Topic: GOP senator caught for lewd conduct in Airport bathroom | |
Ha, conservate caught in lewd homosexual offer in a bathroom!
Why can't be true to themselves?!? Idaho senator pleads guilty after airport arrest Craig was held in Minneapolis on charges of lewd conduct in men's room Sen. Larry Craig, R-Idaho, was fined $1,000, plus $575 in fees, and put on unsupervised probation for a year, a court docket shows. Updated: 7:15 p.m. ET Aug 27, 2007 MINNEAPOLIS - Sen. Larry Craig of Idaho pleaded guilty this month to misdemeanor disorderly conduct after being arrested at the Minneapolis airport. A Hennepin County court docket showed Craig pleading guilty to the disorderly conduct charge Aug. 8, with the court dismissing a charge of gross misdemeanor interference to privacy. The court docket said the Republican senator was fined $1,000, plus $575 in fees. He was put on unsupervised probation for a year. A sentence of 10 days in the county workhouse was stayed. Roll Call, a Capitol Hill newspaper, which first reported the case, said on its Web site Monday that Craig was arrested June 11 by a plainclothes officer investigating complaints of lewd conduct in a men’s restroom at the airport. Craig said in a statement issued by his office that he was not involved in any inappropriate conduct. “At the time of this incident, I complained to the police that they were misconstruing my actions,” he said. “I should have had the advice of counsel in resolving this matter. In hindsight, I should not have pled guilty. I was trying to handle this matter myself quickly and expeditiously.” Craig, 62, is married and in his third term in the Senate. He is up for re-election next year. He was a member of the House for 10 years before winning election to the Senate in 1990. Sidney Smith, a Craig aide in Boise, said Monday afternoon that the senator was “in the (Boise) area” but was declining to give interviews. Minneapolis airport police declined to provide a copy of the arrest report after business hours Monday. Foot signal for lewd conduct? Roll Call, citing the report, said Sgt. Dave Karsnia made the arrest after an encounter in which he was seated in a stall next to a stall occupied by Craig. Karsnia described Craig tapping his foot, which Karsnia said he “recognized as a signal used by persons wishing to engage in lewd conduct.” Roll Call quoted the Aug. 8 police report as saying that Craig had handed the arresting officer a business card that identified him as a member of the Senate. “What do you think about that?” Craig is alleged to have said, according to the report. Last fall, Craig called allegations from a gay-rights activist that he’s had homosexual relationships “completely ridiculous.” Mike Rogers, who bills himself as a gay activist blogger, published the allegations on his Web site,, in October 2006. |
"Ha, conservate caught in lewd homosexual offer in a bathroom!
Why can't be true to themselves?!? " A homosexual man who is in the closet? I say we tar and feather him, then run him out of town on a rail. No wait! Let's tie him to a fireant hill and cover him in honey and video tape him being eatten alive. That will teach him for being in the closet. Oh wait, I thought he was just in the closet, but that dirty SOB was taping his foot while "dropin' the kids off at the pool"? TAPING HIS FOOT PEOPLE! Death is too good for him, let's cut off his arms and legs and put him in a zoo somewhere and let people throw rotting fruit at him for a nickle a toss. |
why are so many politicians that are against gay rights always being found in homosexual situations? how ****in repressed are they? i wonder if they are thinkin bout **** while voting against the rights of their people.
Dude he admitted it in court and received probation for it, he's in the closet for sure. It just time for all these hipocrits to come clean and get off the the so-call morality taboo that homosexuality is some sort of vice. Consevatives politicans only pander religious right for votes not nessarily because they actually believe in those morals. Remember in 2004 there was Republican congressman caught in an affair with a page staff member. Even members of religious figures are hipocrits. Remember the preacher who said he was against homosexuals but had addicition to drugs and a homosexual lover. It turn off voters in the last election.
They should just admitt their faults, worry about how their actions affected their families and redeem themselves instead of lying and preaching morals that they don't uphold. |
that was all i was getting at. i completely agree with you.
