Milesoftheusa's photo
Wed 08/29/07 01:06 PM
This is an email i got from supposedly Paypal about my account. I gives u an email link that looks like paypal but i noticed a wierd address. I contacted Paypal security and they have verified this is a spoof email. This thing is very tricky and looks for real. If you get this email please type in paypals address and report it or call them. I would suggest you email others also. I will post the email address it takes u too to try to get your personal info. also Paypal told me any email from them will always have your 1st and last name on it..Take Care Miles.....
Also it carried the Paypal logo but for some reason will not let me copy and paste

The web site that thier legitaemate address looking actually takes u to.

The Email

"PayPal" <> Add to Address Book Add Mobile Alert
Subject: Notification from Billing Department
Date: Wed, 29 Aug 2007 13:07:48 -0400

We recently noticed one or more attempts to log in to your PayPal account from a foreign IP address.

If you recently accessed your account while traveling, the unusual log in attempts may have been initiated by you. However if you are the rightful holder of the account,click on the link below to log into the account and follow the instructions.

If you choose not to complete the request, you give us no choice but to suspend your account temporary.

It takes at least 72 hours for the investigation in this case and we strongly recommend you to verify your account at that time.

If you received this notice and you are not the authorized account holder, please be aware that it is in violation of PayPal policy to represent oneself as an other PayPal user.Such action may also be in violation of local, national, and/or international law. PayPal is committed to assist law enforcement with any inquires related attempts to missapropriate personal information with the intent to commit fraud or theft. Information will be provided at the request or law enforcement agencies to ensure that perpetrators are prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

Thanks for your patience as we work together to protect your account.

PayPal Account Review Department.


Please do not reply to this email. This mailbox is not monitored and you will not receive a response.
For assistance, log in to your PayPal account and click the Help link located in the top right corner of any PayPal page.


PayPal Email ID PP00145

MissBehaving's photo
Wed 08/29/07 01:25 PM

I received one of these a while ago



Milesoftheusa's photo
Wed 08/29/07 01:28 PM
sounds good. I would report it. Paypal i guess is still working on it. they told me they would be emailing me about it. I have yet to hear from them though. Paypal did not seem to know about this email yet... Miles

nu2topcat's photo
Wed 08/29/07 01:39 PM
i use paypal a lot and have gotten this type of email many times. but if you check it real close you will notice several errors. such as spelling, grammer and punctuation. watch em close, their sneaky

Abracadabra's photo
Wed 08/29/07 02:03 PM
This is nothing new Miles. I get these all the time.

These kinds of emails are commonplace with almost every finance-related site.

The solution is simple. NEVER use an email link to access your account. Even if you think the email is legit.

Use your normal “favorites” link to go there, or type the address in the URL window yourself.

NEVER click on a link in an email from a financial institution.

Problem solved.

I won't even open the emails unless I'm expecting a payment receipt.

If you think there might be something going on at your account just log onto it directly and take a look.

gardenforge's photo
Wed 08/29/07 02:21 PM
Damn does this mean I ain't getting that 35 million from that Son of a Prince in Nigeria either? laugh I have received the same email, also emails from banks that I don't use saying the same thing about people trying to access my account and I need to verify my account information. I mark them as spam and delete them all.

Barbiesbigsister's photo
Wed 08/29/07 03:21 PM
gee!! paypal didnt like me. OH WELL!!!! LMAO!!!!

Milesoftheusa's photo
Wed 08/29/07 04:01 PM
yea u r right. I almost got suckered into this as i had just got a funding email from paypal a few hours earlier. I clicked on the link and started to put in my info when i just happened to think something does not look right. so i brought up another window and tpped in and compared thhe 2 and saw it was different just a little bit. that is when i noticed the addressit had took me to. so i called paypal and found out it was spoof and they then asked me to email it to them. but i just wanted to warn people as i came real close to giving them my info. i would of been more careful iif it was not for the legimate email i had got a few hours earlier. but i did learn sommething from it and now i know they always include your 1st and last name as these spammers may get your email address but not your name. Blessings to ya Abra.... Miles

lulu24's photo
Thu 08/30/07 10:49 AM
if you notice, the links on the front page are usually broken, as well. it's a pretty picture...but that's about it.

happens all the time. my browser saves my log-in, and if it doesn't automatically pop up, i get suspicious.

no photo
Thu 08/30/07 01:18 PM
I get those all the time
and don't have a paypal account
strange isn't it???

Redykeulous's photo
Thu 08/30/07 02:04 PM
There are others as well. Some are pretty well thought out and even include imagery. Businesses attempting to get you to reply to any number of things, package you mailed, one you are expecting and so on. Could hit home for a lot of people. The thing is, when you look at the link it came from, you have to stop and think - how many businesses of any size would use as an email address?

There's another new one going around - the e-card scam. "Your brothe has sent you and e-card. Click here to retrieve."

Yea and then some data miner comes in with a worm in it's wake as it gathers your personal data, passes it on, and then wipes out your hard drive.

The interniet is fast becoming a new frontier frought with danger.

Be careful! Get a good virus scanner, on top of any antivirus protection you use. I use my scanne everytime I finish my on-line sessions. I also download only to files and then I scan the file before I open or execute it.