Topic: How will ya revenge the person above you . (becareful its Ju
angryrocket's photo
Wed 10/09/13 05:25 AM
Make sure the rocket won't go too far...

Lock me in d car with flat tires , but make sure d car shud b mercedez or bmw...

fLai's photo
Thu 10/10/13 12:22 AM

Make sure the rocket won't go too far...

Lock me in d car with flat tires , but make sure d car shud b mercedez or bmw...

,lol a demanding one eh?

,tie him into a rocket goin' to d' moon...and d' flat-tired car is an old taxi..

stueebaby's photo
Thu 10/10/13 12:49 AM
:smile: Cover her n Honey , And sit her nx 2 BHive !

Wenowa's photo
Thu 10/10/13 04:42 AM
Burn his favourite shirt

stueebaby's photo
Thu 10/10/13 05:23 AM
:smile: u leave my shirts alone :smile:

stueebaby's photo
Thu 10/10/13 05:30 AM
:smile: I no that beach sand and a nice lifting wedgee wud make my day , As I get my shirt back .:smile:

Wenowa's photo
Thu 10/10/13 05:33 AM
Okay..hahaha burn more of his shirts

stueebaby's photo
Thu 10/10/13 05:39 AM
:smile: Lol... I,m going to put glue in yr hair brush ! I'm off to hide my shirt.
Haha.., Beat

Wenowa's photo
Thu 10/10/13 05:50 AM
Ayt..i will put rugby on your deodorant.. lol'

stueebaby's photo
Thu 10/10/13 06:00 AM
:smile: lol ..Ouch..
lucky I use spray on !!! I've jus walked out with yr favourite handbag and purse !!! Look in the Bhive

Wenowa's photo
Thu 10/10/13 06:10 AM
Lol' am also lucky cuz i have never used a handbag :)
bhive? Am the queen u must watch out for me and to my mad dogs that are coming on your way.. Lol''

stueebaby's photo
Thu 10/10/13 06:24 AM
:smile: lol..I llove Poodles , Queen Bee !!! Revenge is Sweet for Someone like u I thrown your dog into the Swimming

Wenowa's photo
Thu 10/10/13 06:35 AM
They're not poodles.. They're'
and get ready cuz i wil also throw u to pool next to them.. Have fun swimming with them :laughing:

stueebaby's photo
Thu 10/10/13 06:39 AM
:smile: I'm going camping and your not invited !!! I love a good fire !!! To bad u have no shoes to get here !!! lol..:wink:

Wenowa's photo
Thu 10/10/13 06:44 AM
So what? Huh' i can also do that in my dreams..
..leaving you now to sleep :laughing:

stueebaby's photo
Thu 10/10/13 07:18 AM
:smile: !!! Algud Wenowa !!! Thank u a blastttttt !!! How did u message me !!! U kno how much I love skimming stones on top of
the waters surface !!! Opps there goes yr touchphone !!! nite :wink:

Wenowa's photo
Fri 10/11/13 06:42 AM
Coloured his hair like a rainbow

fLai's photo
Fri 10/11/13 06:56 AM
,braid her hair

Wenowa's photo
Fri 10/11/13 07:00 AM
Put flea on her hair :)

fLai's photo
Fri 10/11/13 07:03 AM
,nooo hahaha

,put a leech at her back