Topic: who is Barry Sotero? | |
Who is Barack Obama? The scariest list of facts about President Obama you’ve ever seen … This list is truly shocking. Take a close look at how many communists, Marxists, domestic terrorists, and America-haters are his close friends. His records going back to childhood are sealed, and he has spent millions of tax-dollars keeping those records sealed. His very first official act as President was was seal his records. What is Obama hiding? obama's sealed recordsSure, there’s (1) the original, long-form 1961 Hawaiian birth certificate. Then there’s: 2) Marriage license between Obama’s father (Barak Sr.) and mother (Stanley Ann Dunham)— not found, not released 3) Obama’s baptism records — sealed 4) Obama’s adoption records — sealed 5) Records of Obama’s and his mother’s reptriation as US citizens on return from Indonesia — not found, not released 6) Name change (Barry Sotero to Barack Hussein Obama) records — not found, not released 7) Noelani Elementary School (Hawaii)— not released 8) Punahou School financial aid or school records — not released 9) Occidental College financial aid records — not released.(These records were, however, subpoenaed but Obama lawyers succeeded in quashing the subpoena in court. No other Occi records have been released.) 10) Columbia College records — not released 11) Columbia senior thesis — not released 12) Harvard Law School records (not mentioned below, but not released) 13) Obama’s law client list — sealed 14) Obama’s files from career as an Illinois State Senator — sealed 15) Obama’s record with Illinois State Bar Association — sealed 16) Obama’s medical records — not released 17) Obama’s passport records — not released JUST WHO IS THIS GUY…. OBAMA?? Barack Obama is less of a person than an image—a brand. People see what ever they want as they do on a Rorschach test. But does anyone really know him? In fact, he is: * A man with no birth certificate. * A man whose birth records, both in the United States and Kenya, are sealed by government order. * A man whose childhood mentor, Frank Marshall Davis, spied on U.S. military installations in Hawaii for the Soviet Union, edited a communist newspaper, authored pornographic novels, and wrote poetry in praise of Joseph Stalin. * A man who promised transparency in government, but has spent over a million dollars in legal fees hiding information that would determine his eligibility to be President. * A man whose academic records are sealed from kindergarten through law school. * A bi-racial man who derided his grandmother (a bank-executive who sent him to an exclusive private school), calling her “a typical white person.” * A man who arrived in New York in June of 1981 without enough money to get a hotel room, but one month later flew to Indonesia and Pakistan. * Why did he go? * Who paid his expenses? * A man who traveled to Pakistan when it was illegal for U.S. citizens to do so. So what country’s passport did he use? And what country is he really a citizen of?—it’s not the USA. * A man whose Law School Admission Test scores and grades at Columbia University are known to have been mediocre, but was admitted to Harvard Law School through the intervention of a Saudi named Khalid al -Mansour. * A law review editor who never published an article in any law review. *A law-school grad who was turned down for a lowly job as an adjunct instructor, but who was then given a corner office and a minimal teaching load (one intro course) when an unidentified person leaned on the Dean. *An adjunct instructor who was despised by the law school faculty—the professors considered him lazy and stupid—but who is lauded by the fawning press as a “Constitutional scholar.” * A man who has publicly called the US Constitution “fundamentally flawed.” * A lawyer with no significant accomplishments in the law and no reputation in the legal community. * A former State and U.S. Senator, who authored just one piece of legislation—which funded the Marxist campaign of his Kenyan cousin, Odingo. * A former State Senator who routinely used State limosines as a place to smoke crack cocaine and engage in homosexual acts with young men, three of whom ended up shot in the back of the head (officially deemed “suicides”). * A disciple of the Marxist Saul Alinsky. * A product of the Chicago political machine—the most corrupt political organization in America. * A man who selects Marxists, corrupt politicians, and criminals as his close political associates and personal friends. * A man whose Presidential campaign was financed by Soros and Middle Eastern sources. * A man whose presidential candidacy was endorsed by the Democratic Socialists of America, the Socialist International, and the Workers International League. * A man lauded for the literary brilliance of two memoirs, both of which were ghostwritten by domestic terrorist Bill Ayres.. * A so-called Christian who says that knowing when human life begins is “above his pay-grade,” but somehow knows that abortion is permissible at any stage. * A man who thinks “waterboarding” is immoral, but that partial-birth abortion is moral. * A man who publicly laments slavery in America—which was abolished 150 years ago—but praises Islam, which still practices both slavery and the sexual mutilation of young girls. * A man who speaks endlessly about helping the less fortunate, but gives almost none of his sizeable income to charity—not even to his half-brother, who is living in squalor in Kenya. * A man who had the most left-wing voting record in the United State Senate, but was predicted by the press to “govern from the middle.” * A man who has never created a job, met a payroll, or even operated a lemonade stand, but wants to tell Detroit how to make cars. *A man whose wife (who attained a position of affluence through affirmative action) publicly proclaimed that she had never been proud of America until her husband became President. * A President who has never before served as an executive in either the private or the public sector. * A Commander-in-Chief who doesn’t know how to shoot a rifle, throw a hand-grenade, drive a tank, fly a plane, or con a ship. * A Commander-in-Chief who has publicly divulged some of our nation’s most important intelligence secrets. * A man who has been put in charge of the largest economic engine that ever existed, but has never invested in the stock market and admits total ignorance of it. * A President who says that science will guide his administration, but has no education in the sciences. * A man praised for his public speaking skills who is proficient in reading what is written for him on a teleprompter, but who jerks and stammers his way through any off-the-cuff speaking. * A man who requires a teleprompter in order to be able to speak for five minutes to a class of kindergartners. * A man whose health records are sealed from childhood to the present day. * A man who spent 20 years in a church whose pastor espouses Marxist Liberation Theology, anti-Americanism, anti-capitalism, and anti-Semitism, but claims he never heard his pastor utter anti-American, and anti-Semitic statements. * A man who added more to the National Debt in 120 days than all other Presidents did in the past 220 years, yet feels qualified to lecture Americans about “fiscal responsibility.” * A man who publicly expressed disdain for the U.S. Constitution on a Chicago radio station because it limited the government’s ability to “redistribute wealth.” * A man who sits and listens submissively while his country is castigated by Daniel Ortega—a Communist thug whose own daughter accused him of raping her. * A narcissist who gave the Queen of England a present from the United States—an iPod containing recordings of his own speeches. * A so-called Christian who officially declared “Pride Month” for a lifestyle that the Bible calls an abomination. * A man who wanted Americans to ignore his Muslim name during his election campaign, yet boasts of his Muslim name when he travels to Muslim countries. * A man who can name hundreds of America’s shortcomings, yet none of its great accomplishments. * A President who claims the moral high ground by closing Gitmo yet supports the transfer of terror suspects to countries where horrific torture is certain. * A President who scoffed at being called a socialist yet acted to nationalize the auto industry, the banking industry, and the insurance industry . . . and now seeks to nationalize the healthcare industry. * A President who violates private property rights, the sanctity of contracts, and the rule of law—three essential principles that go back over a thousand years in the Common Law tradition. * A man who promised 95% of all Americans a tax cut, but is increasing taxes on 100% of the population through inflation—the cruelest tax of all. * A lawyer who represented ACORN—an organization now indicted in several states for voter fraud—whose stated goal is to get as many people on welfare as possible in order to destroy our financial system. * A President who cheated GM’s bondholders by giving their property to the UAW in a political payoff. * An American President who frequently criticizes his own country when speaking in foreign countries, but never praises America’s generosity, goodness or greatness. * A President whose Secretary of the Treasury cheated on his taxes—as did several other appointees and advisors. * A President who scoffs at being called a socialist, yet has appointed 28 “Czars” to circumvent constitutional government, including: a“Science Czar” who has advocated compulsory abortions for American women and the “surrender of sovereignty” to a “comprehensive Planetary Regime;” a“Green Jobs Czar” who is a self-professed communist; a “Pay Czar” to unconstitutionally micro-manage the pay of corporate executives. * A President who swore an oath to “preserve, protect and defend the constitution from all enemies, foreign and domestic,” yet who placed a domestic enemy of the Constitution (Sotomayor) to the Supreme Court. * A President whose Homeland Security Chief classified pro-lifers, veterans, and supporters of traditional marriage as terrorists. * A President who stood silent while the Iranian government hacked unarmed protestors to death with axes, because it was an internal matter, but freely offers his opinions about the internal affairs of Israel and Honduras. * A President who decreed that true acts of terrorism must now be described as “man-made disasters.” * A President who, on national television, called Special Olympians “retards.” * A President who refused to intercept or inspect a North Korean ship virtually certain to be carrying Weapons of Mass Destruction to Burma. * A President who wants to cancel all missile defenses while rogue nations are developing long-range ballistic missiles. * An American President who blames the violence in Mexico on America. * A Commander in Chief who claims to have been unaware that Air Force One was taken on a terrifying, low-level photo-op over Manhattan. * A President who berates American CEO’s for flying in private planes at private expense on company business, but whose wife spends hundreds of thousands tax payer dollars flying to Paris for shopping sprees. * A President who promised a transparent administration, but requires all questions be screened before “impromptu” appearances. * A man who freely admitted that his energy policies are designed to bankrupt the American coal industry. * A President who has presided over the loss of 14.7 million jobs and whose “energy policy” will cause the loss of another 1 million jobs. * A President whose “energy policy” will increase the average American’s utility bills by over $2,000 a year in the middle of the Great Recession. * A President whose caucus rammed through unconstitutional “healthcare reform” which nationalizes almost one-fifth of the Americn economy. * A President who is by definition a fascist, as his unconstitutional takeover of the healthcare industry, the auto industry, and the the financial and banking industry, has effectively nationalized one-half of the American economy. SOMEONE KNOWS: The vast majority of Americans do not know who he is, but someone surely does. * Someone paid for his travel expenses to Pakistan and Indonesia. * Someone engineered legal challenges to all of his election opponents for the State Senate and had them disqualified. * Someone straightened and leveled his path to the U.S. Senate when a Democrat Judge made public the sealed child custody records of his Republican opponent. When he was a candidate for the U.S. Senate, someone arranged for him to speak at the 2004 Democratic National Convention. * Someone saw to it that all of his records were sealed, both at home and abroad. Someone assembled the massive organization for his run for the Presidency. Someone knows all about him. Obama has Paid the law firm of Perkins Coie, a single law firm, $2.3 million since he announced his campaign for presidency. Blocking dodging and weaving!! |
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![]() not sure, all his college records are sealed... but its safe to say it's probably true, since they are sealed... ![]() |
What a bunch of garbage.
