Topic: FACTs on APPLE and such
letssayhiandon's photo
Sat 08/24/13 07:33 AM
Edited by letssayhiandon on Sat 08/24/13 07:38 AM
Apple people are going to hate this tough.Its for people to know the facts so they dont buy into the lies.

1. The Mac has always been a pc nothing ever special about it at all. Used the exact same software and hardware .
We are talking Ibm compatible not in terms of the definition of personal computer ... a c64 is a pc.
2. The cost:

You can spend $1500 on a Mac and get a dual core I7 With Closed source Linux on it -that is macosx. They registered the Unix compatibility layer with Unix Consortium. Same Layer that open source Linux Distros have.

Wait you say thats great.. hold on there.. Dual core arent made any more. They make duos ... Duos are second and third Generation.
You say well thats a dual core..."nope its not".. They are called Duos 2nd and Duos 3rd Gen . Pc people dont buy into lies.Intel knows they can get away with the gullibility of apple people so they sell them underpowered chips at I7 extreme more then 8 core pricing ..thats right.
I can get a 4 core I5 thin notebook called the ultraboook for $750-900
more ram 8gigs 2 hard drives a ssd and a normal 500 gig or 1 tb . Better video card. So yes more power and faster.Yeah this is at the offical mac site . prove that to the mac people in this forum and at the stores oh so fun telling the truth.

3. The IPAD

Those things are made by ASUS They made an agreement for them not to come out with ASUS pad for 2 years. Funny how the ASUS pad looked just like the IPad , and you know how apple sues.
The phones used 2 gen Samsung cpus while the rest use of the normal society droid use 12thand 14th and up gen cpus. Heck look it up.
So no apple couldn't sue Samsung. The A5 cpu is a Accorn cpu made in 1992 nothing to do with apple at all. Just like the ppc apple didnt make or design the ppc.

The rounded icons /glass ..Dang thats an Amiga thing . In fact Amiga is still the only truly 32bit/64bit real-time multitasking multimedia True Unix system around. With Gui from ground up. No dos shell like windows and mac.or 8bit .. like windows and mac.

oh im going to build a computer in my garage stick a apple logo on it sell it to you for 5gs .it cost me 800 to build.Difference is it will be more powerful and wont crash.It will have open source linux not closed source linux. jk ,but that is what was done in Calf .. remember the Apple clones although they sold them for much cheaper then apple.IT showed the world that apple was and is just a x86 normal pc. Thats why they where sued.