WOW..learn something new everyday...All I got to say is..If I am in the John listening to my IPOD...I better keep my feet still
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Here's the new clip of the story! Click and paste link below. |
Hmm... link didn't work. Just go to msnbc and read the article you might be able to see the clip.
In this society, the majority of people who vote, seem to require some predetermined set of standards be met, in order that one can achieve the goal of being voted into office.
Many of these standards include such things as: Must be a family oriented person To the majority that seems to mean, must be married in accordance with the upheld version of marriage laws,and have a 'natural' family. Must have a demonstrated sense of religious values Catholic was always a good one. Must not have divorces in past, too young or too old a spouse and must have perfect children, because of course, they have perfect parents. Must have an education equivalent work experience Coming from a very wealthy family, in which a strong sence of business matters sounds like a good thing. Or, of course, some hero status in service to this country will also do well. Both would be a shoe in! Must not have any possible misdemeanors in their background like getting caught with a joint 25 years ago in a college dorm. Or a speeding ticket after the age of 21. Must have a terrific credit history,no bankrupcy's or chapter repayment schedules, never used unemployment benefits or assistance of any kind, and any school loans were promtly paid when due, as if this person needed a loan. Must not have extended family members with any conflicting background, to all the above statements. Must not have any disease that could be viewed as a weakness to the position or any health issue that could possible cause embarrassment in a public situation. AM I WRONG? Is this not what people expect? Having grown up in an era of defiance I can tell you one thing. Those who know the system, from the inside, know how to get around it. My highschool graduating class - class of '73, was the largest graduating class that school had ever had. There were about 1300 or so. We were defiant, and our parents were clueless. My class had nearly as many theives, alcohal and drug abusers, cheaters and lawless wonders, as there were students. Amazingly, 10 years after graduation, the recored indicated, by per centage, the largest number of law enforcement agents, and pastors ever to come out of a singe graduating class. I knew many of those who chose to work in law enforcement and it always surprised me, who they were. What they always said at my surprise was the same thing - when you know the system from inside, it's the best training in the world. Why do we expect so much our elected officials? Why do we believe they are what they appear to be? Why are we so outraged when we find fault in their past? And why are we so surpried when we find they are not living up to all the standards we have set for them? As a people we really need to see the light. If we accepted the normal behavior of a person, if we could be shown a mistake or an error in judgement and that the person was able to get past it and grow and learn and be open and honest about all the flaws in their life, wouldn't that be a much better way to know who we are really voting for? |
So we had a President Commit Lewd Acts in the Oval Office (Clinton)
well lets see...the guy who is sheriff now in my home
town is the same guy that sold me LSD in high school..... |
"well lets see...the guy who is sheriff now in my home
town is the same guy that sold me LSD in high school..... " That was a long time ago, right? I mean you have a grey beard now and all. So what does the fact that he broke the law many years ago have to do with his current position? Or were you just making chit chat? |
So its ok to criticize someone for being gay suddenly? I thought people were beyond that, particularly democrats.
You seem to think that because someone has conservative values and votes for republican issues they can not be gay? Are you nuts? If it was a Democrat caught in a theater whacking off or whatever would you be posting this article? I think not, otherwise your first two words would not have been "Ha, conservative" I should have started this response 'Ha, hypocrite' because you think a republican can not step outside the republican comfort zone, but as a democrat you have no qualms about your intolerance of others. The fundamental democrat argument against republicans is that they intrude on the private lives of others with their intolerance. Get a life and put on a shirt for Christ's sake. |
Fitness Fanatic left one thing out of an otherwise excellent report:
According to news reports, the signal for "funny business" in these resroom get togethers is not only "toe-tapping" itself, but stretching your foot towards the next stall and tapping your foot on your intended partner's foot. Unfortunately, Sen. Craig performed his "mating call" on the foot of an undercover police officer who was investigating lewd activity in that area. Oh, and before any smartass asks, "gee, Knox, how'd you know about the signal stuff", re-read earlier, where I clearly stated, "According to news reports". |
Scandal has been the companion of politicians and leaders since the beginning of time. Any position of power lends itself to corruption and excess but as the means of mass communication progressed, it became harder to hide it. Ben Franklin had ladies all over Paris, Thomas Jefferson fathered children with one of his slaves, years ago there was a scandal in DC because a prominent senator was arrested dancing in a fountain with a stripper, the Mafia had a picture of J. Edger in a red dress, a congressman hit on some of the pages, Bill Clinton did or didn't have whatever in the Oval Office, a State Senator here in SD is chaged with sexual misconduct with some of the pages here and now this guy is foot tapping in an airport restroom.
