Topic: Famous Youth Sees School as Brainwash Tool | |
Jaden Smith Has His Finger on the Pulse of Modern Education “School Is The Tool To Brainwash The Youth.” He continued: “If Everybody In The World Dropped Out Of School We Would Have A Much More Intelligent Society.” Jaden Smith is 15 years old, and if we take the comments at face-value (who didn’t hate school at that age?), they are easy to dismiss. But let’s ignore face-value for a moment and assume he knows exactly what he’s talking about. He has, apparently, reached the same conclusion many of us have who suffered through public school, who found that when we questioned authority, were told we were behaving inappropriately. When I say “question authority” I don’t mean we were doing anything particularly “wrong” in the usual sense. Maybe we were writing conservative editorials in the school paper, or writing essays in English class that went against the established narrative. Maybe we wrote that popular culture and the growing trend of “if it’s true for you, you shouldn’t be judged” was corroding our nation. Maybe we refused to write about something else, even when enough teachers complained to the point the principle invited you into her office for a chat. Of course, you can’t be given detention or expelled because you wrote something teachers disagree with, especially since they had no cause for doing so (you didn’t use profanity, didn’t attack a religious or ethnic group, etc.). The only thing you did wrong was not write what they were telling you to write. Why the fuss? Because other students were reading what you wrote, especially the school paper editorials, and maybe there was a danger that others would convert to your way of thinking. One reaction to Jaden Smith’s tweet pretty much sums up all of the responses I looked up: “He has such a huge group of fans that really look up to him,” Us Weekly reporter Jennifer Peros told ABC News. “So this isn’t really the example you should really be setting.” Exactly. Heaven forbid that young people actually question what so-called authorities tell them. Now, we do need basic education. No question about that. But after so many “they never taught me that in school” moments as an adult, I have come to realize that school really wasn’t there to teach me anything except conformity. And when I didn’t conform, I wound up having to explain myself to an authority figure who thought she knew better, yet was in the untenable position of being an educator telling me not to think and explore other ideas. If you can break away from the collective group-think of modern education, as Jaden Smith suggests, you might actually stand a chance of truly learning something. And what drives Jaden Smith’s point home is a new text book that, basically, rewrites the entire Constitution, and is aimed at “advance history” students. Brainwashing 101. We used to say, “Don’t trust anybody over 30,” which was fine until one turned 30. And then it became, “Don’t trust anybody.” Especially teachers. Teachers are the new sacred cows. They are not to be criticized in any way and if you do, you are tarred and feathered. I have little respect for a collective industry that follows progressive policies and passes those policies onto kids in the name of “education.” I know many teachers, and they are good people. I like dating teachers because when you do something wrong, they make you do it over again. But the good ones are a drop in the bucket compared to the juggernaut of the educational industry that has a death-grip on your kids’ necks. You know what I’ve also learned after 38 years on God’s green earth? Sacred cows make the best burgers. BRIAN DRAKE is a broadcaster in California and the author of The Rogue Gentleman, a thriller in the tradition of Vince Flynn and Brad Thor. Follow him on Twitter. |
balance is necessary
dropping out of school wouldn't make anything better school does more than 'educate' it is an attempt to teach us to compete in THE GAME of life, and it is a game to survive in the modern world if you don't learn the rules, the loopholes, the ups and downs,, and you don't have the family name and resources and connections of a Jaden Smith,, you will find life is a lot more miserable than just having to respect positions of authority,,, it isn't that education is useless, its that it doesn't go FAR ENOUGH,,,in teaching about real life, acquiring the wealth and independence to actually LIVE life,,,,instead of teaching about how to continue lining the pockets of the wealthy by being a workhorse |
Balance IS necessary but is not promoted in public school.
A biased agenda has taken hold of our society which has targeted our educational system, and has targeted our youth in particular, as the op is sharing with his peers. |
When we leave High School at 18 we have no skills Employers are looking for.
We need more Skills being taught in High School. Plumbing, Electrical, Welding,Engineering. I took three years of Latin in High School and would rather have learned a skilled trade. How is quoting Shakespeare going to further out Career success? |
I believe it is best to use the public school to promote productive citizens, of course.
But no teaching forced, to the detriment of our morally and legally established freedom and citizenry. ![]() |
balance is necessary dropping out of school wouldn't make anything better school does more than 'educate' it is an attempt to teach us to compete in THE GAME of life, and it is a game to survive in the modern world if you don't learn the rules, the loopholes, the ups and downs,, and you don't have the family name and resources and connections of a Jaden Smith,, you will find life is a lot more miserable than just having to respect positions of authority,,, it isn't that education is useless, its that it doesn't go FAR ENOUGH,,,in teaching about real life, acquiring the wealth and independence to actually LIVE life,,,,instead of teaching about how to continue lining the pockets of the wealthy by being a workhorse schooling =/= education. It's pretty rare to find real education in government schools (and most others). In fact, universities nowadays have to create remedial classes for government school grads who don't know the basics. |
When we leave High School at 18 we have no skills Employers are looking for. We need more Skills being taught in High School. Plumbing, Electrical, Welding,Engineering. I took three years of Latin in High School and would rather have learned a skilled trade. How is quoting Shakespeare going to further out Career success? The usefulness of Shakespeare is learning about literature from the classics. The Shakespeare canon has been one of the most influential bodies of work in Western history. It rather behooves us to know a bit of it if we plan to live in the Western world. |
balance is necessary dropping out of school wouldn't make anything better school does more than 'educate' it is an attempt to teach us to compete in THE GAME of life, and it is a game to survive in the modern world if you don't learn the rules, the loopholes, the ups and downs,, and you don't have the family name and resources and connections of a Jaden Smith,, you will find life is a lot more miserable than just having to respect positions of authority,,, it isn't that education is useless, its that it doesn't go FAR ENOUGH,,,in teaching about real life, acquiring the wealth and independence to actually LIVE life,,,,instead of teaching about how to continue lining the pockets of the wealthy by being a workhorse schooling =/= education. It's pretty rare to find real education in government schools (and most others). In fact, universities nowadays have to create remedial classes for government school grads who don't know the basics. Without "real education"...I can foresee a bleak and devastating future. No morals, no absolutes, all things fluid and subject to "change". The human mind becomes unnecessary. Lives dispensable...age a burden. Sure, today liberalism is celebrated by the masses... but after the final establishment of this "revolution", after most have labored tirelessly toward it's outcome, they will be greatly disappointed by their predetermined rewards, and by their new found lack of freedom. I believe a vast amount of liberals and those who think they are devout socialists will soon discover they have painted themselves and their children into a corner, to put it mildly. "True education" is the defense of our nation. To continue to allow the undermining of public education will be our demise. |
When we leave High School at 18 we have no skills Employers are looking for. We need more Skills being taught in High School. Plumbing, Electrical, Welding,Engineering. I took three years of Latin in High School and would rather have learned a skilled trade. How is quoting Shakespeare going to further out Career success? high school only prepares for college,, college prepares for employers,,, |
When we leave High School at 18 we have no skills Employers are looking for. We need more Skills being taught in High School. Plumbing, Electrical, Welding,Engineering. I took three years of Latin in High School and would rather have learned a skilled trade. How is quoting Shakespeare going to further out Career success? high school only prepares for college,, college prepares for employers,,, |
to give them an excuse to give you a chance, by showing the capacity to keep focused on something,,,,