![]() It has all been proven untruthful... Only the white racists keep it going because they don't care if it is true or not |
Edited by
Mon 10/21/13 06:10 PM
How many Alias does this man have? I wonder.
If we know George Washington had wooden teeth then we Should no some of Obamas history. I wonder what he really wants to be remembered for? |
What a bunch of garbage. ![]() It has all been proven untruthful... Only the white racists keep it going because they don't care if it is true or not Every thing is not about Black and White anymore. In society we are living in today there's Contrast |
What a bunch of garbage. ![]() It has all been proven untruthful... Only the white racists keep it going because they don't care if it is true or not ![]() |
Edited by
Mon 10/21/13 07:03 PM
What a bunch of garbage. ![]() It has all been proven untruthful... Only the white racists keep it going because they don't care if it is true or not I'd rather be a racist than a Kool-Aid drinkin idiot! |
What a bunch of garbage. ![]() It has all been proven untruthful... Only the white racists keep it going because they don't care if it is true or not I'd rather be a racist than a Kool-Aid drinkin idiot! Ill bet she spikes her koolaid. ![]() |
A lil vodka can make a hurricane look sensible lol |
Who is Barack Obama? The scariest list of facts about President Obama you’ve ever seen … This list is truly shocking. Take a close look at how many communists, Marxists, domestic terrorists, and America-haters are his close friends. His records going back to childhood are sealed, and he has spent millions of tax-dollars keeping those records sealed. His very first official act as President was was seal his records. What is Obama hiding? obama's sealed recordsSure, there’s (1) the original, long-form 1961 Hawaiian birth certificate. Then there’s: 2) Marriage license between Obama’s father (Barak Sr.) and mother (Stanley Ann Dunham)— not found, not released 3) Obama’s baptism records — sealed 4) Obama’s adoption records — sealed 5) Records of Obama’s and his mother’s reptriation as US citizens on return from Indonesia — not found, not released 6) Name change (Barry Sotero to Barack Hussein Obama) records — not found, not released 7) Noelani Elementary School (Hawaii)— not released 8) Punahou School financial aid or school records — not released 9) Occidental College financial aid records — not released.(These records were, however, subpoenaed but Obama lawyers succeeded in quashing the subpoena in court. No other Occi records have been released.) 10) Columbia College records — not released 11) Columbia senior thesis — not released 12) Harvard Law School records (not mentioned below, but not released) 13) Obama’s law client list — sealed 14) Obama’s files from career as an Illinois State Senator — sealed 15) Obama’s record with Illinois State Bar Association — sealed 16) Obama’s medical records — not released 17) Obama’s passport records — not released JUST WHO IS THIS GUY…. OBAMA?? Barack Obama is less of a person than an image—a brand. People see what ever they want as they do on a Rorschach test. But does anyone really know him? In fact, he is: * A man with no birth certificate. * A man whose birth records, both in the United States and Kenya, are sealed by government order. * A man whose childhood mentor, Frank Marshall Davis, spied on U.S. military installations in Hawaii for the Soviet Union, edited a communist newspaper, authored pornographic novels, and wrote poetry in praise of Joseph Stalin. * A man who promised transparency in government, but has spent over a million dollars in legal fees hiding information that would determine his eligibility to be President. * A man whose academic records are sealed from kindergarten through law school. * A bi-racial man who derided his grandmother (a bank-executive who sent him to an exclusive private school), calling her “a typical white person.” * A man who arrived in New York in June of 1981 without enough money to get a hotel room, but one month later flew to Indonesia and Pakistan. * Why did he go? * Who paid his expenses? * A man who traveled to Pakistan when it was illegal for U.S. citizens to do so. So what country’s passport did he use? And what country is he really a citizen of?—it’s not the USA. * A man whose Law School Admission Test scores and grades at Columbia University are known to have been mediocre, but was admitted to Harvard Law School through the intervention of a Saudi named Khalid al -Mansour. * A law review editor who never published an article in any law review. *A law-school grad who was turned down for a lowly job as an adjunct instructor, but who was then given a corner office and a minimal teaching load (one intro course) when an unidentified person leaned on the Dean. *An adjunct instructor who was despised by the law school faculty—the professors considered him lazy and stupid—but who is lauded by the fawning press as a “Constitutional scholar.” * A man who has publicly called the US Constitution “fundamentally flawed.” * A lawyer with no significant accomplishments in the law and no reputation in the legal community. * A former State and U.S. Senator, who authored just one piece of legislation—which funded the Marxist campaign of his Kenyan cousin, Odingo. * A former State Senator who routinely used State limosines as a place to smoke crack cocaine and engage in homosexual acts with young men, three of whom ended up shot in the back of the head (officially deemed “suicides”). * A disciple of the Marxist Saul Alinsky. * A product of the Chicago political machine—the most corrupt political organization in America. * A man who selects Marxists, corrupt politicians, and criminals as his close political associates and personal friends. * A man whose Presidential campaign was financed by Soros and Middle Eastern sources. * A man whose presidential candidacy was endorsed by the Democratic Socialists of America, the Socialist International, and the Workers International League. * A man lauded for the literary brilliance of two memoirs, both of which were ghostwritten by domestic terrorist Bill Ayres.. * A so-called Christian who says that knowing when human life begins is “above his pay-grade,” but somehow knows that abortion is permissible at any stage. * A man who thinks “waterboarding” is immoral, but that partial-birth abortion is moral. * A man who publicly laments slavery in America—which was abolished 150 years ago—but praises Islam, which still practices both slavery and the sexual mutilation of young girls. * A man who speaks endlessly about helping the less fortunate, but gives almost none of his sizeable income to charity—not even to his half-brother, who is living in squalor in Kenya. * A man who had the most left-wing voting record in the United State Senate, but was predicted by the press to “govern from the middle.” * A man who has never created a job, met a payroll, or even operated a lemonade stand, but wants to tell Detroit how to make cars. *A man whose wife (who attained a position of affluence through affirmative action) publicly proclaimed that she had never been proud of America until her husband became President. * A President who has never before served as an executive in either the private or the public sector. * A Commander-in-Chief who doesn’t know how to shoot a rifle, throw a hand-grenade, drive a tank, fly a plane, or con a ship. * A Commander-in-Chief who has publicly divulged some of our nation’s most important intelligence secrets. * A man who has been put in charge of the largest economic engine that ever existed, but has never invested in the stock market and admits total ignorance of it. * A President who says that science will guide his administration, but has no education in the sciences. * A man praised for his public speaking skills who is proficient in reading what is written for him on a teleprompter, but who jerks and stammers his way through any off-the-cuff speaking. * A man who requires a teleprompter in order to be able to speak for five minutes to a class of kindergartners. * A man whose health records are sealed from childhood to the present day. * A man who spent 20 years in a church whose pastor espouses Marxist Liberation Theology, anti-Americanism, anti-capitalism, and anti-Semitism, but claims he never heard his pastor utter anti-American, and anti-Semitic statements. * A man who added more to the National Debt in 120 days than all other Presidents did in the past 220 years, yet feels qualified to lecture Americans about “fiscal responsibility.” * A man who publicly expressed disdain for the U.S. Constitution on a Chicago radio station because it limited the government’s ability to “redistribute wealth.” * A man who sits and listens submissively while his country is castigated by Daniel Ortega—a Communist thug whose own daughter accused him of raping her. * A narcissist who gave the Queen of England a present from the United States—an iPod containing recordings of his own speeches. * A so-called Christian who officially declared “Pride Month” for a lifestyle that the Bible calls an abomination. * A man who wanted Americans to ignore his Muslim name during his election campaign, yet boasts of his Muslim name when he travels to Muslim countries. * A man who can name hundreds of America’s shortcomings, yet none of its great accomplishments. * A President who claims the moral high ground by closing Gitmo yet supports the transfer of terror suspects to countries where horrific torture is certain. * A President who scoffed at being called a socialist yet acted to nationalize the auto industry, the banking industry, and the insurance industry . . . and now seeks to nationalize the healthcare industry. * A President who violates private property rights, the sanctity of contracts, and the rule of law—three essential principles that go back over a thousand years in the Common Law tradition. * A man who promised 95% of all Americans a tax cut, but is increasing taxes on 100% of the population through inflation—the cruelest tax of all. * A lawyer who represented ACORN—an organization now indicted in several states for voter fraud—whose stated goal is to get as many people on welfare as possible in order to destroy our financial system. * A President who cheated GM’s bondholders by giving their property to the UAW in a political payoff. * An American President who frequently criticizes his own country when speaking in foreign countries, but never praises America’s generosity, goodness or greatness. * A President whose Secretary of the Treasury cheated on his taxes—as did several other appointees and advisors. * A President who scoffs at being called a socialist, yet has appointed 28 “Czars” to circumvent constitutional government, including: a“Science Czar” who has advocated compulsory abortions for American women and the “surrender of sovereignty” to a “comprehensive Planetary Regime;” a“Green Jobs Czar” who is a self-professed communist; a “Pay Czar” to unconstitutionally micro-manage the pay of corporate executives. * A President who swore an oath to “preserve, protect and defend the constitution from all enemies, foreign and domestic,” yet who placed a domestic enemy of the Constitution (Sotomayor) to the Supreme Court. * A President whose Homeland Security Chief classified pro-lifers, veterans, and supporters of traditional marriage as terrorists. * A President who stood silent while the Iranian government hacked unarmed protestors to death with axes, because it was an internal matter, but freely offers his opinions about the internal affairs of Israel and Honduras. * A