Topic: Michael Vick,s Redemption | |
Oldsage, I agree and I think him using God is a copout.
maybe I should have put this thread in religion.
judge ye not! |
Redmond, sorry but I just don't think your going to find much sympathy for Mr. Vick.
He needs to show massive remorse before he'll get sympathy. |
How would you propose he do that?
Perhaps he should get in a ring and have to fight to the death like his dogs, at least then he'd know really know what it's like and can really be sorry for what he's done. I just don't believe he's sorry. Just my opinion. And, if he didn't want to be judged, he should never have put himself in this position. It's greed, arrogance and basic stupidity that has put him there.
dog fights, chicken fights, bull fights, clubbing harp seals, it is all disgusting. i dont care if your rich or poor. the man had it made and blew it. if he loses every penny he has and loses all future money maybe the world will wake up and put a stop to this senceless slaughter of gods creatures.
I agree with most of the posters here. The only thing he's sorry about is the fact he was caught. Most people do "find God" right before judgement is passed down. Sorry, Vick, I ain't buying it. And I don't think God's buying it, either. You're up the creek now. Hopefully soon you'll be up the river.
ya knox, ask all the dudes on death row, and they all found god, not while commiting the crime, but while in the can
Hey, topcat, notice I put "find God" in quotations in my last post? In other words I believe them about as much as I do Vick--which is not at all!
Oh he was sincere all right. He was sincerely sorry that he got NAILED. If you noticed in his speech he said that he would work for redemption...because he had to. I guess the Vick supporters just let that one slide by. Vick is only doing this redemption thing for his own gain. Watch the video again. You will see what I mean. The only redemption should be his proper punishment and the rest of the guys thrown in jail with him!!
I hope they get the 100 million from him that they are now pursueing so that it hits these guys were it hurts the most. That being the pocket and the FREEDOM to walk among the law abiding citizens. Vick is a Pit-Bull that needs to be CAGED!!! |
maybe he said he had to redeem himself because he truly sees the impact of what he did......and don't say yeah, the impact to his wallet. lol
let him "do his time" and pay his fine...then I will consider his seriousness about "repenting".
exactly, not till after he's done his time.
King you already know the right answer to your own statement. I rest my case!! Where have his parents been during all of these years?? Betting on the dogs?? Why was he allowed to do this first in his own back yard where he grew up??? I blame the parents FIRST and then blame him personally when he became old enough to think for himself. He needed a father that would knock the crap out of him when he did that kind of stuff and then he would have gotten some VALUES instilled into his head about what is right and wrong!!
Give the kid a break. He,s suffered enough.
he was a rookie when this was taking place so he was already an adult. granted they should have told him that they didn't want it at their house but he was an adult. not much else the parents could have done. time will tell if he's sincere or not.
NO..He has not suffered enough yet. I want to see him punished!!
He has not been sentenced yet and I will never forgive him for what he has done. The man has a great set of legs but has had NO guidance in his life. What gets me is how he came down on his little brother for spiking that guys arm while he himself was fighting dogs to the death. He chastised Marcus for messing up the"family name". That is proof that Mike thought that he was "bullet proof". They just had on the local news that all the dogs may have to be killed because of the way they have been brought up!! They are born and bread to kill. So Redmond...just curious..why are you supporting this guy so much?? Is this how you were brought up? Do you agree that dog fighting is ok?? Would your father have said it was OK to fight dogs? Or is it because you are of the same race? Just curious!! |
he'll be punished man, just an issue now of how much and it doesn't sound like the judge cares if he's famous.
Yea right...If I had done that on my fathers property...I would have been kicked out of the family right then and there. The parents never instilled the proper values into him or Marcus or they would not act like they have.
As far as judging someone..We don't have to JUDGE him. He has CONFESSED to doing it. I just want to see him get his due punishment which will probably be too soft. Do something like this in other countries and they would put you out in the middle of the stadium and chop off your damn head!! |
I formally announce that the once proclaimed skirt wearing event
is hereby cancelled. I cannot with good conscience continue this childish behavior. Guys please return your skirts to the 99 cents store for a full refund. |