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Topic: Have you ever - part 6
alookat101's photo
Sun 09/29/13 02:53 PM
I try not to lie.

Have you ever been punished for telling the truth ?

Coolguyfunny's photo
Sun 09/29/13 03:02 PM

Have you ever saw a friend in need and without hesitating help right away

alookat101's photo
Sun 09/29/13 03:04 PM

Have you ever offered to help but was turned away ?

Coolguyfunny's photo
Sun 09/29/13 03:23 PM

Have you ever ended up in a awkward situation and the best answer you can think of is, "long story "

no photo
Sun 09/29/13 09:10 PM
no i never lie

have you ever caught someone in a lie?

no photo
Mon 09/30/13 07:48 AM
Many times...

Have you ever lied down in a bathtub full of jello..?

alookat101's photo
Mon 09/30/13 05:36 PM
Me laugh No

Have you ever took a bath with your mate ?

Coolguyfunny's photo
Mon 09/30/13 08:33 PM
That jello thing sounds awesome


Have you ever went to a party and left that morning or decided to stay over it was so late(either one is acceptable)

topherj37's photo
Mon 09/30/13 10:30 PM
Not that I recall.

Have you ever wondered why the Grand old Duke of York bothered to march his ten thousand men up the hill if he was just going to march them back down again?

alookat101's photo
Thu 10/03/13 01:12 PM
Edited by alookat101 on Thu 10/03/13 01:13 PM

Have you ever wonder why they don't sale Fish N' Beans in the can like they do Pork N' Beans ?

Coolguyfunny's photo
Thu 10/03/13 01:32 PM
I know what a fish is and a bean is but I don't know what no fish and bean is (no)

Have you ever wanted to buy something and it was better than you imagined

no photo
Fri 10/04/13 06:32 AM
Yes... A good papaya is hard to find..

Have you ever thought about people with less than you have..?

Cutiepieforyou's photo
Fri 10/04/13 07:15 AM

Have you ever over heard something you weren't supposed to hear?

no photo
Fri 10/04/13 10:08 AM

have you ever thought someone on here was phony?

no photo
Fri 10/04/13 08:45 PM

have you ever been misled by women on here?

Wenowa's photo
Sun 10/06/13 12:40 AM
have you ever kissed a chicken

fLai's photo
Sun 10/06/13 07:24 AM
,yes before :laughing: it was my lil' bro's

,have u ever made an eye-to-eye with your pet?

Coolguyfunny's photo
Sun 10/06/13 10:36 AM
Most morning when I wake up my dog is staring me in the eyes

Have you ever said something everyone thought was funny and you didn't know why

Cutiepieforyou's photo
Sun 10/06/13 10:58 AM

Have you ever won a bowling tournament?

Coolguyfunny's photo
Sun 10/06/13 11:54 AM
Never been bowling

Have you ever fell and surprisingly didn't hurt at all

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