President who decreed that true acts of terrorism must now be described as “man-made disasters.” * A President who, on national television, called Special Olympians “retards.” * A President who refused to intercept or inspect a North Korean ship virtually certain to be carrying Weapons of Mass Destruction to Burma. * A President who wants to cancel all missile defenses while rogue nations are developing long-range ballistic missiles. * An American President who blames the violence in Mexico on America. * A Commander in Chief who claims to have been unaware that Air Force One was taken on a terrifying, low-level photo-op over Manhattan. * A President who berates American CEO’s for flying in private planes at private expense on company business, but whose wife spends hundreds of thousands tax payer dollars flying to Paris for shopping sprees. * A President who promised a transparent administration, but requires all questions be screened before “impromptu” appearances. * A man who freely admitted that his energy policies are designed to bankrupt the American coal industry. * A President who has presided over the loss of 14.7 million jobs and whose “energy policy” will cause the loss of another 1 million jobs. * A President whose “energy policy” will increase the average American’s utility bills by over $2,000 a year in the middle of the Great Recession. * A President whose caucus rammed through unconstitutional “healthcare reform” which nationalizes almost one-fifth of the Americn economy. * A President who is by definition a fascist, as his unconstitutional takeover of the healthcare industry, the auto industry, and the the financial and banking industry, has effectively nationalized one-half of the American economy. SOMEONE KNOWS: The vast majority of Americans do not know who he is, but someone surely does. * Someone paid for his travel expenses to Pakistan and Indonesia. * Someone engineered legal challenges to all of his election opponents for the State Senate and had them disqualified. * Someone straightened and leveled his path to the U.S. Senate when a Democrat Judge made public the sealed child custody records of his Republican opponent. When he was a candidate for the U.S. Senate, someone arranged for him to speak at the 2004 Democratic National Convention. * Someone saw to it that all of his records were sealed, both at home and abroad. Someone assembled the massive organization for his run for the Presidency. Someone knows all about him. Obama has Paid the law firm of Perkins Coie, a single law firm, $2.3 million since he announced his campaign for presidency. Blocking dodging and weaving!! His mom also was sleeping with Frank Marshall Davis and starring in his pornos. He is just one of many that his mom screwed. She got around more then the local whore at the local brothel. |
![]() No, he was just a cokehead. |
Who is Barack Obama? The scariest list of facts about President Obama you’ve ever seen … This list is truly shocking. Take a close look at how many communists, Marxists, domestic terrorists, and America-haters are his close friends. His records going back to childhood are sealed, and he has spent millions of tax-dollars keeping those records sealed. His very first official act as President was was seal his records. What is Obama hiding? obama's sealed recordsSure, there’s (1) the original, long-form 1961 Hawaiian birth certificate. Then there’s: 2) Marriage license between Obama’s father (Barak Sr.) and mother (Stanley Ann Dunham)— not found, not released 3) Obama’s baptism records — sealed 4) Obama’s adoption records — sealed 5) Records of Obama’s and his mother’s reptriation as US citizens on return from Indonesia — not found, not released 6) Name change (Barry Sotero to Barack Hussein Obama) records — not found, not released 7) Noelani Elementary School (Hawaii)— not released 8) Punahou School financial aid or school records — not released 9) Occidental College financial aid records — not released.(These records were, however, subpoenaed but Obama lawyers succeeded in quashing the subpoena in court. No other Occi records have been released.) 10) Columbia College records — not released 11) Columbia senior thesis — not released 12) Harvard Law School records (not mentioned below, but not released) 13) Obama’s law client list — sealed 14) Obama’s files from career as an Illinois State Senator — sealed 15) Obama’s record with Illinois State Bar Association — sealed 16) Obama’s medical records — not released 17) Obama’s passport records — not released JUST WHO IS THIS GUY…. OBAMA?? Barack Obama is less of a person than an image—a brand. People see what ever they want as they do on a Rorschach test. But does anyone really know him? In fact, he is: * A man with no birth certificate. * A man whose birth records, both in the United States and Kenya, are sealed by government order. * A man whose childhood mentor, Frank Marshall Davis, spied on U.S. military installations in Hawaii for the Soviet Union, edited a communist newspaper, authored pornographic novels, and wrote poetry in praise of Joseph Stalin. * A man who promised transparency in government, but has spent over a million dollars in legal fees hiding information that would determine his eligibility to be President. * A man whose academic records are sealed from kindergarten through law school. * A bi-racial man who derided his grandmother (a bank-executive who sent him to an exclusive private school), calling her “a typical white person.” * A man who arrived in New York in June of 1981 without enough money to get a hotel room, but one month later flew to Indonesia and Pakistan. * Why did he go? * Who paid his expenses? * A man who traveled to Pakistan when it was illegal for U.S. citizens to do so. So what country’s passport did he use? And what country is he really a citizen of?—it’s not the USA. * A man whose Law School Admission Test scores and grades at Columbia University are known to have been mediocre, but was admitted to Harvard Law School through the intervention of a Saudi named Khalid al -Mansour. * A law review editor who never published an article in any law review. *A law-school grad who was turned down for a lowly job as an adjunct instructor, but who was then given a corner office and a minimal teaching load (one intro course) when an unidentified person leaned on the Dean. *An adjunct instructor who was despised by the law school faculty—the professors considered him lazy and stupid—but who is lauded by the fawning press as a “Constitutional scholar.” * A man who has publicly called the US Constitution “fundamentally flawed.” * A lawyer with no significant accomplishments in the law and no reputation in the legal community. * A former State and U.S. Senator, who authored just one piece of legislation—which funded the Marxist campaign of his Kenyan cousin, Odingo. * A former State Senator who routinely used State limosines as a place to smoke crack cocaine and engage in homosexual acts with young men, three of whom ended up shot in the back of the head (officially deemed “suicides”). * A disciple of the Marxist Saul Alinsky. * A product of the Chicago political machine—the most corrupt political organization in America. * A man who selects Marxists, corrupt politicians, and criminals as his close political associates and personal friends. * A man whose Presidential campaign was financed by Soros and Middle Eastern sources. * A man whose presidential candidacy was endorsed by the Democratic Socialists of America, the Socialist International, and the Workers International League. * A man lauded for the literary brilliance of two memoirs, both of which were ghostwritten by domestic terrorist Bill Ayres.. * A so-called Christian who says that knowing when human life begins is “above his pay-grade,” but somehow knows that abortion is permissible at any stage. * A man who thinks “waterboarding” is immoral, but that partial-birth abortion is moral. * A man who publicly laments slavery in America—which was abolished 150 years ago—but praises Islam, which still practices both slavery and the sexual mutilation of young girls. * A man who speaks endlessly about helping the less fortunate, but gives almost none of his sizeable income to charity—not even to his half-brother, who is living in squalor in Kenya. * A man who had the most left-wing voting record in the United State Senate, but was predicted by the press to “govern from the middle.” * A man who has never created a job, met a payroll, or even operated a lemonade stand, but wants to tell Detroit how to make cars. *A man whose wife (who attained a position of affluence through affirmative action) publicly proclaimed that she had never been proud of America until her husband became President. * A President who has never before served as an executive in either the private or the public sector. * A Commander-in-Chief who doesn’t know how to shoot a rifle, throw a hand-grenade, drive a tank, fly a plane, or con a ship. * A Commander-in-Chief who has publicly divulged some of our nation’s most important intelligence secrets. * A man who has been put in charge of the largest economic engine that ever existed, but has never invested in the stock market and admits total ignorance of it. * A President who says that science will guide his administration, but has no education in the sciences. * A man praised for his public speaking skills who is proficient in reading what is written for him on a teleprompter, but who jerks and stammers his way through any off-the-cuff speaking. * A man who requires a teleprompter in order to be able to speak for five minutes to a class of kindergartners. * A man whose health records are sealed from childhood to the present day. * A man who spent 20 years in a church whose pastor espouses Marxist Liberation Theology, anti-Americanism, anti-capitalism, and anti-Semitism, but claims he never heard his pastor utter anti-American, and anti-Semitic statements. * A man who added more to the National Debt in 120 days than all other Presidents did in the past 220 years, yet feels qualified to lecture Americans about “fiscal responsibility.” * A man who publicly expressed disdain for the U.S. Constitution on a Chicago radio station because it limited the government’s ability to “redistribute wealth.” * A man who sits and listens submissively while his country is castigated by Daniel Ortega—a Communist thug whose own daughter accused him of raping her. * A narcissist who gave the Queen of England a present from the United States—an iPod containing recordings of his own speeches. * A so-called Christian who officially declared “Pride Month” for a lifestyle that the Bible calls an abomination. * A man who wanted Americans to ignore his Muslim name during his election campaign, yet boasts of his Muslim name when he travels to Muslim countries. * A man who can name hundreds of America’s shortcomings, yet none of its great accomplishments. * A President who claims the moral high ground by closing Gitmo yet supports the transfer of terror suspects to countries where horrific torture is certain. * A President who scoffed at being called a socialist yet acted to nationalize the auto industry, the banking industry, and the insurance industry . . . and now seeks to nationalize the healthcare industry. * A President who violates private property rights, the sanctity of contracts, and the rule of law—three essential principles that go back over a thousand years in the Common Law tradition. * A man who promised 95% of all Americans a tax cut, but is increasing taxes on 100% of the population through inflation—the cruelest tax of