Topic: This is leadership? | |
Did I miss something when I was looking at the concept that having all people covered; especially that explodeing percentage of people with expensive chronic pre-existing health issues at least in part financially responsible for their own care makes sense? I personally believe if the only care and coverage a large percentage of people would have as they age is Medicare we are all screwed. 20% of Senior care will bankrupt most families. Yea you might thin the ranks of people competing for jobs by forcing caregiving on families but they will be too poor to buy anything but necessities. As it stands up until when people accept uninsured patients are an absolute drain on medical resources as they grow substantially more expensive as their conditions were only treated when they reached crisis stage not death and went to free indigent care. Care that is driving more and more medical practices and services out of business. Making "care" so expensive that only those that can afford to fly out of country where competition, less malpractice, and reasonable pharma profits make it not only affordable but less of a "stop, drop, chop, and curb" patients system and the focus is on education, quality nursing, choices, and actual comfortable care. All the rest who can't can count of rationed care if any care at all regardless of their age. Will insurance companies and tax payers have to wake up and make sure the "expensive" especially self inflicted patients actually don't drive up premiums yes but I don't see how that is a bad thing. Free, unlimited medical care all around for everyone says I! I CARE about my fellow human beings and wouldn't even wince at whatever "taxes" I had to pay to help my friends & neighbours. I consider it part of my DUTY TO CARE!...Tell you what I DON"T care for though...illicit corporate profits, wars for profit, murder for profit, avarice, apathy, and the self-serving self-centredness of people who for whatever reason refuse to recognize their own duty to care! There is simply NO LOGICAL REASON that the wealthiest society in human history should have people starving & dying in the streets, while it's "leaders" squander the people's wealth on new & efficient ways of killing people. Who will provide it? ^ Hahaha!!..That was a joke, right?....You don't really expect an answer, do you? ![]() I'll ask him again after he's finished building his Nightmaristan! Good plan! ![]() ![]() ![]() Geeze!...What happened?...I thought I already responded...Oh well, whatever...You guys have me all wrong...I'm not trying to build another Nightmaristan, I'm going to replace it with Everybodyshappystan (whoever in hell Stan is). If you don't give me a hand with it, I can only presume it's because you don't care about your fellow men & women on the plantation. I can only guess it's because you have a cushy job as overseers keeping people stupid, confused & whipped. Better check your operations manual because I think it's in desperate need of revision....You'd better look for a new job too, because I think you are now in danger of being laid off at any moment. |
Entire thread, save a few points, looks like unjustifiable spewing of ignorance based opinion.
Entire thread, save a few points, looks like unjustifiable spewing of ignorance based opinion. Aww...Go easier on them...They can't help it....give 'em a break. |
It's a drawback of freedom of speech, a ncessary evil as it were. Problem is that other dumbarses will believe it. There are a lot of those.
It's a drawback of freedom of speech, a ncessary evil as it were. Problem is that other dumbarses will believe it. There are a lot of those. Kinda sad, but true nonetheless. As voltaire is alleged to have said: "I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it." ...and as he definitely did say: "Those who believe absurdities can be made to commit atrocities." ...which most unfortunately, is also very true. |
Yup... some folk don't want(or don't know how) to do the work it takes to find out the way things are, what is the case, etc...
Easier to find another 'expert' opinion which agrees with our own. ![]() |
Yup... some folk don't want(or don't know how) to do the work it takes to find out the way things are, what is the case, etc... Easier to find another 'expert' opinion which agrees with our own. ![]() ...and there is no shortage of "experts" lying in the wings, waiting to feed some steaming fresh bull$hit to a hungry people who are fed up with the old, stale, "same old" bull$hit. |
The real problem, on my view at least, is the overwhelmingly popular idea that it is ok for those with power over the people to be allowed to and/or get away with spreading lies, and/or saying things that quite simply are not true.
The real problem, on my view at least, is the overwhelmingly popular idea that it is ok for those with power over the people to be allowed to and/or get away with spreading lies, and/or saying things that quite simply are not true. It was all part of the deliberate conditioning and gradual dumbing down of the people over the last hundred years in particular. Sometimes, it was hard for me to even respect people for being so damn dumb, but I knew deep down it wasn't really their fault, so I kept in there sluggin' on their behalf, and even though the very people I tried to help turned on me, I never wavered in my caring for the common man. What I learned was that the rule of law still exists (it's just hidden by the veil of legal fictions), and that the whole world really is a free republic of free men & women who care about one another. It's a world that is also hidden by the same veil. All that remains to be done is to clear away the (cob)web of lies & deception that had everyone fooled. That is being done as we speak. |
This law is the protection act for the big insurance companies. This admin has already protected the FED/Central Banks, Monsanto, Big Pharma, and Wall Street, and protected the Capital Hill Gang from the people by creating "Free Speech" zones, gun free zones, and militarizing all branches of gov't including FEMA and local law enforcement. Add a veil of secrecy for all alphabet agencies to hide behind, secret courts, 24 hour surveillance, forever wars, tracking and data mining of every American..... and the voters sleep to the hum of scripted media whores and gov't talking heads sponsored, funded and owned by these 7 (yes, only 7 corporations control the major media outlets protected entities.... ![]() What's left for "WE the people".....but oppression under regulation, mandated taxes and debt slavery for us and future generations to come to pay for it? And BTW...... have you noticed this admin is also eliminating honored and ethical Generals who have served us well (asked the hard questions) with younger, unexperienced, and easily influenced, never seen battle, intelligence branch insiders? Only a fool would think there isn't need for alarm! Corporatism....the new face of fascism! I still say they ought to have taken a second look at the Swiss Healthcaresystem! While similar in some points,when everything is said and done,it is between the Doctor and his Patient,NOT Government,Doctor,Patient and Government!! Yeah,I mentioned Government twice on purpose! |