fix” for the millions losing their insurance policies. A day after suggesting that the new demands on insurers could destabilize the marketplace and lead to even higher premiums, White was canned. ![]() Telling the truth about ObamaCare is risky. Remember the manhandling of Congressional Budget Office head Douglas Elmendorf? When the supposedly neutral bean counters undertook the first analysis of ObamaCare ’s fiscal impact, their preliminary findings threatened to undermine the happy talk flowing from the White House. Elmendorf was summoned to a parlay with the president, who doubtless explained how the budget gurus might amend their analysis, as a patriotic duty. Pity the poor insurance companies (if you can.) Hauled into the White House only after the president decided to live up to his promise that Americans could keep their existing insurance, they were effectively thrown under the ObamaCare bus. They have seen how this White House functions. Early in ObamaCare ’s sorrowful struggle, insurers like Anthem Blue Cross in California dared whisper the truth – that they were forced to raise rates because of the ACA mandates. The company found itself targeted by the president on a “60 Minutes” segment, and then required to justify its rate-setting by HHS head Kathleen Sibelius, who also demanded the firm explain where the increased revenues would be spent – an unheard-of intrusion. |
But - the White House is especially quick to chase down those critical of the president’s signature healthcare bill.
Even Edie Sundby, the stage-four cancer patient who dared to recount in an op-ed how she lost her insurance, courtesy of the ACA, came under attack. Instead of the stage props usually positioned behind the president as he invokes the wonders of ObamaCare , here was a real person with a real ailment whose prospects were seriously threatened by the new insurance mandates. No less a personage than White House advisor Dan Pfeiffer tweeted out a rebuttal to Ms. Sundby’s narrative, referencing a piece that blamed United Healthcare instead of the ACA. As it happens, Ms. Sundby’s take is the correct one; but for ObamaCare , her insurance would be intact. Pretty small beans to attract the attention of the White House. But, when your signature law is a colossal failure, doesn’t make economic sense and threatens your much ballyhooed “legacy,” silencing the critics becomes a full-time job. |
This turd is nothing but a rich, spoiled punk. The only reason he gets away with being the bully that he is is because he has the corrupt DOJ in his pocket. |