all. * A lawyer who represented ACORN—an organization now indicted in several states for voter fraud—whose stated goal is to get as many people on welfare as possible in order to destroy our financial system. * A President who cheated GM’s bondholders by giving their property to the UAW in a political payoff. * An American President who frequently criticizes his own country when speaking in foreign countries, but never praises America’s generosity, goodness or greatness. * A President whose Secretary of the Treasury cheated on his taxes—as did several other appointees and advisors. * A President who scoffs at being called a socialist, yet has appointed 28 “Czars” to circumvent constitutional government, including: a“Science Czar” who has advocated compulsory abortions for American women and the “surrender of sovereignty” to a “comprehensive Planetary Regime;” a“Green Jobs Czar” who is a self-professed communist; a “Pay Czar” to unconstitutionally micro-manage the pay of corporate executives. * A President who swore an oath to “preserve, protect and defend the constitution from all enemies, foreign and domestic,” yet who placed a domestic enemy of the Constitution (Sotomayor) to the Supreme Court. * A President whose Homeland Security Chief classified pro-lifers, veterans, and supporters of traditional marriage as terrorists. * A President who stood silent while the Iranian government hacked unarmed protestors to death with axes, because it was an internal matter, but freely offers his opinions about the internal affairs of Israel and Honduras. * A President who decreed that true acts of terrorism must now be described as “man-made disasters.” * A President who, on national television, called Special Olympians “retards.” * A President who refused to intercept or inspect a North Korean ship virtually certain to be carrying Weapons of Mass Destruction to Burma. * A President who wants to cancel all missile defenses while rogue nations are developing long-range ballistic missiles. * An American President who blames the violence in Mexico on America. * A Commander in Chief who claims to have been unaware that Air Force One was taken on a terrifying, low-level photo-op over Manhattan. * A President who berates American CEO’s for flying in private planes at private expense on company business, but whose wife spends hundreds of thousands tax payer dollars flying to Paris for shopping sprees. * A President who promised a transparent administration, but requires all questions be screened before “impromptu” appearances. * A man who freely admitted that his energy policies are designed to bankrupt the American coal industry. * A President who has presided over the loss of 14.7 million jobs and whose “energy policy” will cause the loss of another 1 million jobs. * A President whose “energy policy” will increase the average American’s utility bills by over $2,000 a year in the middle of the Great Recession. * A President whose caucus rammed through unconstitutional “healthcare reform” which nationalizes almost one-fifth of the Americn economy. * A President who is by definition a fascist, as his unconstitutional takeover of the healthcare industry, the auto industry, and the the financial and banking industry, has effectively nationalized one-half of the American economy. SOMEONE KNOWS: The vast majority of Americans do not know who he is, but someone surely does. * Someone paid for his travel expenses to Pakistan and Indonesia. * Someone engineered legal challenges to all of his election opponents for the State Senate and had them disqualified. * Someone straightened and leveled his path to the U.S. Senate when a Democrat Judge made public the sealed child custody records of his Republican opponent. When he was a candidate for the U.S. Senate, someone arranged for him to speak at the 2004 Democratic National Convention. * Someone saw to it that all of his records were sealed, both at home and abroad. Someone assembled the massive organization for his run for the Presidency. Someone knows all about him. Obama has Paid the law firm of Perkins Coie, a single law firm, $2.3 million since he announced his campaign for presidency. Blocking dodging and weaving!! Ididn't say he was a US Senator that voted Present more then any other US Senator. |
How many Alias does this man have? I wonder. If we know George Washington had wooden teeth then we Should no some of Obamas history. I wonder what he really wants to be remembered for? Remember how I told you about Obama's cheerleaders? Well this one never has a valid argument so throws out the race card on a regular basis. I am a real racist, I supported Dr. Condi Rice for President and worked on the draft movement. ![]() |
Who is Barack Obama? The scariest list of facts about President Obama you’ve ever seen … This list is truly shocking. Take a close look at how many communists, Marxists, domestic terrorists, and America-haters are his close friends. His records going back to childhood are sealed, and he has spent millions of tax-dollars keeping those records sealed. His very first official act as President was was seal his records. What is Obama hiding? obama's sealed recordsSure, there’s (1) the original, long-form 1961 Hawaiian birth certificate. Then there’s: 2) Marriage license between Obama’s father (Barak Sr.) and mother (Stanley Ann Dunham)— not found, not released 3) Obama’s baptism records — sealed 4) Obama’s adoption records — sealed 5) Records of Obama’s and his mother’s reptriation as US citizens on return from Indonesia — not found, not released 6) Name change (Barry Sotero to Barack Hussein Obama) records — not found, not released 7) Noelani Elementary School (Hawaii)— not released 8) Punahou School financial aid or school records — not released 9) Occidental College financial aid records — not released.(These records were, however, subpoenaed but Obama lawyers succeeded in quashing the subpoena in court. No other Occi records have been released.) 10) Columbia College records — not released 11) Columbia senior thesis — not released 12) Harvard Law School records (not mentioned below, but not released) 13) Obama’s law client list — sealed 14) Obama’s files from career as an Illinois State Senator — sealed 15) Obama’s record with Illinois State Bar Association — sealed 16) Obama’s medical records — not released 17) Obama’s passport records — not released JUST WHO IS THIS GUY…. OBAMA?? Barack Obama is less of a person than an image—a brand. People see what ever they want as they do on a Rorschach test. But does anyone really know him? In fact, he is: * A man with no birth certificate. * A man whose birth records, both in the United States and Kenya, are sealed by government order. * A man whose childhood mentor, Frank Marshall Davis, spied on U.S. military installations in Hawaii for the Soviet Union, edited a communist newspaper, authored pornographic novels, and wrote poetry in praise of Joseph Stalin. * A man who promised transparency in government, but has spent over a million dollars in legal fees hiding information that would determine his eligibility to be President. * A man whose academic records are sealed from kindergarten through law school. * A bi-racial man who derided his grandmother (a bank-executive who sent him to an exclusive private school), calling her “a typical white person.” * A man who arrived in New York in June of 1981 without enough money to get a hotel room, but one month later flew to Indonesia and Pakistan. * Why did he go? * Who paid his expenses? * A man who traveled to Pakistan when it was illegal for U.S. citizens to do so. So what country’s passport did he use? And what country is he really a citizen of?—it’s not the USA. * A man whose Law School Admission Test scores and grades at Columbia University are known to have been mediocre, but was admitted to Harvard Law School through the intervention of a Saudi named Khalid al -Mansour. * A law review editor who never published an article in any law review. *A law-school grad who was turned down for a lowly job as an adjunct instructor, but who was then given a corner office and a minimal teaching load (one intro course) when an unidentified person leaned on the Dean. *An adjunct instructor who was despised by the law school faculty—the professors considered him lazy and stupid—but who is lauded by the fawning press as a “Constitutional scholar.” * A man who has publicly called the US Constitution “fundamentally flawed.” * A lawyer with no significant accomplishments in the law and no reputation in the legal community. * A former State and U.S. Senator, who authored just one piece of legislation—which funded the Marxist campaign of his Kenyan cousin, Odingo. * A former State Senator who routinely used State limosines as a place to smoke crack cocaine and engage in homosexual acts with young men, three of whom ended up shot in the back of the head (officially deemed “suicides”). * A disciple of the Marxist Saul Alinsky. * A product of the Chicago political machine—the most corrupt political organization in America. * A man who selects Marxists, corrupt politicians, and criminals as his close political associates and personal friends. * A man whose Presidential campaign was financed by Soros and Middle Eastern sources. * A man whose presidential candidacy was endorsed by the Democratic Socialists of America, the Socialist International, and the Workers International League. * A man lauded for the literary brilliance of two memoirs, both of which were ghostwritten by domestic terrorist Bill Ayres.. * A so-called Christian who says that knowing when human life begins is “above his pay-grade,” but somehow knows that abortion is permissible at any stage. * A man who thinks “waterboarding” is immoral, but that partial-birth abortion is moral. * A man who publicly laments slavery in America—which was abolished 150 years ago—but praises Islam, which still practices both slavery and the sexual mutilation of young girls. * A man who speaks endlessly about helping the less fortunate, but gives almost none of his sizeable income to charity—not even to his half-brother, who is living in squalor in Kenya. * A man who had the most left-wing voting record in the United State Senate, but was predicted by the press to “govern from the middle.” * A man who has never created a job, met a payroll, or even operated a lemonade stand, but wants to tell Detroit how to make cars. *A man whose wife (who attained a position of affluence through affirmative action) publicly proclaimed that she had never been proud of America until her husband became President. * A President who has never before served as an executive in either the private or the public sector. * A Commander-in-Chief who doesn’t know how to shoot a rifle, throw a hand-grenade, drive a tank, fly a plane, or con a ship. * A Commander-in-Chief who has publicly divulged some of our nation’s most important intelligence secrets. * A man who has been put in charge of the largest economic engine that ever existed, but has never invested in the stock market and admits total ignorance of it. * A President who says that science will guide his administration, but has no education in the sciences. * A man praised for his public speaking skills who is proficient in reading what is written for him on a teleprompter, but who jerks and stammers his way through any off-the-cuff speaking. * A man who requires a teleprompter in order to be able to speak for five minutes to a class of kindergartners. * A man whose health records are sealed from childhood to the present day. * A man who spent 20 years in a church whose pastor