Topic: Foreign policy/terrorism
willy_cents's photo
Mon 09/03/07 05:46 PM
What would you suppose to be the reaction, Liberal/Conservative and mainstream media if the President, when addressing the UN this month said, "North Korea, Iran, and anyone else contemplating developing and/or obtaining nuclear technology or nuclear weapons, go right ahead and do it. Just remember the following fact, and I reiterate, fact, while you are involved in these actions. Any use by your country of any nuclear weapons, or any use of any radioactive material by any terrorist in an attack on the USA will result in our complete, and I mean complete, annihilation of your entire country with our own nuclear weapons.So, go ahead, do whatever you see fit to do. However, remember my promise, not a threat, but an absolute promise. I suggest that, if you decide to pursue this path, that you be deeply involved in preventing any attacks upon the USA, and that you pray to your God constantly that no one attacks the USA with any nuclear material. Because, our response is guaranteed."

no photo
Mon 09/03/07 05:52 PM
i think the response would be greatly divided much like it was when it was presented that we go into iraq. it wouldn't stop other countries from pursuing nukes and even if the scenario played out with a attack on the U.S. who's to say that they would find the country responsible. it would turn into a giant cluster****.

willy_cents's photo
Mon 09/03/07 06:04 PM
I think that the MSM would simply freak out. I agree that the response would be divided amongst the general populace. Half would scream that the Pres had gone insane and the other half would say "Right on."

elegantlady's photo
Mon 09/03/07 06:14 PM
I try not to get into discussions about politics or warfare, but this one I could not let escape. First of all, if we ever have the misfortune of being attacked by terrorists who use nuclear weapons or any weapons of mass destruction, we may not have time to respond. The idea that we can wipe out another country after they have attacked us is absolutely crazy! My first thoughts about your topic is if we have any sense at all as a nation, there are 3 places we better not f_ _ k with, they are...North Korea, China and Iran and believe it or not I wouldn't mess with India either. We have already got ourselves in a jamb by going into the middle east trying to fight wars for other people, wars that have been going on for centuries, wars that will exist after our great grandchildren are no longer here. To me talk is cheap and you can threaten people all you want, actions speak louder than words. We are no longer in a position to be talking out of our asses, we just don't have the support we used in regard to allies.

Txangela's photo
Mon 09/03/07 06:29 PM
We have been playing around with North Korea too long in my opinion. Iran and North Korea need to become parking lots, then new military bases for our new reformed... U.N. HAHAH!! Our new peace troops! Whomever they may be!

To hell with the UN and France! The only thing the French were ever good at is making wine and surrendering. They are no friend of ours. I think we should remodel the Statue of Liberty and point it at France.(special sign) LOL!! Well..... Sorry if I make some of you folks mad.. I love you guys anyway.

But someone has to say it!

God bless, and keep our troops safe always.


davinci1952's photo
Mon 09/03/07 07:27 PM
indifferent indifferent