Topic: Beer or Death? (News Story)
Dodo_David's photo
Sat 10/26/13 10:34 AM
Here is an excerpt from a news story dated 26 October 2013.

A man who walks with a cane was not injured when he ran into a burning Columbus house to recover beer he left inside the house.

Story Headline: Georgia man runs into burning home to get beer

Your thoughts?

Journeyman236's photo
Sat 10/26/13 10:41 AM

Here is an excerpt from a news story dated 26 October 2013.

A man who walks with a cane was not injured when he ran into a burning Columbus house to recover beer he left inside the house.

Story Headline: Georgia man runs into burning home to get beer

Your thoughts?

If he walked with a cane, how did he run into the house?

dcastelmissy's photo
Sat 10/26/13 10:52 AM

Here is an excerpt from a news story dated 26 October 2013.

A man who walks with a cane was not injured when he ran into a burning Columbus house to recover beer he left inside the house.

Story Headline: Georgia man runs into burning home to get beer

Your thoughts?

If he walked with a cane, how did he run into the house?

The answer is: People do crazy things for what they consider really important in their lives--in his case beer--it's the miracle drug of his choice. Hey, it worked didn't it. "Beer Performs A Miracle" is what I would have written as the headline!! Wonder if beer sales went up that day?????? rofl rofl