espouses Marxist Liberation Theology, anti-Americanism, anti-capitalism, and anti-Semitism, but claims he never heard his pastor utter anti-American, and anti-Semitic statements. * A man who added more to the National Debt in 120 days than all other Presidents did in the past 220 years, yet feels qualified to lecture Americans about “fiscal responsibility.” * A man who publicly expressed disdain for the U.S. Constitution on a Chicago radio station because it limited the government’s ability to “redistribute wealth.” * A man who sits and listens submissively while his country is castigated by Daniel Ortega—a Communist thug whose own daughter accused him of raping her. * A narcissist who gave the Queen of England a present from the United States—an iPod containing recordings of his own speeches. * A so-called Christian who officially declared “Pride Month” for a lifestyle that the Bible calls an abomination. * A man who wanted Americans to ignore his Muslim name during his election campaign, yet boasts of his Muslim name when he travels to Muslim countries. * A man who can name hundreds of America’s shortcomings, yet none of its great accomplishments. * A President who claims the moral high ground by closing Gitmo yet supports the transfer of terror suspects to countries where horrific torture is certain. * A President who scoffed at being called a socialist yet acted to nationalize the auto industry, the banking industry, and the insurance industry . . . and now seeks to nationalize the healthcare industry. * A President who violates private property rights, the sanctity of contracts, and the rule of law—three essential principles that go back over a thousand years in the Common Law tradition. * A man who promised 95% of all Americans a tax cut, but is increasing taxes on 100% of the population through inflation—the cruelest tax of all. * A lawyer who represented ACORN—an organization now indicted in several states for voter fraud—whose stated goal is to get as many people on welfare as possible in order to destroy our financial system. * A President who cheated GM’s bondholders by giving their property to the UAW in a political payoff. * An American President who frequently criticizes his own country when speaking in foreign countries, but never praises America’s generosity, goodness or greatness. * A President whose Secretary of the Treasury cheated on his taxes—as did several other appointees and advisors. * A President who scoffs at being called a socialist, yet has appointed 28 “Czars” to circumvent constitutional government, including: a“Science Czar” who has advocated compulsory abortions for American women and the “surrender of sovereignty” to a “comprehensive Planetary Regime;” a“Green Jobs Czar” who is a self-professed communist; a “Pay Czar” to unconstitutionally micro-manage the pay of corporate executives. * A President who swore an oath to “preserve, protect and defend the constitution from all enemies, foreign and domestic,” yet who placed a domestic enemy of the Constitution (Sotomayor) to the Supreme Court. * A President whose Homeland Security Chief classified pro-lifers, veterans, and supporters of traditional marriage as terrorists. * A President who stood silent while the Iranian government hacked unarmed protestors to death with axes, because it was an internal matter, but freely offers his opinions about the internal affairs of Israel and Honduras. * A President who decreed that true acts of terrorism must now be described as “man-made disasters.” * A President who, on national television, called Special Olympians “retards.” * A President who refused to intercept or inspect a North Korean ship virtually certain to be carrying Weapons of Mass Destruction to Burma. * A President who wants to cancel all missile defenses while rogue nations are developing long-range ballistic missiles. * An American President who blames the violence in Mexico on America. * A Commander in Chief who claims to have been unaware that Air Force One was taken on a terrifying, low-level photo-op over Manhattan. * A President who berates American CEO’s for flying in private planes at private expense on company business, but whose wife spends hundreds of thousands tax payer dollars flying to Paris for shopping sprees. * A President who promised a transparent administration, but requires all questions be screened before “impromptu” appearances. * A man who freely admitted that his energy policies are designed to bankrupt the American coal industry. * A President who has presided over the loss of 14.7 million jobs and whose “energy policy” will cause the loss of another 1 million jobs. * A President whose “energy policy” will increase the average American’s utility bills by over $2,000 a year in the middle of the Great Recession. * A President whose caucus rammed through unconstitutional “healthcare reform” which nationalizes almost one-fifth of the Americn economy. * A President who is by definition a fascist, as his unconstitutional takeover of the healthcare industry, the auto industry, and the the financial and banking industry, has effectively nationalized one-half of the American economy. SOMEONE KNOWS: The vast majority of Americans do not know who he is, but someone surely does. * Someone paid for his travel expenses to Pakistan and Indonesia. * Someone engineered legal challenges to all of his election opponents for the State Senate and had them disqualified. * Someone straightened and leveled his path to the U.S. Senate when a Democrat Judge made public the sealed child custody records of his Republican opponent. When he was a candidate for the U.S. Senate, someone arranged for him to speak at the 2004 Democratic National Convention. * Someone saw to it that all of his records were sealed, both at home and abroad. Someone assembled the massive organization for his run for the Presidency. Someone knows all about him. Obama has Paid the law firm of Perkins Coie, a single law firm, $2.3 million since he announced his campaign for presidency. Blocking dodging and weaving!! Wow, what balderdash! And, no, I am not a political supporter of President Obama. I have never voted for him. I just reject attempts to smear a person with falsehoods. |
A lil vodka can make a hurricane look sensible lol There isn't enough alcohol in the WORLD to make Barry look sensible! |
Who is Barack Obama? The scariest list of facts about President Obama you’ve ever seen … This list is truly shocking. Take a close look at how many communists, Marxists, domestic terrorists, and America-haters are his close friends. His records going back to childhood are sealed, and he has spent millions of tax-dollars keeping those records sealed. His very first official act as President was was seal his records. What is Obama hiding? obama's sealed recordsSure, there’s (1) the original, long-form 1961 Hawaiian birth certificate. Then there’s: 2) Marriage license between Obama’s father (Barak Sr.) and mother (Stanley Ann Dunham)— not found, not released 3) Obama’s baptism records — sealed 4) Obama’s adoption records — sealed 5) Records of Obama’s and his mother’s reptriation as US citizens on return from Indonesia — not found, not released 6) Name change (Barry Sotero to Barack Hussein Obama) records — not found, not released 7) Noelani Elementary School (Hawaii)— not released 8) Punahou School financial aid or school records — not released 9) Occidental College financial aid records — not released.(These records were, however, subpoenaed but Obama lawyers succeeded in quashing the subpoena in court. No other Occi records have been released.) 10) Columbia College records — not released 11) Columbia senior thesis — not released 12) Harvard Law School records (not mentioned below, but not released) 13) Obama’s law client list — sealed 14) Obama’s files from career as an Illinois State Senator — sealed 15) Obama’s record with Illinois State Bar Association — sealed 16) Obama’s medical records — not released 17) Obama’s passport records — not released JUST WHO IS THIS GUY…. OBAMA?? Barack Obama is less of a person than an image—a brand. People see what ever they want as they do on a Rorschach test. But does anyone really know him? In fact, he is: * A man with no birth certificate. * A man whose birth records, both in the United States and Kenya, are sealed by government order. * A man whose childhood mentor, Frank Marshall Davis, spied on U.S. military installations in Hawaii for the Soviet Union, edited a communist newspaper, authored pornographic novels, and wrote poetry in praise of Joseph Stalin. * A man who promised transparency in government, but has spent over a million dollars in legal fees hiding information that would determine his eligibility to be President. * A man whose academic records are sealed from kindergarten through law school. * A bi-racial man who derided his grandmother (a bank-executive who sent him to an exclusive private school), calling her “a typical white person.” * A man who arrived in New York in June of 1981 without enough money to get a hotel room, but one month later flew to Indonesia and Pakistan. * Why did he go? * Who paid his expenses? * A man who traveled to Pakistan when it was illegal for U.S. citizens to do so. So what country’s passport did he use? And what country is he really a citizen of?—it’s not the USA. * A man whose Law School Admission Test scores and grades at Columbia University are known to have been mediocre, but was admitted to Harvard Law School through the intervention of a Saudi named Khalid al -Mansour. * A law review editor who never published an article in any law review. *A law-school grad who was turned down for a lowly job as an adjunct instructor, but who was then given a corner office and a minimal teaching load (one intro course) when an unidentified person leaned on the Dean. *An adjunct instructor who was despised by the law school faculty—the professors considered him lazy and stupid—but who is lauded by the fawning press as a “Constitutional scholar.” * A man who has publicly called the US Constitution “fundamentally flawed.” * A lawyer with no significant accomplishments in the law and no reputation in the legal community. * A former State and U.S. Senator, who authored just one piece of legislation—which funded the Marxist campaign of his Kenyan cousin, Odingo. * A former State Senator who routinely used State limosines as a place to smoke crack cocaine and engage in homosexual acts with young men, three of whom ended up shot in the back of the head (officially deemed “suicides”). * A disciple of the Marxist Saul Alinsky. * A product of the Chicago political machine—the most corrupt political organization in America. * A man who selects Marxists, corrupt politicians, and criminals as his close political associates and personal friends. * A man whose Presidential campaign was financed by Soros and Middle Eastern sources. * A man whose presidential candidacy was endorsed by the Democratic Socialists of America, the Socialist International, and the Workers International League. * A man lauded for the literary brilliance of two memoirs, both of which were ghostwritten by domestic terrorist Bill Ayres.. * A so-called Christian who says that knowing when human life begins is “above his pay-grade,” but somehow knows that abortion is permissible at any stage. * A man who thinks “waterboarding” is immoral, but that partial-birth abortion is moral. * A man who publicly laments slavery in America—which was abolished 150 years ago—but praises Islam, which still practices both slavery and the sexual mutilation of young girls. * A man who speaks