Topic: Karma-Real or a morality threat? | |
My belief on karma...
It's just a word, idiotic people create there own karma if that's the word you choose to describe it. Example.. a verbally abusive immature male around the age of 26 Grew up in a spoiled environment and got everything he would ask for except this boy is an ***, seeing the worst in people and often blurting out obscenities to random men and women. Living in a world of make believe this idiot rolls through life with the silver spoon tucked away in his pocket. One day he was walking down the street with a friend, much the same as him i might add.. bullying random people as they walk down the street. I was taking my mother for a walk she was in her wheelchair and has dementia. She asked this kid as we crossed paths if he was her grandson. The idiot looked at her and said... Are you serious lady? I said to the kid that she has a disease effecting her memory.. apparently wasn't a good enough explanation for him, he said to me..buddy just put her out of her misery. Now.. is karma what this idiot deserves? I broke his jaw! Stupid people say wrong things to the wrong people and bad **** happens. Bad things happen to good people, like my wonderful mother on a beautiful sunny day. Karma is just a word, it's where you go and situations you put yourself in that can get you into trouble. If you see two strange men in an ally do you keep your path and walk by them? go the other way.. Be good people and be smart.. the next time you cross the street though maybe make sure you look both ways and you'll be fine...but the idiot behind you might drop there silver spoon and would rather pick it up and get hit by a car then follow you! |
good and bad are not so clear to interpret sometimes
I think , on the outside, we find it easy to define people and things as 'good' or 'bad',, Even earlier in the thread I posted that good things happen to bad people and the reverse BUT digging deeper, I think its more true that MOST people have a combination of 'good' and 'bad' about them, and many things which on the outside appear 'good' are not and things that appear 'bad' are blessings,, I do believe that to whom much is given much is expected which stands true for UNERSTANDING as well,, I think those with an UNDERSTANDING of what is right/wrong, face stiffer consequences when they disregard that knowledge, than do those who may just have not come into that knowledge yet hence the saying : God watches over fools and children,,, I think too, that for some, death is a blessed release from their struggle in life, to go on to a better one and for others it is a consequential entry into an infinite emptiness though we usually tend to see death of the mortal body as terrible,,,, ,,,lol, sorry, just going through a spiritual metamorphosis right now,,, |
Hahahahah. You just proved Karma.
I watched Twilight. Then I was sick for 2 days afterwards. If that wasn't karma, I don't know what is. NOW, I am a believer. It takes to a real man to come back to you and apologize for things he's done to you, he may have made mistakes and he is wrong in things he's done but nobody deserves what happened to him. He did something stupid and didn't follow orders and blew up 3 innocent people.. is that so called Karma for those three people..i think not! Karma is only a word.. if he had listened he might be just fine. Not because of anything he did to others.. Pretty real way of looking at it.. Question: Has anyone taken candy from a corner store when they were a kid? |
Karma, yes it is there.
But ultimately, any karma is unwanted, good or bad. It is just a spin you can put on the ball. It helps or it doesn't but with Karma, you are still playing the game. If one wants to transcend life and death, karma , either way the English is, should be obliterated. It isn't about good or bad, reality knows neither. Karma is just how tendencies are worked out in this world. Being human means only that we can make more karma than we spend or work out, but shedding it is the target. |
I am no expert, but Karma looks like a general way of stating a cause and effect relationship.