Topic: how many of us still believe in true love does really exist
redzy's photo
Sat 08/03/13 05:07 PM

GOD is true LOVE. winking

Ive doubted and ask the same questions. I'm not a preacher but I will say to open your heart and mind and soul. Its not enough to be a good person all your life. You have to know and love GOD do his will. Then your doubts will be answered and burdens will be lifted and you will know TRUE LOVE. Your choice but give him a chance before you decide.: :heart:

i agree:smile: :smile:

EdwardCB's photo
Sat 08/03/13 05:10 PM

My parents made me. Either from sex or medical assistance. Im not sure. Ive never seen them. I know they exist thru word of mouth. Letters from them. There is bad in the world. I've experienced bad things. Still my parents exist. Your such a good heart EdwardCB..

Awwwwwww stop, stop, don't stop.

EdwardCB's photo
Sat 08/03/13 05:20 PM

God made you who you are. He can't help those who can't help themselves. The pain is from sin. If we didn't sin there would be no pain. If you think you are the victim you will never find true happiness. Take it from a huge sinner and someone who is paying dearly for them. But I know he guides me. It's up to me to make the right deccisions.

And I don't play the victim, never have, never will. But I have been through some very tough times and have more than likely sinned a hell of alot more than you but god didn't get me through it, my daughter did. There was no special light, no guidance, no nothing from anyone or anything. I sat down, I looked at my situation, I realised my daughter would have nothing without me as she doesn't even have her own mother in her life and I changed myself, I stepped up and now I am happy.

redzy's photo
Sat 08/03/13 05:36 PM

My parents made me. Either from sex or medical assistance. Im not sure. Ive never seen them. I know they exist thru word of mouth. Letters frvom them. There is bad in the world. I've experienced bad things. Still my parents exist. Your such a good heart EdwardCB..

hahahahha! funny

redzy's photo
Sat 08/03/13 05:41 PM

God made you who you are. He can't help those who can't help themselves. The pain is from sin. If we didn't sin there would be no pain. If you think you are the victim you will never find true happiness. Take it from a huge sinner and someone who is paying dearly for them. But I know he guides me. It's up to me to make the right deccisions.

And I don't play the victim, never have, never will. But I have been through some very tough times and have more than likely sinned a hell of alot more than you but god didn't get me through it, my daughter did. There was no special light, no guidance, no nothing from anyone or anything. I sat down, I looked at my situation, I realised my daughter would have nothing without me as she doesn't even have her own mother in her life and I changed myself, I stepped up and now I am happy.

edward you are still young meaning you have more time to find your happiness happy
why dont you try to see the good things that happened to your life ..all the positive and ask how it was happened?

redzy's photo
Sat 08/03/13 05:41 PM

God made you who you are. He can't help those who can't help themselves. The pain is from sin. If we didn't sin there would be no pain. If you think you are the victim you will never find true happiness. Take it from a huge sinner and someone who is paying dearly for them. But I know he guides me. It's up to me to make the right deccisions.

And I don't play the victim, never have, never will. But I have been through some very tough times and have more than likely sinned a hell of alot more than you but god didn't get me through it, my daughter did. There was no special light, no guidance, no nothing from anyone or anything. I sat down, I looked at my situation, I realised my daughter would have nothing without me as she doesn't even have her own mother in her life and I changed myself, I stepped up and now I am happy.

edward you are still young meaning you have more time to find your happiness happy
why dont you try to see the good things that happened to your life ..all the positive and ask how it was happened?

EdwardCB's photo
Sat 08/03/13 05:45 PM

God made you who you are. He can't help those who can't help themselves. The pain is from sin. If we didn't sin there would be no pain. If you think you are the victim you will never find true happiness. Take it from a huge sinner and someone who is paying dearly for them. But I know he guides me. It's up to me to make the right deccisions.

And I don't play the victim, never have, never will. But I have been through some very tough times and have more than likely sinned a hell of alot more than you but god didn't get me through it, my daughter did. There was no special light, no guidance, no nothing from anyone or anything. I sat down, I looked at my situation, I realised my daughter would have nothing without me as she doesn't even have her own mother in her life and I changed myself, I stepped up and now I am happy.

edward you are still young meaning you have more time to find your happiness happy
why dont you try to see the good things that happened to your life ..all the positive and ask how it was happened?

