psalm 144:3"Lord what's a man,that you take knowlegde of him? Or a the son of man,that you are mindful of him?".If truely God really cares and loves man so much,then why are there so many insurmountable predicaments trailing the path of a man?
psalm 144:3"Lord what's a man,that you take knowlegde of him? Or a the son of man,that you are mindful of him?".If truely God really cares and loves man so much,then why are there so many insurmountable predicaments trailing the path of a man? Choice. |
Choice?,how,and what do you mean by that?.Is this the kind of life God wants us to live even as a christian?.Well i'm hoping to get more concrete answers
Choice?,how,and what do you mean by that?.Is this the kind of life God wants us to live even as a christian?.Well i'm hoping to get more concrete answers Ask Him then. |
From the bible i've found out man goes through various troubles because of 3 things Firstly SIN. God said that it's only sin that brings demarcation and seperation btw us and Him "Prov 28:13 and Psalm 66:18".Secondly DEVIL. Bible says that we shouldn't be ignorant of the devices of Devil and also in John 10:10,thats why is good to be prayerful even though you are not living in sin.Thirdly.WRONG REQUEST/CHOICE. Bible said we ask and dnt get cos we ask wrongfully,we can't be asking God to make us millionairs when you are still struggling with sexual immorality,Lust,Masturbation or any form of ungodliness.God doesn't answer such prayer,rather what you should ask God oftenly is for His Grace to live a holy life and also for an higher measure of the Holy Spirit upon your life so you can work for Him.Then when God fills you up then you have fulfilled Matt 6:33 and every other will be added to you
From the bible i've found out man goes through various troubles because of 3 things Firstly SIN. God said that it's only sin that brings demarcation and seperation btw us and Him "Prov 28:13 and Psalm 66:18".Secondly DEVIL. Bible says that we shouldn't be ignorant of the devices of Devil and also in John 10:10,thats why is good to be prayerful even though you are not living in sin.Thirdly.WRONG REQUEST/CHOICE. Bible said we ask and dnt get cos we ask wrongfully,we can't be asking God to make us millionairs when you are still struggling with sexual immorality,Lust,Masturbation or any form of ungodliness.God doesn't answer such prayer,rather what you should ask God oftenly is for His Grace to live a holy life and also for an higher measure of the Holy Spirit upon your life so you can work for Him.Then when God fills you up then you have fulfilled Matt 6:33 and every other will be added to you All these things hinge on -choice-. The devil doesn't make anyone do anything, he presents more choices. Sin is a choice a person makes, not a disease we're circumstantially afflicted by but a way of describing choices God does not approve of in a moral sense. While some circumstances play major roles in the ultimate destiny of every individual, it is largely choice that determines the trouble we run into, it is choice that causes interpersonal conflict or peace, it is choice that leads to personal freedom or bondage, and choice that will be the ultimate determinant in our lives. Not God, not the devil, not anyone else, but US. We choose how we live and who we are. |