Topic: finish my sentence - part 30 | |
everyone he gave a gift card to realized that they had expired four.....
months ago and that got everyone hot under the...
collar so they all decided to.....
go to the nearest convenience store and buy some...
York's chocolate peppermints Pattie's....
so he could give them to the lady down at the...
Yes We Care Nursing Home......
where he gave out gifts to all the residents and then...
hid there Depends under there beds because.....
they were afraid they would run out and have to...
Run al d way home alone
Riding on a fire engine....
with the siren blairing and the water hose...?
down everyone in...
the street as it passed by the..?
fire station where everyone was in the process of ...
pulling up there pants....
Because it was getting cold and someone was at the....
fire station office looking for a...