Haha yep still young and foolish.
I do see the positive now, that's why I'm happy and have learnt what not to do again and what I want from a woman. Maybe in time my view on religion will change.

no photo
Sat 08/03/13 07:12 PM

My parents made me. Either from sex or medical assistance. Im not sure. Ive never seen them. I know they exist thru word of mouth. Letters frvom them. There is bad in the world. I've experienced bad things. Still my parents exist. Your such a good heart EdwardCB..

hahahahha! funny

no photo
Sat 08/03/13 07:16 PM
Wasn't really trying to be funny. Just trying to respectfully show another perspective. flowerforyou

EdwardCB's photo
Sat 08/03/13 08:11 PM

Wasn't really trying to be funny. Just trying to respectfully show another perspective. flowerforyou

Awwww u rock

ZPicante's photo
Sat 08/03/13 08:28 PM
Edited by ZPicante on Sat 08/03/13 08:35 PM
But isn't he meant to be the creator of all? Why create things that feel hate? If he guides us through pain, wouldn't he be able to guide us not to feel hate or hurt each other?
Men were not created to hate; they were created in God's image, created to love.

Men, however, were also given a thing called "free will." The power of choice, the ability to choose right or wrong, to obey or disobey God. Without free will, men would be a group of mindless automatons. God wished for men to choose to love him by their own free choice. That's true love: A willful, conscious choice. True love takes effort, a lot of effort. One could say love is effort.

Love is well described this way:

If I speak in the tongues of men or of angels, but do not have love, I am only a resounding gong or a clanging cymbal. If I have the gift of prophecy and can fathom all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have a faith that can move mountains, but do not have love, I am nothing. If I give all I possess to the poor and give over my body to hardship that I may boast, but do not have love, I gain nothing.

Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.

Love never fails. But where there are prophecies, they will cease; where there are tongues, they will be stilled; where there is knowledge, it will pass away. For we know in part and we prophesy in part, but when completeness comes, what is in part disappears. When I was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I put the ways of childhood behind me. For now we see only a reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known.

And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.

(1 Corinthians 13:1-13)

no photo
Sun 08/04/13 06:21 AM
We all believe in something. Trust me. I struggle with the whole god-science thing. Bottom line true love does exist and we all need to follow our own path. I'm glad you found your happiness Edward. I still seek mine. I do find joy through my kids but the emtiness of companionship remains.

EdwardCB's photo
Sun 08/04/13 06:40 AM

We all believe in something. Trust me. I struggle with the whole god-science thing. Bottom line true love does exist and we all need to follow our own path. I'm glad you found your happiness Edward. I still seek mine. I do find joy through my kids but the emtiness of companionship remains.

Same here bri
Only happiness I have is through my kids, with no companionship yet.

nixon0030's photo
Sun 08/04/13 10:05 AM
I don't believe in love

Jtevans's photo
Sun 08/04/13 10:49 AM
i don't believe in true love.i believe in chloroform and duct tape

that's how you keep someone around smokin

no photo
Sun 08/04/13 11:06 AM

i don't believe in true love.i believe in chloroform and duct tape

that's how you keep someone around smokin

Add some 5inch nails to that!

no photo
Sun 08/04/13 11:07 AM
Edited by CremeBrulee on Sun 08/04/13 11:12 AM

redzy's photo
Mon 02/24/14 12:53 PM

GOD is true LOVE. winking

Ive doubted and ask the same questions. I'm not a preacher but I will say to open your heart and mind and soul. Its not oenough to be a good person all your life. You have to know and love GOD do his will. Then your doubts will be answered and burdens will be lifted and you will know TRUE LOVE. Your choice but give him a chance before you decide.: :heart:

indeed!:smile: flowerforyou :smile:

redzy's photo
Tue 06/03/14 03:04 PM

GOD is true LOVE. winking

Ive doubted and ask the same questions. I'm not a preacher but I will say to open your heart and mind and soul. Its not enough to be a good person all your life. You have to know and love GOD do his will. Then your doubts will be answered and burdens will be lifted and you will know TRUE LOVE. Your choice but give him a chance before you decide.: :heart:

Indeed!:wink: flowerforyou

no photo
Tue 06/03/14 03:18 PM
How did a topic about true love turn into a religious thread.
He sure works in strange ways.