endlessly about helping the less fortunate, but gives almost none of his sizeable income to charity—not even to his half-brother, who is living in squalor in Kenya. * A man who had the most left-wing voting record in the United State Senate, but was predicted by the press to “govern from the middle.” * A man who has never created a job, met a payroll, or even operated a lemonade stand, but wants to tell Detroit how to make cars. *A man whose wife (who attained a position of affluence through affirmative action) publicly proclaimed that she had never been proud of America until her husband became President. * A President who has never before served as an executive in either the private or the public sector. * A Commander-in-Chief who doesn’t know how to shoot a rifle, throw a hand-grenade, drive a tank, fly a plane, or con a ship. * A Commander-in-Chief who has publicly divulged some of our nation’s most important intelligence secrets. * A man who has been put in charge of the largest economic engine that ever existed, but has never invested in the stock market and admits total ignorance of it. * A President who says that science will guide his administration, but has no education in the sciences. * A man praised for his public speaking skills who is proficient in reading what is written for him on a teleprompter, but who jerks and stammers his way through any off-the-cuff speaking. * A man who requires a teleprompter in order to be able to speak for five minutes to a class of kindergartners. * A man whose health records are sealed from childhood to the present day. * A man who spent 20 years in a church whose pastor espouses Marxist Liberation Theology, anti-Americanism, anti-capitalism, and anti-Semitism, but claims he never heard his pastor utter anti-American, and anti-Semitic statements. * A man who added more to the National Debt in 120 days than all other Presidents did in the past 220 years, yet feels qualified to lecture Americans about “fiscal responsibility.” * A man who publicly expressed disdain for the U.S. Constitution on a Chicago radio station because it limited the government’s ability to “redistribute wealth.” * A man who sits and listens submissively while his country is castigated by Daniel Ortega—a Communist thug whose own daughter accused him of raping her. * A narcissist who gave the Queen of England a present from the United States—an iPod containing recordings of his own speeches. * A so-called Christian who officially declared “Pride Month” for a lifestyle that the Bible calls an abomination. * A man who wanted Americans to ignore his Muslim name during his election campaign, yet boasts of his Muslim name when he travels to Muslim countries. * A man who can name hundreds of America’s shortcomings, yet none of its great accomplishments. * A President who claims the moral high ground by closing Gitmo yet supports the transfer of terror suspects to countries where horrific torture is certain. * A President who scoffed at being called a socialist yet acted to nationalize the auto industry, the banking industry, and the insurance industry . . . and now seeks to nationalize the healthcare industry. * A President who violates private property rights, the sanctity of contracts, and the rule of law—three essential principles that go back over a thousand years in the Common Law tradition. * A man who promised 95% of all Americans a tax cut, but is increasing taxes on 100% of the population through inflation—the cruelest tax of all. * A lawyer who represented ACORN—an organization now indicted in several states for voter fraud—whose stated goal is to get as many people on welfare as possible in order to destroy our financial system. * A President who cheated GM’s bondholders by giving their property to the UAW in a political payoff. * An American President who frequently criticizes his own country when speaking in foreign countries, but never praises America’s generosity, goodness or greatness. * A President whose Secretary of the Treasury cheated on his taxes—as did several other appointees and advisors. * A President who scoffs at being called a socialist, yet has appointed 28 “Czars” to circumvent constitutional government, including: a“Science Czar” who has advocated compulsory abortions for American women and the “surrender of sovereignty” to a “comprehensive Planetary Regime;” a“Green Jobs Czar” who is a self-professed communist; a “Pay Czar” to unconstitutionally micro-manage the pay of corporate executives. * A President who swore an oath to “preserve, protect and defend the constitution from all enemies, foreign and domestic,” yet who placed a domestic enemy of the Constitution (Sotomayor) to the Supreme Court. * A President whose Homeland Security Chief classified pro-lifers, veterans, and supporters of traditional marriage as terrorists. * A President who stood silent while the Iranian government hacked unarmed protestors to death with axes, because it was an internal matter, but freely offers his opinions about the internal affairs of Israel and Honduras. * A President who decreed that true acts of terrorism must now be described as “man-made disasters.” * A President who, on national television, called Special Olympians “retards.” * A President who refused to intercept or inspect a North Korean ship virtually certain to be carrying Weapons of Mass Destruction to Burma. * A President who wants to cancel all missile defenses while rogue nations are developing long-range ballistic missiles. * An American President who blames the violence in Mexico on America. * A Commander in Chief who claims to have been unaware that Air Force One was taken on a terrifying, low-level photo-op over Manhattan. * A President who berates American CEO’s for flying in private planes at private expense on company business, but whose wife spends hundreds of thousands tax payer dollars flying to Paris for shopping sprees. * A President who promised a transparent administration, but requires all questions be screened before “impromptu” appearances. * A man who freely admitted that his energy policies are designed to bankrupt the American coal industry. * A President who has presided over the loss of 14.7 million jobs and whose “energy policy” will cause the loss of another 1 million jobs. * A President whose “energy policy” will increase the average American’s utility bills by over $2,000 a year in the middle of the Great Recession. * A President whose caucus rammed through unconstitutional “healthcare reform” which nationalizes almost one-fifth of the Americn economy. * A President who is by definition a fascist, as his unconstitutional takeover of the healthcare industry, the auto industry, and the the financial and banking industry, has effectively nationalized one-half of the American economy. SOMEONE KNOWS: The vast majority of Americans do not know who he is, but someone surely does. * Someone paid for his travel expenses to Pakistan and Indonesia. * Someone engineered legal challenges to all of his election opponents for the State Senate and had them disqualified. * Someone straightened and leveled his path to the U.S. Senate when a Democrat Judge made public the sealed child custody records of his Republican opponent. When he was a candidate for the U.S. Senate, someone arranged for him to speak at the 2004 Democratic National Convention. * Someone saw to it that all of his records were sealed, both at home and abroad. Someone assembled the massive organization for his run for the Presidency. Someone knows all about him. Obama has Paid the law firm of Perkins Coie, a single law firm, $2.3 million since he announced his campaign for presidency. Blocking dodging and weaving!! Wow, what balderdash! And, no, I am not a political supporter of President Obama. I have never voted for him. I just reject attempts to smear a person with falsehoods. The majority of those are PROVEN facts. The ones about him being gay and people dying I don't believe. Honestly I can see him as a card carrying member of NAMBLA and a pedophile but I don't think hes a gay. |
What a bunch of garbage. ![]() It has all been proven untruthful... This much I agree with. Only the white racists keep it going because they don't care if it is true or not
What we have here isn't a case of racism. Instead, what we have here is a case of Obama Derangement Syndrome. Plenty of liberals had Bush Derangement Syndrome when George W. Bush occupied the Oval Office. So, derangement isn't necessarily driven by racism. |
Who is Barack Obama? The scariest list of facts about President Obama you’ve ever seen … This list is truly shocking. Take a close look at how many communists, Marxists, domestic terrorists, and America-haters are his close friends. His records going back to childhood are sealed, and he has spent millions of tax-dollars keeping those records sealed. His very first official act as President was was seal his records. What is Obama hiding? obama's sealed recordsSure, there’s (1) the original, long-form 1961 Hawaiian birth certificate. Then there’s: 2) Marriage license between Obama’s father (Barak Sr.) and mother (Stanley Ann Dunham)— not found, not released 3) Obama’s baptism records — sealed 4) Obama’s adoption records — sealed 5) Records of Obama’s and his mother’s reptriation as US citizens on return from Indonesia — not found, not released 6) Name change (Barry Sotero to Barack Hussein Obama) records — not found, not released 7) Noelani Elementary School (Hawaii)— not released 8) Punahou School financial aid or school records — not released 9) Occidental College financial aid records — not released.(These records were, however, subpoenaed but Obama lawyers succeeded in quashing the subpoena in court. No other Occi records have been released.) 10) Columbia College records — not released 11) Columbia senior thesis — not released 12) Harvard Law School records (not mentioned below, but not released) 13) Obama’s law client list — sealed 14) Obama’s files from career as an Illinois State Senator — sealed 15) Obama’s record with Illinois State Bar Association — sealed 16) Obama’s medical records — not released 17) Obama’s passport records — not released JUST WHO IS THIS GUY…. OBAMA?? Barack Obama is less of a person than an image—a brand. People see what ever they want as they do on a Rorschach test. But does anyone really know him? In fact, he is: * A man with no birth certificate. * A man whose birth records, both in the United States and Kenya, are sealed by government order. * A man whose childhood mentor, Frank Marshall Davis, spied on U.S. military installations in Hawaii for the Soviet Union, edited a communist newspaper, authored pornographic novels, and wrote poetry in praise of Joseph Stalin. * A man who promised transparency in government, but has spent over a million dollars in legal fees hiding information that would determine his eligibility to be President. * A man whose academic records are sealed from kindergarten through law school. * A bi-racial man who derided his grandmother (a bank-executive who sent him to an exclusive private school), calling her “a typical white person.” * A man who arrived in New York in June of 1981 without enough money to get a hotel room, but one month later flew to Indonesia and Pakistan. * Why did he go? * Who paid his expenses? * A man who traveled to Pakistan when it was illegal for U.S. citizens to do so. So what country’s passport did he use? And what country is he really a citizen of?