We hold politicians to a higher moral standard than the general public for some reason or other. They no they cannot get elected by running on the premis that they are scum sucking pigs, they must take and hold the moral high ground to be elected and they hope they can keep their private life private. They forget that if you are a public figure you have no private life. Remember this guy is from Idaho, playground of the Arian Brotherhood amoung others. He may have been a closet gay, but if he came out of the closet he wouldn't have a snowballs chance in hell of getting elected. However, he should have known that it is ok to be incredibly stupid as long as you are the only one who knows, but if you start playing footsie in public restrooms it won't be long before everybody knows. We should not be apalled that a scum bag bubbles to the surface once in a while, we should be thankful there aren't more of them. I do think that once their excess become public knowledge that they should be required to resign immediately and that the governor of their state should be required to appoint their replacement from the same political party. Remember that this sort of behavior will only go on as long as we the people are willing to allow it. If we demand that they clean up their act and enforce our demands with our votes it will happen, but wait, half of this country don't vote! Most of the half that does vote don't give a big rats patoot about the morals of the person they are voting for, they are more concerned with what the politician promised to give them when they get into office. If we want to see the source of our problem and the solution to it, we need only look in a mirror. I submit that we should add to the list of Oxymorons the term "Senate Ethics Committee" and "House Ethics Committee" ![]() |
spider...I didnt say I wouldnt vote for the sheriff..just an example of mild hippocracy since
part of his paltform was getting tough on drugs... Is There a Republican Senator Who's NOT Having Bathroom Sex? Yes, it's former NYC mayor Rody Giuliani in drag having his "breasts" shamelessly violated by "Apprentice" tycoon Donald Trump...visions of Nazis & cabaret...... or this Guckert made more than 200 appearances at the White House during his two-year tenure with the fledging conservative websites GOPUSA and Talon News, attending 155 of 196 White House press briefings. He had little to no previous journalism experience, previously worked as a male escort, and was refused a congressional press pass. Perhaps more notable than the frequency of his attendance, however, is several distinct anomalies about his visits. Guckert made more than two dozen excursions to the White House when there were no scheduled briefings. On many of these days, the Press Office held press gaggles aboard Air Force One—which raises questions about what Guckert was doing at the White House. On other days, the president held photo opportunities. On at least fourteen occasions, Secret Service records show either the entry or exit time missing. Generally, the existing entry or exit times correlate with press conferences; on most of these days, the records show that Guckert checked in but was never processed out. In March, 2003, Guckert left the White House twice on days he had never checked in with the Secret Service. Over the next 22 months, Guckert failed to check out with the Service on fourteen days. On several of these visits, Guckert either entered or exited by a different entry/exit point than his usual one. On one of these days, no briefing was held; on another, he checked in twice but failed to check out. maybe there is a connection between ultraconservatism & sexual deviancy.... bush & blair ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
those involved usually are some of the biggest protesters
of the actions |
"spider...I didnt say I wouldnt vote for the sheriff..just an example of mild hippocracy since
part of his paltform was getting tough on drugs... " It would be hypocracy to sell drugs and oppose the sale of drugs. If he sold drugs as a youth and later matured out of that phase, that simply shows growth of character. |
To any Senator contemplating bathroom sex
I have just one item of advice: Get a room! You're a Senator! You can afford it! ![]() |
it should cost him his job