Topic: plastic surgery | |
a husband and wife that have been married for 45 years are laying in bed on their anniversary and the wife says to the husband over all these years you have made me happier than i ever thought possible. is there any thing at all i can do for you my love? he replies well you can get surgery down there to make it like when we were in our twenties again for me. so she agrees and has the surgery. when she comes out of the o.r. she finds three roses on her pillow. she asks the nurse where the flowers came from the nurse replies the first is from your husband he says thank you and he loves you and cant wait for you to get home the second is from the doctor he says congratulations everything went well and he wishes you a speedy recovery. and the third is from john in the burn ward he says thanks for the new ears
plastic surgery isnt cool specially when your 3 yrs old....
sorry betsy...are u ok?
sorry didnt mean to hurt any feelings
great joke though misery.
oh its fine i was just saying its not fun or funny lol
cool, glad u are ok