—it’s not the USA. * A man whose Law School Admission Test scores and grades at Columbia University are known to have been mediocre, but was admitted to Harvard Law School through the intervention of a Saudi named Khalid al -Mansour. * A law review editor who never published an article in any law review. *A law-school grad who was turned down for a lowly job as an adjunct instructor, but who was then given a corner office and a minimal teaching load (one intro course) when an unidentified person leaned on the Dean. *An adjunct instructor who was despised by the law school faculty—the professors considered him lazy and stupid—but who is lauded by the fawning press as a “Constitutional scholar.” * A man who has publicly called the US Constitution “fundamentally flawed.” * A lawyer with no significant accomplishments in the law and no reputation in the legal community. * A former State and U.S. Senator, who authored just one piece of legislation—which funded the Marxist campaign of his Kenyan cousin, Odingo. * A former State Senator who routinely used State limosines as a place to smoke crack cocaine and engage in homosexual acts with young men, three of whom ended up shot in the back of the head (officially deemed “suicides”). * A disciple of the Marxist Saul Alinsky. * A product of the Chicago political machine—the most corrupt political organization in America. * A man who selects Marxists, corrupt politicians, and criminals as his close political associates and personal friends. * A man whose Presidential campaign was financed by Soros and Middle Eastern sources. * A man whose presidential candidacy was endorsed by the Democratic Socialists of America, the Socialist International, and the Workers International League. * A man lauded for the literary brilliance of two memoirs, both of which were ghostwritten by domestic terrorist Bill Ayres.. * A so-called Christian who says that knowing when human life begins is “above his pay-grade,” but somehow knows that abortion is permissible at any stage. * A man who thinks “waterboarding” is immoral, but that partial-birth abortion is moral. * A man who publicly laments slavery in America—which was abolished 150 years ago—but praises Islam, which still practices both slavery and the sexual mutilation of young girls. * A man who speaks endlessly about helping the less fortunate, but gives almost none of his sizeable income to charity—not even to his half-brother, who is living in squalor in Kenya. * A man who had the most left-wing voting record in the United State Senate, but was predicted by the press to “govern from the middle.” * A man who has never created a job, met a payroll, or even operated a lemonade stand, but wants to tell Detroit how to make cars. *A man whose wife (who attained a position of affluence through affirmative action) publicly proclaimed that she had never been proud of America until her husband became President. * A President who has never before served as an executive in either the private or the public sector. * A Commander-in-Chief who doesn’t know how to shoot a rifle, throw a hand-grenade, drive a tank, fly a plane, or con a ship. * A Commander-in-Chief who has publicly divulged some of our nation’s most important intelligence secrets. * A man who has been put in charge of the largest economic engine that ever existed, but has never invested in the stock market and admits total ignorance of it. * A President who says that science will guide his administration, but has no education in the sciences. * A man praised for his public speaking skills who is proficient in reading what is written for him on a teleprompter, but who jerks and stammers his way through any off-the-cuff speaking. * A man who requires a teleprompter in order to be able to speak for five minutes to a class of kindergartners. * A man whose health records are sealed from childhood to the present day. * A man who spent 20 years in a church whose pastor espouses Marxist Liberation Theology, anti-Americanism, anti-capitalism, and anti-Semitism, but claims he never heard his pastor utter anti-American, and anti-Semitic statements. * A man who added more to the National Debt in 120 days than all other Presidents did in the past 220 years, yet feels qualified to lecture Americans about “fiscal responsibility.” * A man who publicly expressed disdain for the U.S. Constitution on a Chicago radio station because it limited the government’s ability to “redistribute wealth.” * A man who sits and listens submissively while his country is castigated by Daniel Ortega—a Communist thug whose own daughter accused him of raping her. * A narcissist who gave the Queen of England a present from the United States—an iPod containing recordings of his own speeches. * A so-called Christian who officially declared “Pride Month” for a lifestyle that the Bible calls an abomination. * A man who wanted Americans to ignore his Muslim name during his election campaign, yet boasts of his Muslim name when he travels to Muslim countries. * A man who can name hundreds of America’s shortcomings, yet none of its great accomplishments. * A President who claims the moral high ground by closing Gitmo yet supports the transfer of terror suspects to countries where horrific torture is certain. * A President who scoffed at being called a socialist yet acted to nationalize the auto industry, the banking industry, and the insurance industry . . . and now seeks to nationalize the healthcare industry. * A President who violates private property rights, the sanctity of contracts, and the rule of law—three essential principles that go back over a thousand years in the Common Law tradition. * A man who promised 95% of all Americans a tax cut, but is increasing taxes on 100% of the population through inflation—the cruelest tax of all. * A lawyer who represented ACORN—an organization now indicted in several states for voter fraud—whose stated goal is to get as many people on welfare as possible in order to destroy our financial system. * A President who cheated GM’s bondholders by giving their property to the UAW in a political payoff. * An American President who frequently criticizes his own country when speaking in foreign countries, but never praises America’s generosity, goodness or greatness. * A President whose Secretary of the Treasury cheated on his taxes—as did several other appointees and advisors. * A President who scoffs at being called a socialist, yet has appointed 28 “Czars” to circumvent constitutional government, including: a“Science Czar” who has advocated compulsory abortions for American women and the “surrender of sovereignty” to a “comprehensive Planetary Regime;” a“Green Jobs Czar” who is a self-professed communist; a “Pay Czar” to unconstitutionally micro-manage the pay of corporate executives. * A President who swore an oath to “preserve, protect and defend the constitution from all enemies, foreign and domestic,” yet who placed a domestic enemy of the Constitution (Sotomayor) to the Supreme Court. * A President whose Homeland Security Chief classified pro-lifers, veterans, and supporters of traditional marriage as terrorists. * A President who stood silent while the Iranian government hacked unarmed protestors to death with axes, because it was an internal matter, but freely offers his opinions about the internal affairs of Israel and Honduras. * A President who decreed that true acts of terrorism must now be described as “man-made disasters.” * A President who, on national television, called Special Olympians “retards.” * A President who refused to intercept or inspect a North Korean ship virtually certain to be carrying Weapons of Mass Destruction to Burma. * A President who wants to cancel all missile defenses while rogue nations are developing long-range ballistic missiles. * An American President who blames the violence in Mexico on America. * A Commander in Chief who claims to have been unaware that Air Force One was taken on a terrifying, low-level photo-op over Manhattan. * A President who berates American CEO’s for flying in private planes at private expense on company business, but whose wife spends hundreds of thousands tax payer dollars flying to Paris for shopping sprees. * A President who promised a transparent administration, but requires all questions be screened before “impromptu” appearances. * A man who freely admitted that his energy policies are designed to bankrupt the American coal industry. * A President who has presided over the loss of 14.7 million jobs and whose “energy policy” will cause the loss of another 1 million jobs. * A President whose “energy policy” will increase the average American’s utility bills by over $2,000 a year in the middle of the Great Recession. * A President whose caucus rammed through unconstitutional “healthcare reform” which nationalizes almost one-fifth of the Americn economy. * A President who is by definition a fascist, as his unconstitutional takeover of the healthcare industry, the auto industry, and the the financial and banking industry, has effectively nationalized one-half of the American economy. SOMEONE KNOWS: The vast majority of Americans do not know who he is, but someone surely does. * Someone paid for his travel expenses to Pakistan and Indonesia. * Someone engineered legal challenges to all of his election opponents for the State Senate and had them disqualified. * Someone straightened and leveled his path to the U.S. Senate when a Democrat Judge made public the sealed child custody records of his Republican opponent. When he was a candidate for the U.S. Senate, someone arranged for him to speak at the 2004 Democratic National Convention. * Someone saw to it that all of his records were sealed, both at home and abroad. Someone assembled the massive organization for his run for the Presidency. Someone knows all about him. Obama has Paid the law firm of Perkins Coie, a single law firm, $2.3 million since he announced his campaign for presidency. Blocking dodging and weaving!! Wow, what balderdash! And, no, I am not a political supporter of President Obama. I have never voted for him. I just reject attempts to smear a person with falsehoods. Can you prove that they are falsehoods? |
