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Topic: First date....
jbeall0501's photo
Sun 08/26/07 07:04 PM
So I had my first date in over 2 years tonight, and I must say, though he was really nice, there was no chemistry what so ever! And so now I feel bad because he wants to take me out again and I just don't think that I want to go. HELP!!

Desertfox1962's photo
Sun 08/26/07 07:05 PM
Its always best to best honest and straight with him. He hasnt invested alot of time so he should go quietly into the night.

cajunwhitetiger's photo
Sun 08/26/07 07:06 PM
be honest. and tell him now dont wait before it gets to late

lonely076's photo
Sun 08/26/07 07:07 PM
answer this question
would it be easier to tell him you don't want to go out after 1 date or after you had 2 or 3 dates?

blonderockermom's photo
Sun 08/26/07 07:08 PM
Yes jb they are right. dont wait till it gets out of hand..believe me , i know:smile:

Johncenawlife316's photo
Sun 08/26/07 07:08 PM
Just what Desertfox said, it's best to be honest and tell him the truth so no real feelings are hurt in the very end of it all.

Besides why be dishonest and not be very happy in the end of it all.

That and have him spend more money on you when you good and will know it will never work out between you guys.

daleray1606's photo
Sun 08/26/07 07:08 PM

It would appear that we are in Accord..

Jbeal.. tell him now....

ZION's photo
Sun 08/26/07 07:09 PM
Well you said the word chemistry and if there no chemistry there is nothing i think you have to be straight up with him and let him know about it

DennisLee24's photo
Sun 08/26/07 07:09 PM
if its a coworker or someone you gotta see all the time.. Be nice!

jbeall0501's photo
Sun 08/26/07 07:12 PM
So do you think the whole " I want to just be friends" is going to upset him?? I think he would be a really good friend I just don't see us being together.... and I won't use him to buy me dinner, just so everyone knows! lol

jbeall0501's photo
Sun 08/26/07 07:12 PM
And I met him on this site.... not a co-worker or anything.

daleray1606's photo
Sun 08/26/07 07:14 PM

I think that the Honesty part is very good... Just let him know how you feel and the no chemistry part...

Smiles2b4U's photo
Sun 08/26/07 07:14 PM
That's why it's called "dating". If you have no chemistry, politely tell him thank you for the eveing and that you do not want to hurt his feelings but honesty is best and he is just not what your looking for. Men and women respect truth and being real better than the "I'll call you" lines....Better luck next time.

jbeall0501's photo
Sun 08/26/07 07:16 PM
Thanks for everyones help.... I hope he handles it okay.

cvaughn34's photo
Sun 08/26/07 07:25 PM
The best thing to do is just be honest. I mean, it may hurt his feelings a little, but honesty is the best option.

Smiles2b4U's photo
Sun 08/26/07 07:25 PM
jb, if he is half as honest as you, you made a great friend. You can never have too many friends. If not...move on it is his personal problem, you did the right thing

jbeall0501's photo
Sun 08/26/07 07:29 PM
I hope so..... thank you everyone! Y'all helped out alot!

daleray1606's photo
Sun 08/26/07 07:31 PM

That's what friends are for Jbeal

hotandspicey's photo
Sun 08/26/07 07:35 PM
I think the chemistry thing is highly overated, I don't know why everyone expects to feel something right away! that is not love, that is lust those little phenomes going into overdrive

Nervesgone's photo
Sun 08/26/07 08:07 PM
Honesty is the best policy.:wink:

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