Topic: You. Must. Read. This.
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Mon 11/11/13 08:20 AM
If you're one of the tens of thousands who've been sick of every fantasy author worshiping at the Tolkien's shrine for the last eighty years then I'm sure you'll be refreshed by the First Law trilogy. It's uh-mazing.

I would tell you all about it but since not everyone's comfortable with genre I'll forebear with the spoilers. But really, it's the best series of fantasy books I've read since the Lord of the Rings.

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Mon 11/11/13 12:42 PM
Never heard of it. What's it about? You don't have to post spoilers, just give the gist of the plot.

luvmeforlife's photo
Mon 11/11/13 12:46 PM
I'm a big fan of brent weeks lately :)

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Mon 11/11/13 12:50 PM

Never heard of it. What's it about? You don't have to post spoilers, just give the gist of the plot.

hehehe, alright!

This book totally assaults the common tropes in the Lord of the Rings. Like, ALL of them. And in three books, it turns those tropes on their heads and an entirely new creation has been born in the world of fantasy.

So there are the standard characters- a powerful wizard, a barbarian who doesn't actually seem that barbaric, a reluctant would-be-king, a colorful cast of secondary character, mighty enemies assaulting the free lands from the north and the coasts. And can I just say, the character development is exquisite. Each of them starts with great hopes and dreams and in the end.....well you'll just have to find out. =)

There's a quest to find a weapon to end the war and secure the peace, a torturer who is arguable the only honest man in the entire trilogy. The great war, as you gathered, a fight apparently between good and evil. Demons, sorcery, enchantment, bravery, all the traditional stuff is there. And the writer spends three books doing it so he can deliver a crushing blow to traditional fantasy at the end of the novels. And it really does take all three to accomplish what he did. The man is amazing.

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Mon 11/11/13 12:52 PM

Never heard of it. What's it about? You don't have to post spoilers, just give the gist of the plot.

hehehe, alright!

This book totally assaults the common tropes in the Lord of the Rings. Like, ALL of them. And in three books, it turns those tropes on their heads and an entirely new creation has been born in the world of fantasy.

So there are the standard characters- a powerful wizard, a barbarian who doesn't actually seem that barbaric, a reluctant would-be-king, a colorful cast of secondary character, mighty enemies assaulting the free lands from the north and the coasts. And can I just say, the character development is exquisite. Each of them starts with great hopes and dreams and in the end.....well you'll just have to find out. =)

There's a quest to find a weapon to end the war and secure the peace, a torturer who is arguable the only honest man in the entire trilogy. The great war, as you gathered, a fight apparently between good and evil. Demons, sorcery, enchantment, bravery, all the traditional stuff is there. And the writer spends three books doing it so he can deliver a crushing blow to traditional fantasy at the end of the novels. And it really does take all three to accomplish what he did. The man is amazing.

Sounds cool.

no photo
Mon 11/11/13 12:54 PM
It's glorious, you should totally get them. Here, let me pull up the amazon link for the first of the trilogy-

I'd recommend it to anyone except children. Some of the themes wouldn't be understood.

no photo
Mon 11/11/13 12:55 PM

I'm a big fan of brent weeks lately :)

Brent Weeks eh? Which of his books do you like the best?

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Mon 11/11/13 12:58 PM
The cover looks good. Maybe I'll check it out later, I don't have much time for "fun" reading right now, when the semester is over, it'll be better.

luvmeforlife's photo
Mon 11/11/13 01:14 PM
Brent weeks - Night Angel Trilogy

I picked it up by accident and had to kindle the last 2 because it was after midnight when I finished the first one and the bookstore was closed. lol it what THAT good to me XD