Topic: Far and Away
mig25's photo
Thu 09/12/13 02:46 AM
Far Away

There was a rush of nervous excitement
as the plane began its descent
a bit of turbulence
minor though
interrupted my thoughts
as the clouds dissipated
and life came into focus

I stared out the window
watching the hustle and bustle of the airport crew
readying the next flight out
loading luggage
until the sudden jolt of the plane touching down
I couldn�t contain the smile in my heart

The overhead voice
reminded everyone to remain seated
as well as a few other instructions like
layover information
and other stuff
to be honest though
I missed most of what was being said

The plane finally stopped taxing across the runway
and nearly everyone sprang up ready to exit
as one by one
down the narrow aisle
the plane slowly emptied

As I approached the door a member of the flight crew thanked me
I nodded
and continued up the corridor
after being far and away from home
life was starting feel a bit strange
almost new
and then the noise came in a wave
slap on the shoulder
as my name stretched across a banner
along with the words �Welcome Home�

shegoat's photo
Thu 09/12/13 05:37 AM