change the following words to your language ( HOW ARE U) Comment ca va ? |
How are you
(Ap kaise ha),it's hindi indian language
Comment vous allez ?
change the following words to your language ( HOW ARE U) In Spanish is: Como estas tu? |
After 10 pints it can be whatever language i'll understand you somehow!
In hausa..yaya de
In igbo....kedu |
In Portuguese: "Como vai voc�?"
Living in a Senior Community "How are you?" is a question people rarely ask. lol If you show up and aren't dead we don't probably want the "details" so I guess "Nice to see you."
change the following words to your language ( HOW ARE U) That is Kumusta ka in Tagalog or Filipino.... |
Oli otya?
Hur m�r du? <-- Swedish
Yodikhed !
{Forgotton language} |
Yodikhed ! {Forgotton language} Its Gibbery from Nowhereland!! |