Who is Barack Obama? The scariest list of facts about President Obama you’ve ever seen … This list is truly shocking. Take a close look at how many communists, Marxists, domestic terrorists, and America-haters are his close friends. His records going back to childhood are sealed, and he has spent millions of tax-dollars keeping those records sealed. His very first official act as President was was seal his records. What is Obama hiding? obama's sealed recordsSure, there’s (1) the original, long-form 1961 Hawaiian birth certificate. Then there’s: 2) Marriage license between Obama’s father (Barak Sr.) and mother (Stanley Ann Dunham)— not found, not released 3) Obama’s baptism records — sealed 4) Obama’s adoption records — sealed 5) Records of Obama’s and his mother’s reptriation as US citizens on return from Indonesia — not found, not released 6) Name change (Barry Sotero to Barack Hussein Obama) records — not found, not released 7) Noelani Elementary School (Hawaii)— not released 8) Punahou School financial aid or school records — not released 9) Occidental College financial aid records — not released.(These records were, however, subpoenaed but Obama lawyers succeeded in quashing the subpoena in court. No other Occi records have been released.) 10) Columbia College records — not released 11) Columbia senior thesis — not released 12) Harvard Law School records (not mentioned below, but not released) 13) Obama’s law client list — sealed 14) Obama’s files from career as an Illinois State Senator — sealed 15) Obama’s record with Illinois State Bar Association — sealed 16) Obama’s medical records — not released 17) Obama’s passport records — not released JUST WHO IS THIS GUY…. OBAMA?? Barack Obama is less of a person than an image—a brand. People see what ever they want as they do on a Rorschach test. But does anyone really know him? In fact, he is: * A man with no birth certificate. * A man whose birth records, both in the United States and Kenya, are sealed by government order. * A man whose childhood mentor, Frank Marshall Davis, spied on U.S. military installations in Hawaii for the Soviet Union, edited a communist newspaper, authored pornographic novels, and wrote poetry in praise of Joseph Stalin. * A man who promised transparency in government, but has spent over a million dollars in legal fees hiding information that would determine his eligibility to be President. * A man whose academic records are sealed from kindergarten through law school. * A bi-racial man who derided his grandmother (a bank-executive who sent him to an exclusive private school), calling her “a typical white person.” * A man who arrived in New York in June of 1981 without enough money to get a hotel room, but one month later flew to Indonesia and Pakistan. * Why did he go? * Who paid his expenses? * A man who traveled to Pakistan when it was illegal for U.S. citizens to do so. So what country’s passport did he use? And what country is he really a citizen of?—it’s not the USA. * A man whose Law School Admission Test scores and grades at Columbia University are known to have been mediocre, but was admitted to Harvard Law School through the intervention of a Saudi named Khalid al -Mansour. * A law review editor who never published an article in any law review. *A law-school grad who was turned down for a lowly job as an adjunct instructor, but who was then given a corner office and a minimal teaching load (one intro course) when an unidentified person leaned on the Dean. *An adjunct instructor who was despised by the law school faculty—the professors considered him lazy and stupid—but who is lauded by the fawning press as a “Constitutional scholar.” * A man who has publicly called the US Constitution “fundamentally flawed.” * A lawyer with no significant accomplishments in the law and no reputation in the legal community. * A former State and U.S. Senator, who authored just one piece of legislation—which funded the Marxist campaign of his Kenyan cousin, Odingo. * A former State Senator who routinely used State limosines as a place to smoke crack cocaine and engage in homosexual acts with young men, three of whom ended up shot in the back of the head (officially deemed “suicides”). * A disciple of the Marxist Saul Alinsky. * A product of the Chicago political machine—the most corrupt political organization in America. * A man who selects Marxists, corrupt politicians, and criminals as his close political associates and personal friends. * A man whose Presidential campaign was financed by Soros and Middle Eastern sources. * A man whose presidential candidacy was endorsed by the Democratic Socialists of America, the Socialist International, and the Workers International League. * A man lauded for the literary brilliance of two memoirs, both of which were ghostwritten by domestic terrorist Bill Ayres.. * A so-called Christian who says that knowing when human life begins is “above his pay-grade,” but somehow knows that abortion is permissible at any stage. * A man who thinks “waterboarding” is immoral, but that partial-birth abortion is moral. * A man who publicly laments slavery in America—which was abolished 150 years ago—but praises Islam, which still practices both slavery and the sexual mutilation of young girls. * A man who speaks endlessly about helping the less fortunate, but gives almost none of his sizeable income to charity—not even to his half-brother, who is living in squalor in Kenya. * A man who had the most left-wing voting record in the United State Senate, but was predicted by the press to “govern from the middle.” * A man who has never created a job, met a payroll, or even operated a lemonade stand, but wants to tell Detroit how to make cars. *A man whose wife (who attained a position of affluence through affirmative action) publicly proclaimed that she had never been proud of America until her husband became President. * A President who has never before served as an executive in either the private or the public sector. * A Commander-in-Chief who doesn’t know how to shoot a rifle, throw a hand-grenade, drive a tank, fly a plane, or con a ship. * A Commander-in-Chief who has publicly divulged some of our nation’s most important intelligence secrets. * A man who has been put in charge of the largest economic engine that ever existed, but has never invested in the stock market and admits total ignorance of it. * A President who says that science will guide his administration, but has no education in the sciences. * A man praised for his public speaking skills who is proficient in reading what is written for him on a teleprompter, but who jerks and stammers his way through any off-the-cuff speaking. * A man who requires a teleprompter in order to be able to speak for five minutes to a class of kindergartners. * A man whose health records are sealed from childhood to the present day. * A man who spent 20 years in a church whose pastor espouses Marxist Liberation Theology, anti-Americanism, anti-capitalism, and anti-Semitism, but claims he never heard his pastor utter anti-American, and anti-Semitic statements. * A man who added more to the National Debt in 120 days than all other Presidents did in the past 220 years, yet feels qualified to lecture Americans about “fiscal responsibility.” * A man who publicly expressed disdain for the U.S. Constitution on a Chicago radio station because it limited the government’s ability to “redistribute wealth.” * A man who sits and listens submissively while his country is castigated by Daniel Ortega—a Communist thug whose own daughter accused him of raping her. * A narcissist who gave the Queen of England a present from the United States—an iPod containing recordings of his own speeches. * A so-called Christian who officially declared “Pride Month” for a lifestyle that the Bible calls an abomination. * A man who wanted Americans to ignore his Muslim name during his election campaign, yet boasts of his Muslim name when he travels to Muslim countries. * A man who can name hundreds of America’s shortcomings, yet none of its great accomplishments. * A President who claims the moral high ground by closing Gitmo yet supports the transfer of terror suspects to countries where horrific torture is certain. * A President who scoffed at being called a socialist yet acted to nationalize the auto industry, the banking industry, and the insurance industry . . . and now seeks to nationalize the healthcare industry. * A President who violates private property rights, the sanctity of contracts, and the rule of law—three essential principles that go back over a thousand years in the Common Law tradition. * A man who promised 95% of all Americans a tax cut, but is increasing taxes on 100% of the population through inflation—the cruelest tax of all. * A lawyer who represented ACORN—an organization now indicted in several states for voter fraud—whose stated goal is to get as many people on welfare as possible in order to destroy our financial system. * A President who cheated GM’s bondholders by giving their property to the UAW in a political payoff. * An American President who frequently criticizes his own country when speaking in foreign countries, but never praises America’s generosity, goodness or greatness. * A President whose Secretary of the Treasury cheated on his taxes—as did several other appointees and advisors. * A President who scoffs at being called a socialist, yet has appointed 28 “Czars” to circumvent constitutional government, including: a“Science Czar” who has advocated compulsory abortions for American women and the “surrender of sovereignty” to a “comprehensive Planetary Regime;” a“Green Jobs Czar” who is a self-professed communist; a “Pay Czar” to unconstitutionally micro-manage the pay of corporate executives. * A President who swore an oath to “preserve, protect and defend the constitution from all enemies, foreign and domestic,” yet who placed a domestic enemy of the Constitution (Sotomayor) to the Supreme Court. * A President whose Homeland Security Chief classified pro-lifers, veterans, and supporters of traditional marriage as terrorists. * A President who stood silent while the Iranian government hacked unarmed protestors to death with axes, because it was an internal matter, but freely offers his opinions about the internal affairs of Israel and Honduras. * A President who decreed that true acts of terrorism must now be described as “man-made disasters.” * A President who, on national television, called Special Olympians “retards.” * A President who refused to intercept or inspect a North Korean ship virtually certain to be carrying Weapons of Mass Destruction to Burma. * A President who wants to cancel all missile defenses while rogue nations are developing long-range ballistic missiles. * An American President who blames the violence in Mexico on America. * A Commander in Chief who claims to have been unaware that Air Force One was taken on a terrifying, low-level photo-op over Manhattan. * A President who berates American CEO’s for flying in private planes at private expense on company business, but whose wife spends hundreds of thousands tax payer dollars flying to Paris for shopping sprees. * A President who promised a transparent administration, but requires all questions be screened before “impromptu” appearances. * A man who freely admitted that his energy policies are designed to bankrupt the American coal industry. * A President who has presided over the loss of 14.7 million jobs and whose “energy policy” will cause the loss of another 1 million jobs. * A President whose “energy policy” will increase the average American’s utility bills by over $2,000 a year in the middle of the Great Recession. * A President whose caucus rammed through unconstitutional “healthcare reform” which nationalizes almost one-fifth of the Americn economy. * A President who is by definition a fascist, as his unconstitutional takeover of the healthcare industry, the auto industry, and the the financial and banking industry, has effectively nationalized one-half of the American economy. SOMEONE KNOWS: The vast majority of Americans do not know who he is, but someone surely does. * Someone paid for his travel expenses to Pakistan and Indonesia. * Someone engineered legal challenges to all of his election opponents for the State Senate and had them disqualified. * Someone straightened and leveled his path to the U.S. Senate when a Democrat Judge made public the sealed child custody records of his Republican opponent. When he was a candidate for the U.S. Senate, someone arranged for him to speak at the 2004 Democratic National Convention. * Someone saw to it that all of his records were sealed, both at home and abroad. Someone assembled the massive organization for his run for the Presidency. Someone knows all about him. Obama has Paid the law firm of Perkins Coie, a single law firm, $2.3 million since he announced his campaign for presidency. Blocking dodging and weaving!! Wow, what balderdash! And, no, I am not a political supporter of President Obama. I have never voted for him. I just reject attempts to smear a person with falsehoods. Can you prove that they are falsehoods? Most of them are not false. |