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Topic: So it seems....
KerryO's photo
Thu 08/30/07 05:50 PM
Anoasis writes:
"Which is sad but not is it unusual? Many organized religions have a very "us" vs. "them" concept- eg. there are "chosen" people and "sinners" or "infidels".

I don't necesarily like it but I would say: religions are made and evolved by man. They are therefore subject to all the weaknesses and ignorence and hatred that is in those that made it."

Chief among said weaknesses are narcissism and xenophobia, which when mixed with compartmentalizaion of contradiction in the minds of followers by charismatic leaders, can be used to institutionalize anathemas to remedying the human condition. History is replete with such train wrecks, and yet, the collective We never seem to learn that our need to belong can be subverted into supporting the Ancient Ills.

"Jesus wept."

-Kerry O.

anoasis's photo
Thu 08/30/07 06:44 PM
Kerry O-

I agree, from all descriptions of him, it seems that the man Jesus would have wept to see how his name and image have been used so often to spread hatred.

Too bad.

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